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Posts posted by UltimateSabotage5

  1. Alright, Ive been playing the game for 6 days, every single day i have hit the next rank up available in a couple hours and had to wait the rest of the day to test. I been building new stuff every day so that I can keep leveling up. Its really annoying trying to play through level 30 enemies with a level one weapon. Today I have completely leveled up 2 Melee weapons, 1.5 primary weapons, 1 secondary weapon, and 1 Warframe all from 0 to 30. Still have 9,000 affinity left to next mastery. Now, Im just a simple engineer, but if my math is correct I should have hit mastery ~130,000 points ago. I don't know why I'm not getting affinity, I'm playing with a full team and they're slamming through these missions like butter and I'm sharing all the affinity they are getting. I believe this is causing my next problem.

    I attached the lens for my focus school onto my primary weapon as my warframe wasn't mastered at the time, played a mission, collected the convergence orb, 10 15 kills, then.... Boom 52 Focus. . . WTF! Played about 20 convergence and all high kills and the most i got was 250 focus. This absolutely can not be right. Can someone please tell me if I need to change something.

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