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Posts posted by Navindal

  1. Hello everyone,

    Thanks for all the tips and remarks and snarky questions (yes, I know what the void mode is 😉)

    I have figured out what was wrong, I think it was a visual bug on equipment window.

    What happened:

    I initially equipped rank 0 Magus Repair on my operator. Then I upgraded it to rank 1 and I didn't notice, that on equip window, it was still showing as a rank 0 equipped (no rank marks), then I upgraded it to rank 2, it was still showing rank 0 equipped.

    Since I had no rank 0 in my inventory (I used them all for upgrades), I effectively had no Magus Repair equipped.

    When I upgraded it to rank 3, I decided to try swapping arcanes between slots - to my surprise when I equipped Magus Repair in different slot, it showed with 3 dots marking it as a rank 3. Since that moment I had no problems with it working in any type of mission.

    In future I will try to reproduce this bug and document with pictures/video.

    Thanks again for all help.

  2. Hello,

    I have only recently got to rank 5 for Vox Solaris and was excited to get a decent operator Arcane.

    However I have quickly noticed that my Magus Repair (currently rank 2) does not work neither for myself nor my teammates when in mission.

    Is there some hidden condition or interaction I am unaware of? I tested it few times in sorties and missions last night, never managed to get any healing even when standing on top of my frame or ally in void mode.

  3. 6 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    It's her ultimate, dude.  It's supposed to cost 100 (25) energy, not 25 (6.25.)  Paying 6.25 energy for a massive nuke with 35m base range (longer than anything else in the game) is pretty nonsensical.  You could argue even 25 is too little, when you consider that old Resonating Quake would double its energy cost at max spool. 

    Banshee is preferable for affinity farming due to her massive range advantage over other frames, which allows her to kill at a faster rate on most maps. 

    If you want to kill Grineer with it, bring CPs.  Ferrite armor cuts Blast damage by 50% and also applies 150% of its normal armor rating to it, which pretty much neuters Blast as an option against most Grineer.  

    Well, that's the thing - if you wanted it to be massive, it would never cost 6.25. Due to how the resonating quake augment works (damage decays the further you go), you want as much range as possible, which means you need strength to offset overextended, which means using blind rage.

    Ofc, you can opt not to use it, but then you are looking at 140% strength. Best you can do is 209% strength and 135% efficiency, which still puts current energy cost at 65. which is still way too high for ability you need to cast multiple times to kill enemies in zone 5+ of normal onslaught.

    And no, Banshee is no longer preferable for affinity farming - you can do same thing with equinox, do it faster and don't need trinity/energy pads. Oh, and you can actually move around and shoot, instead of being stuck in same spot pressing 4 😄

  4. 29 minutes ago, DjKaplis said:

    When Banshee augment change first appeared i was very surprised that it cost so little amount of energy to cast. Definitely reasonable change as all other 4th abilities that work in a similar way cost the same.

    So in addressing this fix - good that it is fixed.

    Name one that has low dmg, miniscule cc, is not channeled and still costs this much energy.

    On the side note - if the goal was to fix "cheesing" frames, then they failed - new Saryn is absurd in high-density small rooms (defense, onslaught) and doesn't need energy either.

  5. 43 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Before calling out equinox as being cheese remember that unlike Banshee she actually has to build up damage with kills in order for maim to be lethal.

    Not really... if you run with Rhino (most "cheese" teams do) and build for high enough strength (mine has ~270 with augment for 3, will be close to 300 when I get primed continuity), your slash is powerful enough to kill most of normal enemies, and you only need few to die to nuke everything else.


    10 minutes ago, CFodder1977 said:

    Personally, I'm not upset that I can't just "press the same button for 20 mins straight to win." It's that no button I press while using Banshee accomplishes much of anything now. 4 was the only thing Banshee had going for her and -- beyond low level mobs -- it was only good for cc. She's squishy and -- without 4 -- now has zero utility. Hell, she can't even fly (like the next most worthless frame, Titania).

    Right on spot. Although I would argue, that sonar with augment in still fun, but mostly used to "cheese" high index now.

  6. 10 minutes ago, DJ_Vauban said:

    You're getting something wrong, the game mode wasn't build for cheese, it's the players that (ab)use certain game mechanics that TURN it into cheese, Equinox, memestrike and Banshee are coming to mind. I doubt DE created Onslaught for people to just burn through it, it was supposed to be endgame content, yet players with utterly broken builds can rush through it without any issue whatsoever.

    In my eyes, Onslaught is a step in the right direction, especially with Simaris taking away your powers if you abuse them too much, but for it to actually be hard, we would need even more restrictions, restrictions that vary from frame to frame. You're supposed to actually  "kinda" work for your rewards in Onslaught, not idle-cheese it.


    No, I am not getting it wrong. It's difficult to reach wave 8 without those "cheese" tactics - the efficiency drain is build around you killing hundreds of enemies per wave in maps which often make it very hard (obstacles, different levels) to do so. So only thing they are achieving now is less choice what to bring.

    As I said at the start, I am fine with the cost, but they need to bring damage to this ability - right now it hits like wet noodles but costs a lot - just doesn't make sense - better just use Sonar build (but hey, maybe should nerf that too, you can 1-shot multiple enemies with it and Amprex or Ignis).

    EDIT: Simaris only takes away 4, you can spam EV every half second if you like as Trinity - that's fine!

  7. 2 minutes ago, DJ_Vauban said:

    I'm really against cheese so...In my eyes this IS a fix. If you want to get somewhere without doing anything, you might as well play an idle game.

    Then why do they add game mode that is literally built for cheese, namely Onslaught?

    It has small maps, with a lot of line of sight issues, it requires continuous killing to keep going and promotes that even more with focus rewards.

    Only thing that has changed is there is even less choice what to play there...

  8. So, fix to all the problems is: make it require trinity in a team?

    Talk about broken play-styles and boring game (20 min of pressing 2 in onslaught as trinity, so fun 😄 )

    Furthermore - what's the point of quake now - it doesn't do damage, you cannot chain cast it either, the cc is meaningless since you cannot spam it, basically it is useless ability.

  9. Can we address this "fix"?

    Before today, Resonating Quake was a fine build to clear low level content like defense or interception, not overly powerful, but at least you had an option to run without trinity. Today the "fix" quadrupled the cost of quake cast and it's no longer worth using at all - why would someone take banshee as aoe dps if they can bring equinox who will do the job better, faster and buff the team with 70% more power strength?

    If you wanna keep the cost, the damage has to go up, a lot, right now it already requires multiple casts to kill grineer mobs in normal onslaught wave 6+ (220 strength), coupled with 100 energy cost, it's just pathetic.

  10. I like the concept in general, but to be honest, I do not think we need even more power creep. Can you imagine how much difference it would make with mods on for example Chroma? Let's assume you double your armour and hp two or three times - your ehp would skyrocket.

    Not to mention it would introduce another expensive or time consuming grind for players who didn't start 5 years ago that would set them apart from those who have amassed immense amount of resources and forma - "H Tridolon, need bless trin, Reforge 5, 123123 caps, or don't bother" 😉

  11. This bug is still present and quite frequent - during last three days I had total 4 runs where I didn't receive one/two/three our even four rewards. Additionally, the accompanying bug is the Onslaught UI getting stuck on some level - be it level 2 (extreme case, no rewards at all) or most often, level 5 (only first two rewards).

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