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Posts posted by crysed

  1. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Descent-of-Damocles:

    I know what he said, but that aside, is hek anything more than a starter shotgun? I mean with all the nerfs coming around, yeah DEs intention to make all weapons the same is taking effect. I can see why hek needs that boost to meet that standard. Regardless I hope DE would do more player AND numerical analysis before making decisions.

    People don't care about the Hek. It's about Vaykor Hek, that uses the same Rivens and Vay Hek is actually a very good weapon

  2. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Spectre-8:

    Warframes should have the vacuum not pets that get stuck in walls .

    I never liked the idea of having mods for this anyway. Why can't my super high tech frame not just have a loot range of it's own? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Tangent-Valley said:

    And I've seen people counter this: "Dude, if you're at 10 or 15 rolls, just get a new Riven" Cause, oh yeah, everyone in this game has mountains of plat to spent, OBVIOUSLY......but the people who don't, the people who are more or less poor....it's pretty much a cluster**** of suffering and terrible RNG.

    And this is the sad part about that. There are players who accept or even defend the current system. Instead of rebalancing the weapons DE gave us Rivens, a system that is so badly toxicated by RNG that is is IMO unhealthy for the game and only a very small minority of players really profits from this system. 

    But rebalancing weapons wouldn't give them money, so why bother. Just thorw a bad RNG system into the game and hope people spend craploads of money on platinum.

    For me this is the worst decission DE ever made and a completly fun-killer in so many ways. I have even seen people quit warframe because of Rivens.

  4. I honestly think that the riven system right now is just horrid. The really good Rivens are only affordable for a very small amount of players and while it makes some unpopular weapons viable it often only increases the powercreep of already strong weapons.

    I think locking stats would be a good start in the right direction. Not even after a certain amount of rolls, just whenever you need it for extra kuva.

    I too think that stats shouldn't have differenct values. If a riven rolls a stat, always let it have a fixed value, this would remove another layer of rng from Rivens. Until Rivens came all mods had fixed values. A rank 10 Serration always had 165%, this was the case for every player, why did that had to be changed? Warframe is not Diablo or Path of Exile, where random item stats where part of the game from day 1. 

  5. I noticed that the Rhino Warlust Helmet looks kinda strange when the Frame moves his head around. There is a huge gap between the helmet and the neck, noticable on all Rhino skins, not only the Palatine Skin i am using in the screenshots. 



    I think a good way to fix it would be to add textures the stretch once you move your head around, like the Palatine Helmet does. 



    It still looks a bit akward, but is much less noticable imo.

  6. On 29.5.2017 at 4:45 AM, Lazuli3 said:

    There are more than enough warframes in which the positioning of rifles or pistols look rather awkward and quite literally out of place. This is something that comes to my mind especially when considering syandanas and clipping.

    The clipping in the game makes many good looking things just look awful. Mostly i make all my weapons invisible while holstered because of this and i really hope they add holstering options for the other weapons too. Would be awesome if we can slighty adjust the positions for attachments and syandanas too.

  7. Dg8ajph.jpg


    Akzani Heraata: 80

    Atomos Visi-toxitron: 250 SOLD

    Castanas Satidra: 50

    Synapse Toxi-satitis: 500

    Despair Hexa-visinak: 160

    Javlok Visicron: 250 SOLD

    Stinger Vexi-hexades: 800

    Synapse Visi-critatis: 500

    Soma Critican: 800  SOLD

    Twin Rogga Vexocan: 180 SOLD


    Prices are negotiable. PM me here, ingame or post below.


  8. 12 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    AoE frames require next to no effort to play. It's almost like botting.

    Would be nice if they nerfed their efficiency much more. Or alternatively made active gameplay give you larger rewards than auto aim no effort gameplay.

    Yes, AoE Frames are ridiculously efficient in some game modes. But this isn't the players fault, it's DEs fault to begin with. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

    Well this was the problem. Obviously you know that.

    Fissures aren't meant to speedrun. They're designed to make you slow down compared to how quickly we could run Void Keys because the RNG is better than Void Keys. 


    It doesn't need to be changed just to suit speed farming, especially considering that most people know how to go through the missions properly without screwing themselves over. If you see that you're killing too fast, it's your onus to slow down and make sure to collect reactant before wiping the level. 


    It's not punishing efficient farming. Farming is already more efficient than it used to be. It's a mechanic of the game to ensure you don't farm too fast. Warframe IS a free-to-play. It's made so that you spend as much time playing it as possible. 

    I just can't see it that way, but lucky for you that you can. You are right, RNG is much better but what is the point of Warframes that can clear large areas in no time when we can't even use them to their full potential? There are for sure other ways to slow down the process instead of crippling the playstyle of certain Frames because of the curret mechanic. 

    I can only see this as bad game design. 

  10. Finally got my Banshee Prime and finished building her, started doing some Void Fissure runs and it happend several times that there wasn't enough reactant if i killed the enemies too fast. I feel this should be changed somehow. Players getting punished for farming fast and efficient is just a huge disappointment and a big middle finger right into my face imo. I don't understand why this wasn't fixed already.


  11. Kuva farming at the Kuva Fortress would be so much better. Locking stats would be graet too because it is too much RNG. 

    I too think thats on riven mods should be fixed. No stat ranges from e.g. 80-120% crit instead let it be 100% crit, when you roll crit. Stat range doesn't fit to a game like Warframe where all stats always were fixed. Serration rank 10 always has 165% damage and so should the stats of rivens be fixed.

    With this much more people could afford good rivens, instead of only the top % of the playerbase. Those insane platinum prices on riven mods because they are so are and hard to get are just way over the top.

  12. 12 hours ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

    my idea of late game is staring down a level 1 grineer with my chroma to see how long it takes before he stops shooting point blank and ducks for cover as if this was a battle for the ages and slowly walk up to him where he is ducking for cover xD.

    Chroma?! I haven't seen one since... no it couldn't be.

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