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Posts posted by eX-iDevil

  1. Glaives are in desperate need for love atm..
    The glaive throw is extremely underpowered compared to standard melee attacks (Destroyed a Lv. 145 Eximus Bombard in some slashes but couldn't deal 10% of his Health Pool with a glaive throw)

    Thought the whole idea of glaive weps were the throw but i guess i'm wrong.

  2. I don't have a solid opinion regarding the manual detonation but i kinda like the way it is atm, it requires some skill and spatial notion to use.

    But for the love of lotus bring back the "Per-slug" reload, lower it's mag size if needed, it's unique and incredibly satisfying to use, or at least rename Corinth Prime to anything not related to Corinth, it's a travesty to say the least...

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, mobilehacker said:

    Ash: Shuriken. For killing mobs use Bladestorm. Rework Proposal: Replace with Teleport, add new ability instead.

    Atlas: Petrify. Not useful in most scenarios. Rework Proposal: Add effect on attacks instead.

    Banshee: Silence. Nuff said. Rework Proposal: Merge with Sonar, add new ability.

    Chroma: Spectral Scream. See: Petrify. Rework Proposal: Replace with something useful.

    Ember: Fireball. Use Ult instead. Rework Proposal: Replace with something else. Passive: Rework Proposal: Works when channeling WoF.

    Equinox: We have a winner! No abilities are useless.

    Excalibur: Slash Dash. Exalted Blade is more useful in any situation. Rework Proposal: Replace with something useful.

    Frost: Freeze. See: Fireball. Rework Proposal: Replace with something useful.

    Hydroid: Tempest Barrage, Tidal Surge. Low damage, Ult is more usefull in any situation. Rework Proposal: Replace with something useful.

    Inaros: Sandstorm. Looks nice, but not very useful. Rework Proposal: Increase the range of ability by 5 meters at rank 1. 

    Ivara: No abilities are useless.

    Limbo: Hmmmmmm....

    Loki: Decoy. Useful only in spies. Rework Proposal: Make decoy invulnerable, cut the duration by half.

    Mag: Pull. Ult is more useful in any situation. Rework Proposal: Increase range by 5 meters long and 3 meters wide on rank 1.

    Mesa: Ballistic Battery. Personally i dont find this ability useful. Use Shooting Gallery instead. Rework Proposal: Make it druration-based flat damage increase ability.

    Mirage: Sleight of Hand. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Replace.

    Nekros: Soul Punch. See: Freeze. Rework Proposal: Replace.

    Nezha: Blazing Chackram. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Make it home in the enemies.

    Nova: Null Star. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Make the particles apply Ult's effect.

    Nyx: Mind Control. Useful only in certain situations. Rework Proposal: Make it lasting indefinitely.

    Oberon: Hallowed Ground. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Replace.

    Rhino:  Rhino Charge. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Replace.

    Saryn: No useless abilities.

    Titania: Tribute. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Increase buffs strength.

    Trinity: Well of Life. Generally not useful. Replace. Energy Vampire: Rework Proposal: Not dependant on duration.

    Valkyr: Paralysis. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Increase the range by 5 meters on rank 1.

    Vauban: Tesla. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Increase the base damage on rank 1 by 200.

    Volt: Electric Shield. Useful only in certain situations. Rework Proposal: Deflect projectiles.

    Wukong: No useless abilities.

    Zephyr: Dive Bomb. Generally not useful. Rework Proposal: Merged with Tail Wind.

    You nailed almost all of it, i would change some stuff on your ideas though:

    Chroma: Instead of replacing Spectral Scream, i'd increase the damage and add a % of enemies Maximum Health as bonus elemental damage (affected by Power Strength) it should be good against Large enemies.

    Excalibur: Instead of replacing Slash Dash (which is a useful movement ability) i would suggest fixing the "Target locking" mechanic on it, it's just too buggy to use.

    Limbo (Prepare the stones): He's in troubling position, such potential but the entire kit is flawed. My suggestion here is: Grant him a Damage Reduction % while on the rift as a Passive, merge his augment with his 1, make his 3 an AoE Buff and add a Slow mechanic on enemies inside his 4. Done, you got a monster. (Or simply make items pickable on the rift if you are too lazy).

    Nekros: Soul Punch (1. Should be a real punch, like Atlas Landslide. | 2. Should do Finisher damage because it punches YOUR SOUL.) if not, replace it.

    Nezha: Blazing Chakram should home/bounce at targets.

    Oberon: Hallowed Ground should be AoE, not just a rug in front of you, and his Duration should be much longer.

    Rhino: his charge should "drag" people with him like Reinhardt's charge from Overwatch, dealing more damage if it collides with a wall, i think it would be nice.

    Trinity: Well of Life should replenish Shields as well (not overshield tho).

    Wukong: merge Iron Vault augment with his 1.

  4. Also I would like to remind you that it's not because you are old players that you can't play "low tier" weapons, in beginner missions on Earth (or else) or in harder missions if you want a bit of challenge, it would be the exact same thing as playing in "end game" mission with "high tier" weapons...

    So... are you telling me that i can play with these weapons in Low-level missions? Well of course i can, but the thing is: Things were not supposed to be that way "Uh, so, we need to create a LOW TIER heavy weapon, what's your ideas people? Oh, let's create a heavy mace called Magistar, so people will only use them when they are beginners, so, they can change to the Jat Kittag later on" Aw, come on, that's not the way it works, DE creates weapons in Warframe for diversity in player's arsenal, not for just "Mastery Fodder" as said before on this post. This is not the case of "This low-tier weapon needs an end-game buff" it's more like "This weapon, as any weapon of the game should be useful for ANY player level, Low-tier or High-tier."

  5. ugh this is the number one thing I dont like in this game

    every weapon should be viable option in the early,mid and end game

    this low tier,mid tier bulls*it is what makes weapons mastery fodder

    which is an insult for both for the players and for the people who modeled and made these weapons into the game in the first place

    so personally yes I do think it needs a buff because there shouldnt be such things as "pointless weapons" in this game

    I agree 100%, why wasting time creating a weapon to be plain useless? Jat Kittag shouldn't be an "Upgrade" since they are different weapons with different themes, they just share the "Heavy Blunt" weapon type. DE should create more "options", places where any weapon can excel in something under their types.


    I would like to agree with you but since some weapons are only copy of other ones with different look I don't see how it would diversify gameplay. Every TYPE of weapon should be viable on every stage of the game (which sadly is not the case). If (some) harder weapons to get wasn't more powerful no one would ever try to get them, there would be no progression in the game and it would be by far less interesting to play.


    I know OP doesn't propose something as excessive as that but who would even try to get the Jat Kittag if the Magistar was as powerful ? A few one, for the look or collection purpose, but their would be no progression and no gameplay reward for it.


    Maybe we (I) have gone a bit far of the original topic but I think making every weapons balanced would be bad (for PvE). On the other hand making every type of weapons viable would be good because everyone should be able to find the kind of weapon they want to play. Actually augment mods are a very good thing because they make a "low tier" weapon viable for late game without the draw back of giving an overly powerful weapon to new players.


    To come back to the original topic I think a augment mod would be more appropriate than a buff... or a prisma/prime version.

    An Augment Mod would be a "Temporary Fix", since even Skanas can be useful with a Augment Mod, this is kinda good, but it's far from Perfect :p

  6. Well, after some hours spent crafting and testing the "Hammers" like Fragor, Jat Kittag and Magistar, i've came with a conclusion: Magistar is way too weak compared to the other two hammers, almost pointless to build.

    Why, you ask?

    I kinda understand the lower damage output, but really, the big**s hammer Fragor and the heavy mace Magistar got the same attack speed (0.833), and the Jat Kittag got 1.0 (Not complaining about that though, it's a jet-induced hammer)


    My suggestion here? Undo the attack speed nerf on Magistar, buff the critical chance/damage (5%/0.5x respectively) or add more Status Chance (i think +10% it's enough for a good elemental build), because it's pointless and disappointing to build Magistar at the moment.

    Post your opinions about it people =)



  7. I've created this topic to show my ideas and discuss some balancing issues about some warframes, since Excal 2.0, the power "discrepancy" between frames has been more noticeable than ever.

    Well then, there's a lot of frames that needs some (Or lots) of attention, i think that DE is kinda "neglecting" some key aspects of some frames, here's what i think (THIS IS MY OPINION, KEEP YOUR STONES TO YOURSELVES, HEALTHY DISCUSSION GUYS!):

    Ash: Nothing too wrong here, his Ultimate is a very fine Damage-skill, but it needs a serious "Animation Rework" because when he ults, it's literally a "Ragestorm" created by team mates, his teleport is a nice tool, but my suggestion here is that DE changes his mechanics to: "When Ash teleports to a target, he can use his Hidden Blades as a Finisher attack, dealing X% more damage", it would be so much cooler (and useful) IMO.

    Banshee: Just one problem, Silence doesn't silence enemies, only Deafens them, maybe limiting enemies Alert Radius while Silence is active?

    Chroma: Spectral Scream is just too useless on higher-level enemies, Effigy is a "Stationary Spectral Screamer with a lot more damage and utility than Spectral Scream", a little Scaling with S.S should work.

    Ember: Should be a great DPS-based Warframe but... honestly, her damage scaling is simply too lame and her skills almost don't synergy in any aspect, maybe adding a Max HP% scaling to her skills?

    Frost: I think DE will fix him soon, so...

    Hydroid: OK, this one is long: His 1 needs to have a "Multi-casting" mechanic, allowing to have lots of waterballs falling from the sky, and in multiple locations, improving his CC/Damage capabilites.
    His 2 is too useless, Using as damage? Lame. Using as Movement? Coptering is better, using as CC? lmao. maybe reworking it to be a Channeled skill, increasing his Movement speed dramatically while damaging and dragging enemies with you at the cost of Energy per second? Sounds good to me.
    His 3... well... it's a good "butt saver" skill, but it lacks something, i suggest adding a Life-regenerating buff to Hydroid while under de Pool (Forget this stupid augment ffs)
    His ultimate i think it should be wiser a "Radial Javelin" style targetting mechanic, when you cast it, tentacles will spawn right below X enemies (Determined by Power Strength) and thrasing them about until they dies, when that occurs, the Tentacle will "Seek" the nearest enemy and do the same to him, until Duration expires.

    Limbo: He's a very unique Frame, his Rift Plane mechanic is fun as hell, but he's kinda buggy and misunderstood atm. His Cataclysm is a Double-edge (Can save you or screw you badly) as previously said, he's a High-Risk Lame-gain frame, DE needs to decide if he's a Support frame or a Single-Target assassin frame, if he's a Support, make his 3 An AoE-Buff for him and his allies.

    Loki: Not too fancy here, he do what he must fine, but his Decoy is kinda Lame atm. I think it should do a small AoE Radiation Proc to increase his "Misdirection" capabilities, and decreasing his Switch Teleport cast time would be sweet too.

    Lootbot: No... wait... Mag, right? Ok... her Pull skill is fine (Even when pulling enemies...yeah...she can pull enemies, crazy huh?) but her Shield Polarize skill needs to be slightly buffed (maybe increasing allies Maximum Shield amount for a duration) and the Bullet Attractor skills should be replaced with something more...useful.
    Crush in theory is a great skill...but in practice, the damage is simply too low comparing to other Damage-dealing ultimates, improving his CC capabilities should work here.

    Mesa: "Very cool theme" "Wow, his Peacemaker ultimate looks badass" But wait...hold fire to wreck everything? No fun. Maybe something like a "Desperado". Locks a X number of targets in a Radius, then shoots her OPistols in lightspeed in a "cut-scene stylish barrage" until the locked targets goes down. BAM, not too broken, but still badass.

    Mirage: Very strong overall, but there's a round part in this Square... i'm looking at you "Sleight of Hand". Simply useless, needs the Augment to be at least "kinda useful", my suggestions? Move the Augment to the original skill, then, make another Augment.

    Nekros: The motherf*****g Necromancer, nice theme and all but... come on, he got only one useful skill, too much potential wasted by a skill that DROPS ITEMS, that's right, a badass necromancer totally blurred by a skill that drops more items. My suggestion? Let's go:
    Soul Punch: Increases his Damage and change his animation "A blow so powerful, it turns the enemy's very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path." Looks badass and... it's just a ball? Make it look like a MOTHERF*****G PUNCH! Send a air-shockwave to the target, send him flying and damaging anything in the path, it would be awesome!
    Terrify: Nice theme and all but, too lame in practice, use this skill and get tons of Raging teammates. My suggestion? Make Feared enemies susceptible to Finisher Moves. Or add a Slow Mechanic to feared enemies.
    Shadows of the Dead: Really cool skill in theory, but it's blurred by Desecrate, why wasting tons of Energy summong S#&$ty minions when i can DROP MORE ITEMS. But there's an AI problem that i can't think how to solve it, my suggestion here? A slight buff to Damage/Health without the need to build TONS of Power Strength.

    Nova: OP *@##$ isn't it? Well, it is, but still needs some attention to her Null Star, maybe a Radiation Proc here?

    Nyx: I really want too know who's the GENIUS that said "Psychic Bolts is a good idea." Really, just a "Nerfed but more bolts" Version os Ash's Shurikens. My suggestion? Another mental-based damage-dealing skill, but a consistent one.

    Oberon: As my main, i found Hallowed Ground... disturbing. too weak as a DPS field, too small as a "Armor-buffing stationary field", his Reckoning ultimate needs some Radius adjustment (Stretch and Overextended build or GTFO) <- That's lame.

    Rhino: Same as Frost.

    Saryn: She only got one useful skill (and a hell of a-) Miasma. His other 3 skills are too lame to compare to a WRECKING BALL like Miasma,
    Venom: Needs to pop those spores to be something, even popping it, the damage is too low. Suggestion? The spores passes to another if the target dies, and a damage adjustment.
    Molt: Elusive my !, the Decoy doesn't last and the explosion damage is too low, my suggestion here? When Saryn casts Molt, she turns invisible for 2/3/4/5 seconds (Not influenced by Duration, we don't want an Infested Loki running by).
    Contagion: Uh... a good skill in theory... but... how about making it an AoE buff to allies (and removing that Crappy Augment mod for Venom, please.) or maybe adding the damage to Primary and Secundary weapons? Sounds cool to me.

    Valkyr: Since Excal's Exalted Blade "!-whooping melee mods synergy" most expected to say that Valkyr's Hysteria needs that same Love. Some animation Tweaks are welcome too.

    Volt: Not my specialty here, but i think his Overload skill needs serious rework or replacement, his Damage is OK...against Corpus... simply too useless to the rest... But as i told, not my specialty, maybe saying 500$ worth of bulls**t here.

    Zephyr: The almighty Flying Warframe that...doesn't fly. It needs a better scaling in her Dive Bomb skill (Maybe adding Altitude Scaling?) Her Turbulence skill needs some fix against the Grineer (too frustrating to say more) and his ultimate... a serious rework. Launching anybody to the skies? OK, but how about some DAMAGE? if not, it's just a bunch of grineers/corpus/infested/corrupted/urmom flying and bouncing around, too lame for a 100 Energy skill.
    And about Tailwind...how about a skill that actually allows you to ...fly?

    Well, it's a long-as-heck list of opinions, sorry if my english sounds too bad, i'm brazilian :p will not be offended if this is TL;DR to you guys, peace :p

  8. Well then, there's a lot of frames that needs some (Or lots) of attention, i think that DE is kinda "neglecting" some key aspects of some frames, here's what i think (THIS IS MY OPINION, KEEP YOUR STONES TO YOURSELVES):

    Ash: Nothing too wrong here, his Ultimate is a very fine Damage-skill, but it needs a serious "Animation Rework" because when he ults, it's literally a "Ragestorm" created by team mates, his teleport is a nice tool, but my suggestion here is that DE changes his mechanics to: "When Ash teleports to a target, he can use his Hidden Blades as a Finisher attack, dealing X% more damage", it would be so much cooler (and useful) IMO.

    Banshee: Just one problem, Silence doesn't silence enemies, only Deafens them, maybe a little rework here and there?

    Chroma: Spectral Scream is just too useless on higher-level enemies, Effigy is a "Stationary Spectral Screamer with a lot more damage and utility than Spectral Scream", a little Scaling with S.S should work.

    Ember: Should be a great DPS-based Warframe but... honestly, her damage scaling is simply too lame and her skills almost don't synergy in any aspect, maybe adding a Max HP% scaling to her skills?

    Frost: I think DE will fix him soon, so...

    Hydroid: OK, this one is long: His 1 needs to have a "Multi-casting" mechanic, allowing to have lots of waterballs falling from the sky, and in multiple locations, improving his CC/Damage capabilites.
    His 2 is too useless, Using as damage? Lame. Using as Movement? Coptering is better, using as CC? lmao. maybe reworking it to be a Channeled skill, increasing his Movement speed dramatically while damaging and dragging enemies with you at the cost of Energy per second? Sounds good to me.
    His 3... well... it's a good "butt saver" skill, but it lacks something, i suggest adding a Life-regenerating buff to Hydroid while under de Pool (Forget this stupid augment ffs)
    His ultimate i think it should be wiser a "Radial Javelin" style targetting mechanic, when you cast it, tentacles will spawn right below X enemies (Determined by Power Strength) and thrasing them about until they dies, when that occurs, the Tentacle will "Seek" the nearest enemy and do the same to him, until Duration expires.

    Limbo: He's a very unique Frame, his Rift Plane mechanic is fun as hell, but he's kinda buggy and misunderstood atm. His Cataclysm is a Double-edge (Can save you or screw you badly) as previously said, he's a High-Risk Lame-gain frame, DE needs to decide if he's a Support frame or a Single-Target assassin frame, if he's a Support, make his 3 An AoE-Buff for him and his allies.

    Loki: Not too fancy here, he do what he must fine, but his Decoy is kinda Lame atm. I think it should do a small AoE Radiation Proc to increase his "Misdirection" capabilities, and decreasing his Switch Teleport cast time would be sweet too.

    Lootbot: No... wait... Mag, right? Ok... her Pull skill is fine (Even when pulling enemies...yeah...she can pull enemies, crazy huh?) but her Shield Polarize skill needs to be slightly buffed (maybe increasing allies Maximum Shield amount for a duration) and the Bullet Attractor skills should be replaced with something more...useful.
    Crush in theory is a great skill...but in practice, the damage is simply too low comparing to other Damage-dealing ultimates, improving his CC capabilities should work here.

    Mesa: "Very cool theme" "Wow, his Peacemaker ultimate looks badass" But wait...hold fire to wreck everything? No fun. Maybe something like a "Desperado". Locks a X number of targets in a Radius, then shoots her OPistols in lightspeed in a "cut-scene stylish barrage" until the locked targets goes down. BAM, not too broken, but still badass.

    Mirage: Very strong overall, but there's a round part in this Square... i'm looking at you "Sleight of Hand". Simply useless, needs the Augment to be at least "kinda useful", my suggestions? Move the Augment to the original skill, then, make another Augment.

    Nekros: The motherf*****g Necromancer, nice theme and all but... come on, he got only one useful skill, too much potential wasted by a skill that DROPS ITEMS, that's right, a badass necromancer totally blurred by a skill that drops more items. My suggestion? Let's go:
    Soul Punch: Increases his Damage and change his animation "A blow so powerful, it turns the enemy's very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path." Looks badass and... it's just a ball? Make it look like a MOTHERF*****G PUNCH! Send a air-shockwave to the target, send him flying and damaging anything in the path, it would be awesome!
    Terrify: Nice theme and all but, too lame in practice, use this skill and get tons of Raging teammates. My suggestion? Make Feared enemies susceptible to Finisher Moves. Or add a Slow Mechanic to feared enemies.
    Shadows of the Dead: Really cool skill in theory, but it's blurred by Desecrate, why wasting tons of Energy summong S#&$ty minions when i can DROP MORE ITEMS. But there's an AI problem that i can't think how to solve it, my suggestion here? A slight buff to Damage/Health without the need to build TONS of Power Strength.

    Nova: OP *@##$ isn't it? Well, it is, but still needs some attention to her Null Star, maybe a Radiation Proc here?

    Nyx: I really want too know who's the GENIUS that said "Psychic Bolts is a good idea." Really, just a "Nerfed but more bolts" Version os Ash's Shurikens. My suggestion? Another mental-based damage-dealing skill, but a consistent one.

    Oberon: As my main, i found Hallowed Ground... disturbing. too weak as a DPS field, too small as a "Armor-buffing stationary field", his Reckoning ultimate needs some Radius adjustment (Stretch and Overextended build or GTFO) <- That's lame.

    Rhino: Same as Frost.

    Saryn: She only got one useful skill (and a hell of a-) Miasma. His other 3 skills are too lame to compare to a WRECKING BALL like Miasma,
    Venom: Needs to pop those spores to be something, even popping it, the damage is too low. Suggestion? The spores passes to another if the target dies, and a damage adjustment.
    Molt: Elusive my !, the Decoy doesn't last and the explosion damage is too low, my suggestion here? When Saryn casts Molt, she turns invisible for 2/3/4/5 seconds (Not influenced by Duration, we don't want an Infested Loki running by).
    Contagion: Uh... a good skill in theory... but... how about making it an AoE buff to allies (and removing that Crappy Augment mod for Venom, please.) or maybe adding the damage to Primary and Secundary weapons? Sounds cool to me.

    Valkyr: Since Excal's Exalted Blade "!-whooping melee mods synergy" most expected to say that Valkyr's Hysteria needs that same Love. Some animation Tweaks are welcome too.

    Volt: Not my specialty here, but i think his Overload skill needs serious rework or replacement, his Damage is OK...against Corpus... simply too useless to the rest... But as i told, not my specialty, maybe saying 500$ worth of bulls**t here.

    Zephyr: The almighty Flying Warframe that...doesn't fly. It needs a better scaling in her Dive Bomb skill (Maybe adding Altitude Scaling?) Her Turbulence skill needs some fix against the Grineer (too frustrating to say more) and his ultimate... a serious rework. Launching anybody to the skies? OK, but how about some DAMAGE? if not, it's just a bunch of grineers/corpus/infested/corrupted/urmom flying and bouncing around, too lame for a 100 Energy skill.
    And about Tailwind...how about a skill that actually allows you to ...fly?

    Well, it's a long-as-heck list of opinions, sorry if my english sounds too bad, i'm brazilian :p will not be offended if this is TL;DR to you guys, peace :p

  9. Recently, when playing limbo (Me and my gf) we had some annoying bugs regarding Cataclysm.
    Sometimes at random, when Cataclysm is deactivated (By Duration or by key pressing) the visual effect (The AoE Bubble) still remains on the map, but the effect doesn't, blurring the FoV of many players, it's happening a lot (Since both i and my gf bought Limbo), and it's pretty annoying, almost unbearable to play the mission, like in the screenshot below


    EDIT: Sorry if my english is too bad btw :p



  10. This happened to me now when i've played on V Prime (Venus) Survival Alert, Rewarding Vanguard Rhino Helmet Blueprint.
    I've survived alone for 10 minutes (Lotus said that the survival mission was over 5 minutes before that) but there wasn't no extraction, so when the time ran out, i've died and automatically failed the mission. That's not fair because i've survived the 5 minutes needed for extraction :/

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