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Posts posted by (PSN)Dragon_God_87

  1. to me relics are a punishment for people that but prime pack because if you dont buy prime pack you have to crack a lot more relics to get the new primes so you end up with more traces and more junk for ducats so by buying primes i now have no junk to convert and now i have to farm junk for ducats i have always said they need to add a trade in for ducats even if its only 15 per relic or a new game mode to solo open relic on mass in short time the catch is you dont get to pick the drops so its no good for people wanting to farm specific items

  2. Yes my dojo was made years ago when you had to have all the clan halls, and now it needs a total remake to but all the new (by our dojo standards) closer to spawn, but I'm hesitant because some of the rooms that need moving are fully decorated by people that have long moved on it would be nice to have something like the dojo design sites in game were I can move rooms around and click submit and it just auto moves and deletes what's needed, and I'd even be happy if this locked out the dojo for 2 or 3 days to do


    an Alt option I'd be happy with is a way to save a room's decorations so that when I rebuild I can load from a file or something this option also opens up something new room design sharing for people that don't have the artistic touch

  3. Rezing this thread because

    A) it still needs doing, I want to display event sigils

    B) I'm not making a new topic when it has already been said just needs a retelling

    C) they made the 10th anniversary a sigil and that needs to go over my 9-year glyph


    also well worth 15 plat  a pop for them id buy a few but i might need a bigger Dormizone

  4. 57 minutes ago, TheDarkSamus said:

    Been wanting to spend 200$ on WF. Never got the 75% off so instead I spent my cash somewhere else.
    Now after more than 1 month of wait, I received 75% off. Well guess what. The money is gone now.

    Here's a bright business model idea.
    Remove the coupon % off on purchase.
    Instead, give coupon % off items in game, not directly on plat purchase.
    This way we still have the coupons AND we can buy whenever we want.

    Anyway, in the long term we're not the ones losing millions.
    Your choice.

    This is how it works on consoles (PS4/5 for me) we don't get discount on plat because of how the system works with Sony, so we get a % discount on items in game personally I'd prefer the discount on plat get more plat for my cash guess the grass is always greener on the other side

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  5. so im rebuilding my clans Dojo and it time to remove the barracks so i go to the console at the back of the room press squere and i get the error that there is no room to add a room here after looking closer im not clicking on the console but a sudo build wheel 37846589_10209801989766355_5156364536726


    EDIT1:this extends to all nodes and consoles all displaying the no space to add room error

  6. its nice they are taking our responces to heart and fixing what they have broken but the UI is still far from the way it was we still need to give them feed back and keep letting them know we are happy with the fix but it still needs more work and together the community and devs need to find a happy middle ground we will never get the old UI back because then all the new stuff comming will not work so we need to take the crappy system and help DE shape it in a way that we as console players are happy with

  7. after my post i went back onto the game and found i could use a keyboard and mouse to play the game fully downside on a keyboard what button is squere whats x so its not as bad as first thought but i logged in today and i still hate it play defence to round 5 then logged off this needs undoing or i feel warfame is done and thats a shame because the actual game is amazing and i so wish it was still playable and as for sorting out upgrades please kill me .......

  8. i dont think ill be logging back in till this is fixed if i wanted a cursor i would be playing the PC version as it is now is slow and clunky navigation take forever having to now hover over somthing to open sub catagorys then move over to that and select it we are not PC gamers so why give a mouse pointer and not allow us to use a mouse do the same to PC players make it so they dont have the cursor and have to navigae with just arrow key is a like situation

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