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Posts posted by (PSN)OnlyTheDead

  1. 1 minute ago, KnightOw7 said:

    There are more efficient ways to credit farm.

    I agree.  I would imagine the reason why the quests aren't repayable with rewards has to do more with technical issues ( time needed to make it a possibility) than pragmatic exploitation issues that may arise from people selling the blueprints. I guess its something to ask the developer about. 

  2. I don't really understand how this is exploitable to be completely honest.  A quest takes multiple missions.  The BPS are worth about 3k-ish in credits, about less than half from a low level alert and taking 3 to 4 times the time if not more.  Even if it were 4 steps and each part dropped a bp worth 3k credits, it would still be much less than doing low level alerts as they pop up.  It just doesn't strike me as anywhere  as productive or within the  "path of least resistance" requirements usually needed to necessitate exploitation. Perhaps I am missing something?

  3. As someone who has recently gotten back into the game and brought some new players with me and helping them start there are some obvious barriers in explanation to some of the stuff.  So much so that I often spend about an hour explaining stuff to them that should for all intents be in game.    Specifically things like mod capacity and the effects of reactors on that in the mod tutorial. More explicit explanation of mod mechanics like forma, polarity, damage types, and elements.  The mastery system, the importance of leveling items and frames to 30.  What does and does not effect this.  An explanation of exactly what is dropping out of containers when you open them.   (I had to look at wiki to understand what the blue thing was when starting, turns out it's an energy item for my warframe and very important.) 

    Even basic tutorial options that may pop up and can be switched on/off as players advance. 

    As an example, consider the first time opening your Navigation.  A quick sequence of windows one by one pop up showing what the different items mean, the icons on the chart such as alerts, nightmare, etc.  Perhaps a stable "Help" cursor that can be activated any time and used to click on items for explanations that brings up a help index.  Or as another option maybe a random help tip if tutorials are on that pops up displaying something every time you activate items on your ship. (Upon entering navigation a small unobtrusive box in the corner slides out that reads "press R1 to cycle thru categories and missions of interests" or "Be sure to unlock as many planets as possible by completing junctions to increase your opportunities to take part in alerts for special rewards!")

    This could be applied to anything. Open mods and the help box flashes random tutorials that might say "Be aware of mod capacity on your items.  To double capacity at lvl 30, install the applicable orokin uograde item" or "Forma a mod slot to reduce the cost of high level mods by changing the polarity of a slot for more advanced builds!"

    Something of this sort in conjunction with a help index would massively increase the ability to learn about the game in the actual game instead of going outside to the wiki.  Most new players aren't going to be engaged enough to gonariund searching for stuff that should be readily available and that is a serious issue for player retention as it wasbforbme when I first tried the game upon PS4 release. 

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