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Posts posted by Kiern

  1. I tend to agree with a lot of the Ember feedback.  Fireball just doesn't seem all that useful or even practical to use.  The only time I really use it is when I need to attack something while I am in the middle of reloading.

    The bigger problem is her 2 and 3.  Her 2 is fine, if not for the complete energy loss on overheating.  That is overly punishing.  Forcing you to either cast her 3 to reduce heat when it is not otherwise needed, or to completely turning it off is a bad decision, and certainly not fun.  Worse is when you don't have enough energy to use your 3.  The cost is simply too high and the consequence for overheating is far too harsh.  Having to cast your 3 in an empty room simply to prevent you from overheating and losing all of your energy is ridiculous.  Not to mention the many times that the acceleration at the end caused me to overheat without realizing, only to find that my power was now at zero. 

    I like her gameplay, but that overly convoluted mechanic brings the fun factor down considerably. 


  2. 1 minute ago, (XB1)MarineDawg said:

    The "problem" with Harrow is that most players (that I have encountered) aren't familiar enough with him to "permit" you to play him to his full extent.  I was maining him for awhile but moved to a different frame.  I think this dynamic will change once his prime drops.

    Yeah, I'm sure that is at least part of the problem I have had trying to learn him.  Harrow needs to kill lots of enemies and so much of the time you don't get the chance, with other warframes killing enemies en mass .  He's probably not the best warframe to play in random groups.   I do like the concept though, and he looks so cool.  :)

  3. I have been playing Harrow (Just hit 29), and I'm not really getting his playstyle.  I have watched a couple of youtube vids about him, but they tend to mix the mod talk in with the power talk and it just confuses things for me.  Plus some of the things they say don't make sense to me. I would just like someone to explain how to use his powers in missions, and any mod/build info can come later.    I just can't seem to make use of his powers in any meaningful way, and mostly just rely on his #1.  It's possible that he just isn't for me, but I'm hoping someone can explain him for me and it will just click.


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