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Posts posted by (PSN)NoOneStupid

  1. It took me 7 missions, split between venus and pluto to find any frostleaf. i know where/how to find it, yet all the usual spawn were empty for 6 missions. So... is there a bug on the spawn of frostleaf? or is it now meant to only occasionally spawn? I tried Spy, Excavation, and Exterminate. They finally showed up on the 7th mission which was Pluto Exterminate, which I had already tried before.

  2. Everytime I start the game, unless I host at least one game, I will either; A: Be removed from group before the mission loads in. Or B: Will upon mission completion, be given a locked up Mission Complete screen in which it mentions cannot join session unavailable. Only way out is to shut the game entirely, causing one of two scenarios to occur again unless I specifically host at least one mission. My friends don't encounter this issue at all. I have the app installed directly on console, and it is the only app on console, the rest of my apps are kept to an external hard drive to keep stress on the console low.

  3. If you have had multiple failed login attempts, the game security is preprogrammed to softban your ip. The best way to fix this in most cases is to unplug your modem for a few minutes, then replug it in. Alot of providers are preset to assign new ip addresses whenever the modem stays disconnected for X amount of time.


    I ran into this issue once myself. And this was the fix.

  4. If you have had multiple failed login attempts, the game security is preprogrammed to softban your ip. The best way to fix this in most cases is to unplug your modem for a few minutes, then replug it in. Alot of providers are preset to assign new ip addresses whenever the modem stays disconnected for X amount of time.


    I ran into this issue once myself. And this was the fix.

  5. I can no longer log in to warframe. I made sure to follow proper hotfix procedures, and yet, upon restarting the app, I was greeted with several repeats of: "Login Failed: Check your info"

    My info hasn't changed. At all. Why?

    Then, after several attempts, the Warframe launcher outright refused to connect. Barring me from even attmepting to login.

    I have restarted my modem, my router, my console, reinstalled multiple times, rebuilt the database, and now even reformatted my ps4 to no avail. This is absolute madness. I have a support ticket in that is nearing the one day mark, and I hoping to recieve help soon. Until then... my affinity booster will go to waste, and what would have been a manner of having my octavia finish after all of this is solved, I instead have wasted the 50 plat for rush to use on the booster, only to instead have wasted it all. Severely miffed about this.

  6. Same. 10/10 best hotfix.


    Lol just noticed this is an XB1 bug post. Well, same for ps4. Woohoo.


    Oh, and the difference is we just got this update a few minutes ago.

  7. As detailed in this upload: 


    I got the rover right to point of extraction, and just as it was taking the last zap of energy it needed from my shields, it vanished. Or, teleported actually. All. The. Way. To. Start. Ughhh lost my chance at a Limbo Aristeas Helmet. Also, yes, I know it should be using a higher shield frame or at least shield restores,  but this alert had one minute left and I wasn't about to miss it. I've missed all other chances at this helm.

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