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Posts posted by Superfluous

  1. Main issues that I have:

    1. The concept of MK IV, MK V, MK VI, etc equipment in the future. Why would I care about grinding for this stuff when it's just gong to become irrelevant garbage whenever DE decides to arbitrarily up the numbers, forcing me to do it all again for the same thing I had before? Warframe would be awful if the regular weapons I invested into became obsolete every few months and I had to constantly build new identical ones that have higher numbers attached, and railjack is no different. Granted, you do sort of get this from prime/vandal/etc equipment, but it only happens once and you can count on using the initial version for many years.

    2. The nature of ship with a crew of 4 means that only 25% of the people present on a mission are even getting anything out of upgrading their ship. It seems like a critical, core flaw of railjack and I don't know how it can be fixed. It's as if you were playing the regular game and 1 member of your party gets to use their actual loadout while the other 3 have to use some generic frame/weapon that they can't customize or progress. Combined with #1 I find it utterly impossible to care about upgrading my ship, which is the only point of doing railjack.

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