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Posts posted by TheRojaK

  1. DE please blin can you do like a save point for each rotation? Like if there's a host migration or connection problems in rotation B, I will still retain my rotation A rewards even after I disconnected from the squad like in Onslaught. Do it for other endless missions as well. Getting sick of it

  2. fLEWist.jpg

    As she stumbled upon another Crewman body, she knew something was not right. As if an almighty being, more powerful than her was taunting her to a challenge; a duel. She bend onto her knees, using every clues that she could possibly find to locate her rival . . .

    Only to find another dead end in the dark hallway.

  3. DE for the sake of blyat please fix the spawnrate of the sabotage supply line stage, especially if the stage is located in "The Ribs". I'm having trouble finding enemies that drops supply beacon when doing it solo. The camp is goddamn large and it was freaking empty (what the blin?) Please, onegai... Fix it


    Spend an hour doing the 4k standing bounty like 3 times.

    1st time: Host migration during extraction and lost all the freakin rewards

    2nd time: Mission bug. The mission wont end.

    Please DE I'm hauling my ass to get to the next title

    Edit: Okay the 3rd time maybe because I reached daily standing limit. But the host migration really pissed me off

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