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Posts posted by Sun_Drag0n

  1. I think Lore states that the Grineer just wanted to control or manipulate the Tenno.  Hence the newer tutorial where you had to wipe yourself from Vor's influence.

    The lotus says in the tutorial: "I cant lose this tenno, Not another one". or something like it. That means the Grineer have a few warframes at their disposal. That means Tyl Regor or the other grineer scientific who studied the infesteds and the G3 could examinate and modify some warframes.


    Mesa was controlled by infested flesh.

    Valkyr was modified and Experimented on by the Corpus. Valkyr wasn't directly FULLY made by the corpus. I think...


    Valkir, In the codex: "Forged in the labs of the Zanuka project, the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments leaving her scarred, angry and frighteningly adept at killing.". So yeah, The original Valkire was modifed and "Forged" by the corpus, Basically becoming "Corpus based".



    But i think what LK-GriM meant  was: "where is a warframe releated to the grinner faction?". And to my point of View, Its a good question,

  2. Ok, the issue is: I cant rise the loyalty of my dog, I waited till the "Dayly reward" (6:00p.m. in my case) to rise her loyalty up a little, but when i try, The screen goes black for a second and then, NOTHING happens, I've tried several time but always the same, she deals -80% damage now, I dont know what to do... Help...

  3. I'd rather have consistency with the enemies I'm fighting on the mission and how they get progressively harder or stay the same depending on mission type (exterminate vs survival for instance).


    I think having the enemies -also- getting progressively stronger/weaker depending on warframe levels and number of warframes present is a lot of unnescary programming. Too much scripting for too little being accomplished from it. Additionally... the difficulty rating can be dealt with by having said players simply go to a different map where the level matches better.


    This gives me a thought however which I'll open a new thread on.


    Mmmm. I'm not so sure if this is a good idea. Hardly addresses the issues of difficulty because it just makes them bigger meatbags with more damage that people can bypass with ease.

    Its an idea of how players can get a challenge outside missions like survival, Because, A T3 exterminate mission is not a challenge for my anymore, a T4 neither, im able to kill almost every enemy with one single shot (my friends can, too), So with this setting, i think it can make the game more challenging, Just a little...


  4. (Im not speaking of Equipment level, i'm speaking of difficulty level);


    every Normal mission has its own difficulty "15 - 23", For example, players under that "15" have problems doing the mision, But people over the level "23" can kill everything almost instantly, without problems. So, If they make the mision at a Base difficulty of "15" and a maximum of "23" (15 - 23), for example (Again), The players at the level "15" will have a challenge, but they can complete the mission. players over the level "23" or more will increase the difficulty of the mision, making a base difficulty a 5% - 10% - 15% - 20%, and so, more difficult per player on the team, Improving the teamwork.


    If a player at level "15" is playing with people over the level "23" will notice a increase of difficulty, But it can be solved with an opcion on the "Opcion screen" that will allow you to chose between: Playing with people of your same level, Playing with people with similar level and playing with everybody, no matter their level. the default setting will be the second one, "Playing with players of similar level".


    Missions like survival, defense and interception will not be affected by the players level, If it is "15 - 23", no matter what level the players are, it alway begin at level "15 - 23" without an increase of dificulty.


    So yeah, Thanks for reading, tell me what you think about this and how can the difficulty be improved.

    (PS: I don't speak the english very well, Sorry if i make a mistake on my writing)

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