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Posts posted by (PSN)JrChappy

  1. Hello Tenno!

    We are the Yoshimitsu Pride Clan on the PS4! We are accepting New and Experienced Tenno to join our fight to keep the system safe!

    • Discord Server for Members
    • Great and Active Alliance
    • Experienced Members that have been playing since Day 1 on console and we even have a founder from PC
    • Huge Dojo with 98% research complete, (missing some colors)
    • Clan Events including Team based, most kills, find an item in Dojo etc. for various prizes including Primes and Plat.

    All that we ask of our members is the following:

    1. If you need help ask, and if you can, help others
    2. Be respectful in chat, no spamming, racial or sexual slurs etc
    3. Do Not spam invites without asking, this is very disruptive to all involved, please ask for help if you need it.
    4. If you have an issue with another player take it to PM not in open clan chat. If you are asked to stop and you do not, it can and will result in chat bans or expulsion from the clan.

    If you would like to join us or have a question about our Clan send an in game PM to JrChappy, Lost253angel, or Diablobrad

    For new players to send a PM: open chat text entry window and type the following exactly /w jrchappy Your message  Then wait for reply, if I am in a safe spot I will reply right away, or when the mission is complete.

    I am online every day from 4 or 5pm EST till at least10:30pm. Weekends sometimes during day as well, and definitely later at night.

    Please excuse the long delay during Cetus night time as we like to do our Eidolon hunts!

  2. On 4/18/2018 at 5:16 PM, Vaz2017 said:

    From a lore perspective it makes sense that you can't just change the way the Operator looks and swap their appearance back and forth,

    Why cant we go to the closet and put on a different pair of pants? We can change this on the operator screen just like in the arsenal. What we are talking about is savable presets to make switching take less time and get back into the game quicker. I run one school for Tridolon hunting but wouldn't run that when I play say Trinity, as Trin I do not need an energy buff for my operator or Warframe as she can handle her own energy. Changing schools or load-outs quickly would be a welcome addition.

    16 hours ago, Katinka said:

    The thing is, we can change our appearance back and forth, just not quickly.  It's quicker for me to change my face and voice and go from a girl to a boy than it is for me to switch from a white suit to a black dress.  If they added in A, B, C appearance tabs (like warframes, sentinels, pets and weapons have) then they could restrict it to only applying to the costume rather than the face/voice and then, in my opinion, it would make more sense as I'd be able to change clothes quicker than I can change my entire body shape.

    Also Katinka makes a great point.

  3. On 4/9/2018 at 7:01 PM, (XB1)TechnoManic said:


    THE STOMP OF DOOM- Gauntlyst for being the intermediate Eidolon, it's stomp rivals that of the Hydralist, launching you half way across the map, why is that a thing ?

    The last one wasn't a glitch, just something that personally irritated me.


    Right? Hits like 6 times and you end up a long ways from the fight. Found that if you stand on a rock or uneven ground of some sort you are immune most of the time. Might be glitch but it works.

    The random lure problem we have seen a lot lately. The camps will actually not have any Grineer at all and only at night, sometimes after going to the complete other side of map and coming back a camp that we took a lure from will spawn a second.

    We encountered the invincible Voms for the first time last night. They would take 0 damage when hit with void beam, rifle and hollowed ground. they were not connected to the purple rift as they were in the Gary fight. Eventually they were able to be taken down and the fight continued.

    The random teleporting has happened to all of the Eidolons, not sure if the lures are losing connection briefly or why we would have this issue. I usually have the lures in tow and provide up close Vom clearing. I am usually right under the target not out of range for the lures to tether.

  4. We had Terry Gary and Harry teleport on us with more than the required lures charged and within range over the last few days.

    They all get up after the energy spike scream, charge shields and start to walk only to float in air immune to damage then disolve as if night is over

    As a group we have not seen this issue before the Dojo update, not sure if related or not

  5. 2 minutes ago, Syasob said:

    Well, you can see your chosen warframe right in the middle of the star chart. And if you have 2+ loadouts with exactly same frame you can use some fashionframing to make them look different. Like i have a red-colored Equinox for Red Veil farming and green for New Loka. With suitable sigils, of course.

    It also lists your loadout including pet and aura under your name in the top left corner. Honestly I wouldn't want another dialog to slow down the gaming process. To OP: get in the habit of checking your loadout before you select mission and there wont be any surprises

  6. There is also an arcane that heals the Warframe when you transfer out. It does not heal the operator! Magus Nourish 100% chance to Heal Warframe by
    10 / 15 / 20 / 25 per second.

    To test if it is working self damage and take note of your health, transfer out and wait for a few seconds before transfer back, health should be more than when you left by the amount equal to the rank above times-seconds out of warframe. Ex. 230 health before xfer, stay out for 5 sec with unranked, when you xfer back you should be at 280

  7. I have seen this same issue with different results.

    Defense mission host decides to leave after 5 rounds, instead of choosing relic we go through host migration and get dumped back into the game without getting to choose a relic. Leave and get only relic reward or stay for 5 rounds without a second reward? Has happened 5 times since Saturday 4/7

    Last night 4/10 during Def mission the same thing as OP, come back to game after migration and can not move. All 3 of us have to abandon mission.

  8. I agree this is an escalating tactic and seems to happen more and more. Maybe DE can change this to give you a message after they decide to leave "your squad has decided to leave would you like to stay or exit?" 

    Or they can make it so you cannot change your mind at the last second, make your choice and your locked in as long as others have made a choice. Example, you choose to stay, player 3 chooses to leave, player 2 and 4 choose to stay and are locked in to the mission. Only player 3 can change his mind as there was a choice made after his choice. It is no different than if all 4 choose to stay or leave the timer is removed and game is started. Make a choice and live with it, as long as all have chosen you are locked in. Or as I stated above allow a single player to opt out before the mission starts.


    JrChappy - General Yoshimitsu Pride PS4

  9. This is still an issue but it does not happen every time the archwing is used. I have not been able to re-create on a consistent basis to determine the cause or conditions. It seems to be completely random. I have tried to jump in archwing right away and also waiting for a time upon entering plains to use, both have encountered the issue. I have also not used the archwing until i was going back to Cetus and have had the issue upon exiting before going through the doors to Cetus.

    The issue is they enter invulnerable mode just like a death/re-spawn (greyed out health/shields). It has happened to Helios Prime and Carrier Prime for me as recent as Sunday 4/8.

    I have also had my Kavat removed from my load-out upon entering the plains from Cetus, this happened as recent as last night 4/9.


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