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Posts posted by RenegadeBD

  1. Hello, before todays updates, I have always been able to host lobbies and all of my friends have been able to join. However after the update, every time I log in it say "Strict NAT Type Detected. UPnP not detected. Please forward UDP ports 3960 and 3962 to 10.(my ip) and my friend who has always been able to join me can no longer join me. Is it something Warframe has done and will be fixed? or is it something they changed that I will need to fix? If so can someone pls help me because I am now using Xfinity and do not understand how to port forward on this router. (Private ports are effing me up).

  2. Ok seriously? since I have gotten the update for all this new S#&$ I have been getting a "strict nat type" message whenever I log in, and my friend cannot join. I have never had this problem since before this update and he has always been able to join. Idk if you changed something or what but either fix it on your end or help me fix it on my end. Instruction are not clear enough for the provider I use.

  3. OK WTF?!?!

    I spent 30 plat on an clan emblem, spent my time designing my own, and spent money to upload it to your website to be used on the next hotfix. Now when I log in I can see MY emblem on my shoulder, however when I am in game it Is the standard Lotus. Please explain. Also, it is kind of bs that you have lowered the cost of the clan emblem and also made it a reward for this event things which I am still learning about. Can I get a refund on some plat here? Considering that there was no "Do not purchase a clan emblem" within the past few weeks. And please hurry the fix for my clan emblem. thank you.

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