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Posts posted by Sorakamii

  1. I can accept this except for the energy cost per shot thing.Remeber it takes focus to be this good,focus costs energy and in turn that is the energy drain.I have 90% effecticy on her(i know i misspelled that) and have 300 energy so that means i'd get 300 cluster rounds into enemies.That honestly really broken,but the rest of what your saying is very true and needs to be fixed......maybe a little armor buff too.....just saying.....

  2. it's people like you that ruin the entire Game Industry. look, i can be mindlessly defensive like that too! >.>



    if you don't like Constructive Criticism, don't participate in the community of any Video Game. because that's what you'll see in most communities, so you know ahead of time what to expect.



    it's incredulous to read that you know that there's issues, but you don't think the game should be made better. why wouldn't a Video Game always want to be better?

    and this is a very important issue, Character movement is THE core of every Video Game. Warframe is supposed to be about a non-motion locked Character experience. it's one of the big selling points of the game.

    so why wouldn't it be high on the priority list to make sure it represents the game well?



    just because Digital Extremes has a Video Game that's ahead of most, doesn't mean that we should care about improving the game less. 

    right here, Digital Extremes is standing at the forefront of the entire Industry, with a successful product that can break new boundaries for Video Games in general. what we do here, can get enough attention to actually push the entire Industry forward - an Industry which has as a whole, stagnated in the past 8 years or so.

    small groups are still opening new boundaries here and there, but the larger parts of the Industry have been stagnating. but there's the opportunity to fix that.

    I dont have a  problem with Constructive Critisism i actually appove of it,what i can't stand is when people complain endlessly about it.Yes i did say it needs a rework,but lets get to the more improtant things first,like game breaking bugs,glitches and that kind of stuff.Once a good number of those are worked out and fixed then maybe we can get a movement rework.Also having this rework will take ALOT of time.I do animations so i know replacing the animations and actions of a full game will take months,years even.Even if they worked endlessly on it we wouldnt see it until maybe next year,so let them take their time.Im sure many other people have said something about this at some point so trust me they've seen it before.

  3. DE is working hard to give us a good game and it's people like you that ruin the experience.Yeah we all noticed Parkour is bad at times and can use a rework but do some of us care,NO.We are busy playing the amazing game they gave us and allowing them to fix bigger problems first before coming back to something like this.Isn't that what DE always does? Add a mess of new stuff tweak it till it's good then go back and fix old problems.If i remember correctly we couldn't even vault correctly over objects until a few months ago. So please dont complain,enjoy if u dont enjoy leave nothing is holding you back.

  4. Well my Kubrow hates me.I love little Shiro and i want to pat her head but i cant ever do it.Itll start the animation,cancel it then nothing changes.some one please help me

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