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(XBOX)bLeeZieZ N hEEm

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Posts posted by (XBOX)bLeeZieZ N hEEm

  1. I echo many of the sentiments listed above. This particular way to farm the unvaulted relics is not fun and is rather frustrating. Doing countless bounties for a chance at a specific relic is infuriating for a few reasons:

    1. The plains don't run smoothly, bounties glitch out and fail, it requires a ton of jumping around from point A to point B, and is very time consuming. Nothing is more frustrating than running a 5 stage bounty and not getting what you are looking for, hiking it back to Cetus, and reloading into the plains. I mean you're talking 20 minutes absolutely wasted since most of the rewards in the bounties are garbage. 

    2. The drop rates are awful. Some of this is attributed to RNG and that is fine, however, when you run 10 bounties and come out with 2-3 relics at the most, that's when it pisses people off. The amount of time it will require to farm up all the relics for those of us that need all 3 warframes and the weapons will certainly eclipse 2 months.

    3. RNG for relic + RNG for prime part from the relic is extremely unforgiving. As you know, cracking relics takes time. You need quite a few relics to get the part you are looking for. The amount of relics we need to get these parts cannot be farmed in the plains. Period. It just takes too long not to mention the content isn't that fun. 


    1. Place the unvaulted relics in the normal drop tables where we farm regular relics (this may upset some but it is better than this plains garbage)

    2. Like many others have said, place them in the void, derelict, or specific nodes. Keep them in the plains for those that want them there but add them elsewhere (and I don't mean syndicate packs). 

    3. If DE is absolutely firm on keeping them in POE, make a specific bounty. Only relics drop from the bounty. Alternatively, and only as a last resort, put 4-5 relics in the drop table of existing bounties and increase the drop rates! 

    Look, I think DE does a great job listening to the community and communicating with us (something that not all game devs do). However, at what point did the player base give you the inclination that this was a good idea or something they would enjoy? Plains were fine, but people don't really care for it that much. I don't mind going there every once in a while because it is a nice change up from time to time, but DO NOT lock specific items everyone wants in the plains. People will get angry and leave. I literally had a clan mate say, "This makes me wanna quit." Probably a little sarcastic but I think you can understand the frustration. 

    DE is dope man, but some of the decisions are a little baffling. 

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