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Posts posted by MgnfcntBstrd

  1. They arent invisible, actually.  They are dead, but it just despawns their model and  hitboxes, leaving immortal unseeable enemies who can cap your towers.  This makes archwing interceptions all but unplayable.  THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED NOW, SCREW THE IMMORTAL SKIN DROPS.  FIX THE BUGS BEFORE THE EXPLOITS, DE.


    Trust us, man.  It's a host/client issue with real, live enemies that are out of sync.  The host can see these mobs just fine.  Clients might see the shield bubble around them, or see missiles appearing all along a track with no mob.  When the point says conflict but you don't see any mobs, it's because the host isn't near you.  But when the host rolls up to the checkpoint, he'll see and be able to engage all of the mobs.  This is why there are no invisible enemies in solo missions.

  2. I think the largest problem with this mission is the snowball that happens when you can't kill them as fast as they spawn.  And because they are worlds above in difficulty in relation to the other Archwing missions, it's hard to kill them as fast as they spawn.  It's normal to hit this wall on higher end missions after a few levels, but this one starts off right at the beginning.  


    You get four or five of those tractor beams on you and your speed tank is gone.  Even if you're meleeporting from one mob to the next, their attacks still find you.  When the snowball builds up to thirty or more mobs, you just die.


    My melee is maxed, tatered and modded, and I'm coming in with a maxed underlying frame, but it just doesn't matter.  1500 damage can be done to you in a second or two.  The AI logic is also much higher, they cap all the points at the same time, unlike in the Earth interception, where they basically swarm only one spot at a time.

  3. Getting stuck in the three-pipe with outer shell piece is worse than before, as it now rubber-bands you back inside even if you manage to escape a bit.  If you'd like, I can show you where the bad structure hurt me.


    Client synchronization issues still abound, making the host solely responsible for clearing "phantom" enemies from around the waypoints, because the clients can't see the enemy causing the conflict.


    In elimination missions, the waypoint points a straight path to the end of the map, even if the map is curved.  This can result in leaving the "tunnel" of structures where enemy pockets should be, and then rejoining them and having the map compensate by dumping every enemy you missed until that point right on top of you.

  4. You either didn't read the whole discussion, or evidently don't grasp the difference between chambering a round, and reloading. Visual aid:




    Mosin-Nagant, bolt-action rifle - The bolt's not hard to see. The internal magazine the clip loads into is located in front of the trigger. I could've used something like an M1 Garand, but I chose to use the Mosin as an example since it's over a century old.


    Assuming it's loaded, firing is just a matter of working the bolt and pulling the trigger which you can do until the magazine's empty, after which you load a new clip. it does not require switching clips to fire each round - that's what I was arguing against.


    I'm afraid I don't understand what an M1 Garand has to do with a discussion about bolt-action rifles.  While it has a bolt, it is not "bolt-action."  The only time you'd have to work the action between rounds is if you were firing blanks at a military funeral, or something similar.


    I think you must have skimmed what he was talking about.  A single-shot bolt-action rifle doesn't have a magazine, you load a single round, close the bolt, fire, open the bolt and repeat.






    A visual aid:



  5. I have a bolto and AKLato.  I purchased a new Lato and a Bolto blueprint.  I have at least one weapon slot free.


    In the Foundry after the update, I cannot click on the Lato's name, picture or anywhere near its requirement under the Bolto blueprint; and cannot therefore assign the newly purchased Lato as an ingredient for the new Bolto.  


    I leveled the Lato up one level just in case, but this does not resolve the issue.


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