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Posts posted by asvenice

  1. hace 1 hora, Arkinvas dijo:

    Yeah, after awhile, same.  It's cut down the crashes, but they still happen.  Today I got a different error.  I'm going to try the Zenviscerator's fix...

    I tried adding more delay to the TDR in regedit and didnt work, I can't believe devs still not noticing this

    BTW I found if Im in fullscreen the entire pc get freeze so the only solution is force restart but in windowed just the game engine get #*!%ed, seriously this is so annoying

  2. En 23/9/2018 a las 1:11, Arkinvas dijo:

    I've found a solution to this that may help some, but isn't a solution... I've only done one day of testing so far, but it seems to work.  I uninstalled the steam copy of Warframe, and reinstalled it from the copy on the site.  I've had problems with Steam's overlay before, but none quite like this... and this might be a Steam browser issue.

    I tried using the standalone in the waframe.com and still freezing too

  3. From where I remember this error has always existed and I am very tired of this, Warframe is a game that I love but the fear of starting farm something and knowing that the game at any time can freeze (but still working in the background, so Alt+F4 is the only solution) and as a consequence losing all the progress/farm, just make me sick.

    Will any developer ever pronounce on this? Maybe we are a minority who have to deal with this bug,  but I think it's enough.


    And yes I have a good PC, and yes, this only happen in this game, and YES I tried everything that is mentioned in the forums.

  4. En 1/10/2018 a las 2:07, TennoHack dijo:

    POSSIBLE ANSWER: Idk if this has a solution yet but i'm too lazy to read through all 3 pages and find out. I use to have this problem back in the day and the problem I believe was Geforce Experience has, by default, some sort of game recording software active, and this software is buggy and will randomly do that, so if you disable it, it should stop happening. It's somewhere in the Geforce Experience app, possibly in settings, look around. Hope that helped.

    Dude, that option is the very first each person with that problem will try, this bug go far than that, is just the gpu driver crash and cannot recover itself

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