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Posts posted by Anarties

  1. Yeah whats the point in getting the reaper prime if the ether reaper is easier to get and have the same stats?

    If I were an idiot I'd say,"For the bling and gold appeal", but that's idiotic.


    DE are just making Prime stuff less and less viable as time goes on.


    Less worth it to get.

  2.  All these Weapons and Frames I always see listed as 'OP' always tend to be the ones that don't get crapped on by enemy scaling at the moment. I feel like that is a sign that Scaling needs more work and that it is causing Weapon balancing issues.



     Please keep in mind - balancing around Low/Mid level enemies? That is stupid. Really stupid. I've occasionally seen people talking in these topics without seeming to consider this. It isn't directed at anyone in particular in this thread - unless of course you disagree. Then it is.


     Balance around the stronger enemies. Around the harder content. No excuses. No "B-but Nova's MPrime is so powerful against level 20 enemies!" of course it is. Pro-tip - If the Damage 2.0 version of Slash Dash is capable of killing that enemy then it isn't strong enough that content should be balanced around it. 


     'Top tier gear' shouldn't even be called 'Top tier' since it is really just 'Doesn't suck for late game tier'.




     You ask "Do you think there is OP gear?" and I'm at the point where I'm thinking "Yeah. And thank god. It makes up for the other roughly 80% of the weapon pool being useless for anything but seal clubbing. What a mess."



     Look at Bows. Look at Bows and LAUGH. They're a joke. What is the punchline? Some people think they're viable.

    I really agree with pretty much everything you've said.


    With regards to things like Nova, do I want her nerfed? Heck no she makes things easy.


    It's the fact that they build her for late game while other frames are built for level 10 enemies that is the annoying part.


    Same with weapons too.


    Kudos for excellent revelations.

  3. ^




    When they put in a noobie weapon you can buy for creds it's not 'too easy' it's exactly what it's supposed to be. 


    They can't make a game with rare items and common items, without putting in rare items and common items.

    Thing is, Brakk wasn't rare or hard to get. 


    Detron is, and they are both the same weapon with the Detron being worse AND harder to get.


    DE wont stop spitting in the face of Corpus-Supporters.

  4. In the Galantine's defense, that's probably the standard other melee weapons SHOULD be trying to reach. Not sure how the Soma has gone on so long without a nerf, maybe they're just worried how many people will rage at them and quit just for scaling back the crit damage by a single percent..


    Do wish DE would get on the ball with at least buffing the old stuff, but hey, they finally gave the Grakata a niche! What was it, 6-8 months?

    I agree, Galatine should not be the only melee weapon in this game that is worth it.


    Same with frames in general. Banshee really needs to be looked at more than any other frame IMO.


    So what if Galatine can kill enemies lv 100 in 1 swing or Orgis and Penta can blast everything?


    Huge risks vs big rewards. Deal with it.

    *ahem* If the Galatine is about huge risk and huge reward,which I should say is the basis of melee, why don't other melee weapons do the same? Melee in general is a huge risk, that should be reason enough to stop nerfing the weaker melee/stop making crappy melee weapons and bring them to Galatine level.


    Now, on to Ogris and Penta, both blast based weapons with insane damage right? By the way which can kill you.


    Why is it that when you use Thunderbolt on a Bow you don't get the same explosive results you do with Ogris and Penta? It can kill you too! It's also random so you never know if it's safe to fire a close quarters shot or not!


    Talk about huge risk vs reward right? Thunderbolt is even more risky than Penta and Ogris because you never know when Thunderbolt will proc.  With your logic Thunderbolt should be the strongest thing in the game!

  5. well maybe because those weapons like ogris and penta have a huge consequence on them the more they get stronger? plus i'm not really sure if there are weapons here that are considered broken but thats just my opinion.

    Galatine is pretty busted, so are Penta and Ogris. Soma is still, pretty busted. Brakk is still as OP as ever, it's just limited to 10 meters. 


    Somethings can be busted in the way of being too weak and useless, like Banshee or Nekros!


    DE nerfs the weak and buffs/does nothing to the strong.


    It's really killing me here.

  6. The only thing OP imo is MolPrime, anything else should be buffed !!


    But your question will remain a BIG mystery !

    Yeah Nova doesn't need any other skill outside of M Prime.


    When Armor 2.0 hit, Nova became a god.


    Strikes me as odd when they nerf things like Lato but let Nova go without restraint.


    I'm just trying to understand what logic DE is trying to emulate.

  7. I've been confused about this for a while...hold on let me get my tinfoil hat first.


    DE has spent their time nerfing plenty of frames and weapons but letting things like Nova, the Penta and the Ogris go free without nerfs.


    By God, they even nerfed all of the Lato weapons! Are you kidding me?


    Does anyone have a good idea why all of the weak/okay weapons get nerfed while truly OP things like Galatine, Nova and the Soma go without a proper nerf?


    I mean I remember Banshee's nerf, but then Nova came along. I remember Ember's nerf, but then Nova came along. Same goes for weapons.


    (I'm not asking for anything to be nerfed, I'm just wondering why DE wont stop nerfing things that never needed a nerf and why they wont nerf what really needed a nerf)


    All I'm asking for is a discussion, and perhaps an eye opener to the folly that is DE right now.

  8. You should be at least glad they implemented the Detron and give you a chance to earn your prized set amount of pixels. Jesus.


    You already knew the consequences of supporting the Corpus. You should've also clearly know that the Grineer were winning. 

    Why are you complaining?

    I don't think anyone even needs to answer that dumb question of yours.


    The reasons for complaints are already in the OP.

  9. First you have to buy keys for a chance that the dragons will spawn.


    The virgins are only in the market.

    You can only get 2 types of keys, day keys and night keys to free the virgins from their chains after you buy them from the market.


    You randomly find them through out Infested Phorid invasions only.


    Day and night happens every week so you better get them while you can.

  10. Its just unusual and i was expecting its a bug.

    Maybe i am wrong. We will see.


    Its playtested but that doesnt mean that bugs doesnt happen.



    I hope it stays with insane ammo though :D.


    Because if they nerf that then they better nerf the Penta, Torid, and Ogris seriously.

  11. it doesn't exactly feel like corpu- OH HANG ON



    look closely, theres grineer lettering embedded on the gun.

    OH snap I'm wrong xD.


    Sorry lol.


    I could have sworn DE said they were making a Corpus shotgun/flak cannon thing.


    Guess they changed their minds.

  12. Cause ive never seen a Shotgun using RIfle Ammo before? Thats the reason i think its a bug.

    They have just shown us gameplay of them using that Shotgun.


    They had chance upon chance to realize,"Hey, this is a bug!", but they didn't.


    It's apparently been playtested and this is the result.


    Besides, this is not a typical shotgun which could warrant the high ammo count.

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