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Posts posted by Tzakol

  1. Fix this for solo players, the levels are insane. I equate to lvl maybe 5-6 and have to play against multiple players at lvl 30-40-50 .. that's not a challenge, its a frustration plain and simple. I don't think I will ever get this frame, regardless of what frame I use to try and win out the challenge, nor will I be buying it. Sorry, you lost out on this one.

  2. fortuna bug, the first mission for the orbs messes up its cues .. when players show up after the game started and the fishing has begun, the cues to change the state of the mission are missing.. it happens in various places with more than 2 or 3 players attached to the sessions, I am pretty sure this is a squad bug as solo seems to work fine, the squads in the second and third mission for the orbs work fine that I have seen..... as a result I can't get the required components for the little duck frame purchase as I can't level due to missing parts from those missions

  3. vsync set and max frames to 60, for half an hour it is fine.. after that it starts to drop to 20fps when changing menus, last night after a 2 hour run I could barely get off the plaines it was so choppy.. this is a problem in fortuna/orbis valley only as far as I can tell, as well it still locked up every so often for a second or two.. vid and audio lock, music in background does not... so it isn't system issue as far as I can tell everything else works fine.. except some odd stuff in tile matching overlapping and missing portals from one to the next, also few days ago in mission on regular maps, it looped me around the objective, came in one place to the vault, the vault ported me back to where I came into the vault area.... the game in this state is becoming unplayable

  4. I am upping this, as I have tried sorting my system and it is still freezing every so often for 2-3 seconds... really annoying and breaks immersion on a constant basis.. really interfered with the update of fortuna's gameplay experience as well as a result .. I-8700k on prime z370-a with 16GB 3000 and a nvme … 

  5. I have been having the same issue, all mapsets .. so I would say it is system related, it ran fine till fortuna.. something with the graphics settings I would imagine, done a complete reinstall and wiped steam cache, so not lingering files.. use an nvme on a i7-8700 with 16gb and a vtx970 ..adequate for 1080 …  would have to increase gpu cap if running at native 1440 ,, vsync is set and most of my graphics settings are midpoint .. but the game is not playable when every 3 seconds you get this massive stop in game with sound looping for a second or two .. its frustrating and makes for very poor game play... this is something that needs to be explained or fixed, either turn down something or make it so the hardware that is being used that worked .. works again...


  6. Query to DE re: Tiberon Prime, has the dbase for relics been borked in some way as to not show up the relics for the stock and bp in the codex? .. the receiver and barrel show up but not the two other parts?? someone is looking for the parts for the Tib and would like to farm it but they are currently not showing as available in the codex! ..

  7. Hi


    Noticed a bug with the operators mesh not being in the right place/orientation  . one of the epaulets seems to be doing the ghost thing when the operator is doing the ghost thing..  The mesh item is just in from of the left operators chest and should be on the right operators shoulder52559DECE73A80B88BE1FB6A6F3CD9168A39602C

  8. ok, I think I know where I am in err ... if they drop back to the ground they are dead, if they elevate and sink into the ground they where captured.... it is most likely the pickups don't know and I was getting mostly people who knew how to capture it than kill it ..... because 25 is not worth the time .. just trying to figure out why there are several shards a-e on the ground after .. and only 1 is worth 25k.. seriously is a ripoff if you're a solo player going in with people who don't know how to capture it.... has to be a way to request a party to join in on a capture than just joining up with anyone.. as a solo player, it's hard for me to find anyone who would be willing

  9. HI


    Wondering if the 3 boss fight was changed recently? ... I done the 3 boss fight 2 nights in a row and got a total of 25k shard each time.... last week it was multiple of 25 and 40k shards... why would I play this boss if all I am getting is 25k out of it... I have to go through the first boss, give up the 25k in that one then give up a 40k from the second fight, for what... 25k??? something wrong with your logic there

  10. Seems since the last patch, the relics missions have been migrating host....  .... also gateways are buggy and needed to use taskman to kill warframe ....... not going to check this ,,, but this is what I saw before it crashed --- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1323978165


    update: since patch version 22.15.0 --

    also, plains have run horribly since the core updates, I figure you're sorting this out .. it seems to be better when it is night on the plains guessing less rendered ..

    back to the missions issue, short version: running almost any mission where someone migrated as host it causes issues with the game not restoring state, in the middle of a teralyst 3 run someone dropped for whatever reason and it disconnected my lures from me, it reset the state of the plains as the quill announced the arrival of a teralyst . while it was on plains--

    the 4 times I had to reset the game, I had to ctl-alt-del the taskman up on win7x64 and kill the process, for good measure I end up killing the whole process and tree

  11. up   -----  just done a quick test, apparently it works if you switch the spear type to another, I had the original spear and have bought the last one last night or 3rd one and this seems to have done something?? dunno, didn't check near ocean side with fish carcass on the second try but it didn't float over on that side either.. not inclined to check this again until tomorrow, if someone else can confirm the switching from first or initial q select spear for fishing on the wheel in PC, then trying another spear...


  12. Seems focus tree gets locked on focus conversion click, after last update... was working 2 days ago 1/25/2018 -- requires kill program to get out of it --- seems error - - Script Error: attempt to method field 'StoreItem' (a nil value): In ConvertShards(1819) originating from /Lotus/Interface/TennoWayTree.lua::ConvertShards

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