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Posts posted by Auranim

  1. 11 hours ago, chaotea said:

    It would be great if you (DE) could do a Dev workshop showing the step by step process for critiquing a piece, like what comments were given for each submission of a piece. Getting permission from someone who submitted a concept several times but is now ingame as an example piece would be good. Just to give some context to those people less aware of the process. (And hopefully lowering the amount of comments left due to, perhaps justifiable, ignorence of the process).

    Seconded. Although I will rant every time I don't see ION Cloak or at least a similar one pop up. But yes, anything that enlightens people is good.

    • Like 1
  2. Heh. No ION Cloak. Again.

    Seriously, super underwhelmed by the "capes", if you can even call them that anymore. What does one need to do to get a back item that remotely resembles an actual cloak? Something that's not over-the-top but can also help me make a cool space-knight looking frame? I'm limited to Repala and Isabeau, which are awesome, but both can be a little too much sometimes. 😕

    Just give me ION Cloak. Please. It's becoming a meme at this point, almost like Excalibur skins every Tennogen round. If you can break that paradigm, certainly you can bring yourself to give us one cape, yes?

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, SixDimensions said:

    Disclaimer: melee changes have no affected my playstyle much at all.  But for those it has, I hear your complaints and I completely agree on how the system has murdered your setups or style.

    The solution mentioned by @DiabolusUrsus is one I thought of myself as well that I think is the best middle ground.  Unfortunately DE can't polish up the changes without having people test what's wrong and report it.  But I think making aim/block the same button and only swapping on melee attack or shooting is the best method currently.

    If you disagree I absolutely want to hear why though.  I think this kind of feedback is important and the only way to fix the issue rather than just shouting "I hate it change it back you're terrible *frothing at the mouth*"

    How would that work for snipers? Or weapons with an "overlay" zoom?

  4. Yeah he just showed up on Hydron as well (you know, Hydron, the place where the entire squad is wearing a full unranked kit to level?). The two smarter squadmates instantly aborted the mission and I tried to take him down along with a Nidus, with no way to summon my more prepared clanmates because the objective was complete (which it wasn't, by the way, it was wave 3 out of 5 so what the hell).

    Needless to say, we ran out of ammo before even getting him to 50%. Nidus gave up too, despite his tankiness and independence of weapons. Maybe he got sick of resurrecting me every 4 seconds because it was either the Wolf throwing a massive hammer at my unranked Frost or his UNKILLABLE buddies throwing molotov cocktails at my feet while I try to distance myself from the boss.

    Not fun.

  5. Revenant revamp idea:

    Come up with 3 eidolon/sentient-inspired abilities and make an actual vampire frame with his first 3 abilities like the original project.

    (also for his 1: either give enthralled enemies a damage buff or immunity to player fire. At the moment, I basically just consider his 1 an iffy area damage attrition skill)

  6. On 2019-03-08 at 11:39 AM, Poisonjack said:

    I've seen several other games have T for text chat, so it's not that weird for me, though I can see why you find it strange. I believe this is due to the fact that T is closer to where your hands should be most of the time when you're playing, to allow for slightly quicker access to the chat.

    If you still don't like that, you can always change the keybindings in the Options menu, which actually provide both primary and secondary inputs. In my case, I've set it so that both T and Enter start up text chat.

    Oh not at all, in fact I find myself changing other games' keybinds from Enter to T. Just found it odd, as I was not used to, but it is actually quite practical. Now it'd be nice for them to enable it for decoration mode, and also maybe Captura.

  7. I agree with CxLL here. I'd kill (or rather, pay plat) to customise my UI to my liking. I can't emphasise how many times I've died because I ran out of energy which was critical for something I needed at that specific moment, or how annoying it was to keep track of another resource (saryn, nidus, gara) that makes my eye move to another corner of the screen. I understand why some people don't like it but I sometimes need stuff screaming at my face, so it'd be nice to put it there myself without forcing the entire community to have it my way. 😄 Very personal, should be customisable.

  8. Warframe is not an MMO. It's a multiplayer online game, but it's not a massively multiplayer online game. The general concept of massively multiplayer means you have shared spaces with other players, and while we have relays and open world zones, they're not really a place you find yourself surrounded by other players like traditional MMOs such as WoW or Guild Wars.

    The very reason there's a solo queue button means they intend to support solo play at some level. Now I'm not saying every single bit of the game should be able to be done solo, but Nightwave caters to a completionist behaviour, which is something you have on a personal level, so being able to not involve other people in your own ventures would be a nice quality of life improvement. The game absolutely feels better when played with more people, even if all your social interaction is chatting in clan chat, but this is not an MMO in any level.

  9. I honestly think it has less to do with what new players have to do, and more about what is presented to them. When I started playing, I remember feeling very overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff I could do. I first played Warframe for reals right after Plains of Eidolon went live, so I was very eager to experience the new content. So I jumped on my trusty level 8 Mag and went ahead to try and tackle an Eidolon. Solo, because I didn't even know there were clans at the time.

    You can imagine how that went.

    So I think Nightwaves are okay. There could be more dailies, but honestly, I never thought I'd even see Umbra Forma. That was very very bonus for me. If anything, I think a cosmetic reward such as the armour set should have been placed earlier in the ladder than the actual endgame, useful stuff, but I've always heard that Warframe Endgame is Fashionframe. 😄

    What I think could be done has more to do with information architecture. That means limiting the amount of exposure new players have to everything the game has to offer. There really is little reason for an MR5 player to even know about sorties. Is it technically feasible? Yes. But that player must already know what they're doing in order to tackle a sortie at that rank, so either a smurf or someone with very good friends.

    The accessibility difference between Nightwave and Alerts is artificial. Nightwave presents the information in a way that makes it feel like you can achieve the ranks and rewards, while Alerts showed very clear [LOCKED] messages in nodes you couldn't still access so you'd know before starting the grind that that one wasn't for you. Yet. So when you start putting in some effort for standing only to realise you won't be able to complete the quest, the whole system feels frustrating. Especially in a game that caters so much to completionists.

    Perhaps dividing the whole standing grind in brackets and then assigning a message to that bracket would sort of diminish the issue. Something as simple as "Recommended for MR10+" would clearly indicate things to a newer player, conveying more of a "you'll get there" message than an "oh you poor thing, you thought you'd make it through? Oh, honey, this isn't for you".

    That and more dailies. Seriously. Twice as more dailies for half the standing would have *felt* better while not changing the system, but more rewards for smaller tasks is awesome. Vets would complete it organically while new players would have had more to work towards. And if DE ever reads this, trust me: the more people who can complete the event 100%, the better. It feels good seeing this task complete, and it makes it more exciting for the next. And it ups the stakes of MISSING OUT because you don't really want that stain in your career, do you? 😄

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  10. Hey guys, I've recently started my own clan, that has only me (lol) and would like to plan ahead. I've been looking for some dojo map icon sets (like the one in this thread) and the ones I've found either have their link broken or are low resolution.

    Can you guys point me in the right direction? Thanks :D

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