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Posts posted by Y-Knot

  1. I'm having several issues similar to this even after the hotfixes.   1st - the warframe transfer's to my operator but usually the operator transfers back to the warframe, would prefer the former its confusing.  2nd - when I transfer back to the warframe Umbra seems to remain in control for at least a second or two and I've had an instance where I couldn't get control back (had to transfer back to the operator ). Umbra has a seizure and lunges left right or somewhere as I try to make my first move upon control of umbra, I've been launched off cliffs repeatedly and even inside walls.  3rd is possibly a byproduct of number two but when transferring out of umbra or back into umbra there is no rationale for which direction you are facing, very annoying when you are trying to get a kuva stream and you can't figure out where on the map you were or where the kuva mist was.  4th and lastly - Since the umbra update if i've died randomly my weapons shoot through targets no damage but I can be damaged.


    Hope these are all fixable.  Would love it if umbra came back to the operator, would like it if umbra would be facing the same direction as the operator when you transfer back into umbra would like umbra's AI to be cancelled and allow it to be positioned upon transference and lastly I'm just not sure how to deal with the gun thing but make them kill stuff!  Cheers!


  2. I have DC'd in four of the five attempts to play.  Unfortunately,

    1.) I have received just about nothing for the time spent as when the game crashes or host changes the loot table goes blank.  Not sure if its supposed to be this way or not.

    2.) The game is unstable when the gates open.  FPS appear to drop in 1/2 when the portal opens and when you go into a new map.

    3.) I'm not sure if there is a calculation with the amount of spawns and efficiency or how its calculated but it should be based on the number of spawns per level and the time the spawns stay alive.

  3. In the same boat.  Weird lag type issue followed by 'Network Not Responding'. Thought it was my end so I rebooted however the problem persists and I can't log in.  After I type in my log in info i get the spinny thinking icon followed shortly by 'Network Not Responding' followed by check you log in information.

  4. I traded a person today and lost my plat but didn't get the items requested in the trade, we traded again and the trade window showed the item i was trying to purchase but the game warned me that the seller had changed the item listed.  It was an odd trade as soon as i hit accept what appeared on my screen was the seller cancelled the trade, at this point i believe my money was gone and i didn't acquire the item.  I have the name of the seller but won't post until i figure out if it was a scam which may or may not be possible.  


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