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Posts posted by -BM-XTReme

  1. Conclave Değişikleri:


    • Intensify Affector , Potency olarak yeniden adlandırıldı.
    • Atlatılan hasarların, hasar azaltımı PVP de kaldırıldı.


    • Synthesis scanner'ın hedef izleme görsel efektlerinde iyileştirmeler yapıldı.


    • Kurucu oyuncuların Chroma karakterini kullanırken , yanlış enerji rengini kullanması düzeltildi.
    • Atölyede veya oyun içinde , Chroma karakterinin enerji rengine göre özelliğin yanlış gösterilmesi düzeltildi.
    • Chroma karakterinin elementsel özelliğinin renk seçiminden bağımsız olarak ateş elementinde kalması düzeltildi.
    • Nekros karakterinin , Terrify yeteneğinin düşmanlar üzerinde etki etmemesi düzeltildi.
    • Banshee karakterinin Sonar yeteneğinin Resonance ile takılı kalması ve aynı noktayı herhangi bir tekrarlama olmadan , aynı noktada kalması düzeltildi.
    • Banshee karakterinin Sonar yeteneğinin görsel efektleri , zayıf noktaların çok parlak olması nedeniyle düzeltildi.
    • Simaris Standing Ödüllerinin , günlük limite bağlı olarak gösterimi düzeltildi.
    • Codex de Feral Kubrow düşmanının Dünya gezegeninde gözükmemesi düzeltildi.
    • Oyuncuların , Loki karakterinin Switch Teleport yeteneğiyle yer değişimi sonrası sendelemesi düzeltildi.
    • Silva and Aegis silahının , Final Harbenger stance moduyla kullanımında kayarak kullanılamaması düzeltildi.
    • Parkour modlarının açıklamalarındaki hatalar düzeltildi.
    • Ninkondi silahının kullanımında , kayarak atak yapılamaması düzeltildi.
    • Mk-1 Kunai silahının , markette platinium alımı göstermesi düzeltildi.
  2. Hehe, yeah, what do you mean? I want to hear details, because these concepts are meant to be inspiration fuel for the Devs, they can do with it what they will. If something seems 'not warframe', I want to hear about it in detail so we can tweak it to be 'totally warframe' so the Devs can look at it and go "Cool, I think I can make that our thing..." ;)


    What do you mean 'not warframe' ?

    i felt like 1~2 concepts not fitting so much to warframe imo , i may be thinking a bit traditional though
  3. Dear Friendly Tenno;


      In a evening we were discussing in our TS server we came up with an idea to change the alert system and giving a shot at corpus raiding.We base our ideas some movies,games etc.


    Trading In the Solar System


       Well we know corpus is the trader race and trading through solar system but how can they do that ?? I believe simple answer is with trade fleets with some backup.


       The question is if you have a ship carrying valuable things through solar system and if you have a race called ' Tenno' raiding your ships what would you do ? Well simple answer is denying their coming on board.


    1st Step of the mission


    Disabling Enemy ship defences that trying to deny your existence on the ship. (Archwing Step)


    Getting On board


    Before you reaching to door,you need to kill the turrets or stay out of the ships radars (1st option go with a bang and 2nd option is a bit stealth ) After disabling the radar and sneaking in OR destroying the anti ship turrets and stuff..Congratulations...You have earned a trip to a ship full of friendly corpus units ! ^^  



    These ships must have some kinda doors, arent they ? So a bit brutal force you place a bomb and blow one of the gates.Suprise u have been welcomed with some Units and Turrets.Have fun and say hey from me ^^




    2nd Step ' The Real Raiding ' 


     Now as we came with some effort we should be prized right ? But aint that corpus has a mechanisim to kill the ship.I mean they have robots and they value coin right ? Are they that friendly to leave the ship with the valuable stuff to your control that easily...I believe it would be NO! They should have a self destruct mechanisim that could prevent those raiders to get the valuable stuff and leave.


     And hell no we cant use ' life saving,time modules there ' The ships should have a self destruct mechanisim,A timed Bomb. That timer can be extended or can be shortened by the stealth success you can show but its a really different idea and i dont how you can be stealthy while blowing a trade ship's gate in the empty space.


    And as we passed our that complex problem to you audience,In that time you can raid the ship! But you should really raid,not invade and left it to the ghosts there.You have some shipments areas,vaults can be opened with a mechasim like spy missions or different mechanisim to open.You know what to get? Definetly thats a big no but come on Trust the old friend RNG a bit ^^


    3rd Step ' Are you spending your holiday in a raided corpus ship ? ' 


    Hell no! the 3rd step is getting away.As we speak you have attacked a trade ship,blow a gate of its,destroyed some defences and killed some kickass robots.They were really high tech and expensive! damn...Whatever at least we are not paying for these are we ? :) Now as you did whole those actions that should be consequences ! You got a timer to blow the ship off,as corpus i believe not that nice to leave you with those 'Valuable stuff' and they want to make sure you are hanging dead in the space ! They throw what they got at you and try to keep you in the ship while it has a timer showing the blast time.They are overloading their powercells or something like that.



    You need to get off,kill the space units that chasing you and get back to your lisets that are waiting for you in a range that can make sense.





    Actually these are exist in the game in different game modes and this is our idea to implement it in a 1 way game type.


    But actually i think there should be a alert system change.


    For example you got a corpus trade fleet ' ON YOUR STAR CHART' you know the thing you are monitoring the solar system.That thing should have something like radar that can show enemy ships.That thing showing some fleets like a Corpus fleet is travelling from Saturn to direction of Mercury.But u have no idea those ships gonna land you can only monitor the current situation.


    You have a corpus trade fleet or a grineer galeon carrying valuable thingies or some armies for a attack somewhere.You have limited info about them for example It is a trade fleet,military fleet,tech fleet,VIP fleet.


    There should be some small hubs that can be infiltrated stealthly to get the info about the ships but these stuff should be a small station hanging in the space on some special locations like pit stops for the ships.Like the relays we got.


    If you can infiltrade,you can grab some more info.And also that fleet should have like 12-15 ships.and some weight options.Heavier the ship,Heavier the defences.(Military Ships should be put out of these order as they should ahve the most).


    The Prizes Should be a little bit randomized as you can get the info that fleet is a trade fleet and carrying tech modules or resources yet you cant say you gonna get 300 oxium.


    Any ideas for these will be welcomed but as i should remind its not serious,i just want some opinions on it.



    BM XTR

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