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Posts posted by Afftastic

  1. Please make an Exilus Forma just like Aura Forma, personally I do not find Aura Forma very useful. I think if there is an Exilus Forma there will be much more flexibility for people to experiment/run with different builds. I also do not mind if this forma is extremely rare and willing to work for it. 



    Please support this discussion thanks.


  2. Considering how mobile wisp is this reservoir thing makes 0 sense. Thy do not do anything special, in that case wisp herself should be the reservoir so when people come close to her they get the buff like all other frames.

    We have frames that are able to skip the whole game by pressing one button and here we are struggling to place flowers 1 by 1 that don’t do anything, come on guys we can do better lol

    • Like 1
  3. I feel like there should be a 4th option on the flower wheel to place all 3 flowers down at once. Most of the game modes are really fast paced and by the time you finish putting down the flowers people are half way across the map and thus they serve no purpose at times. This will make her flow a bit better without being over the top, it will allow her to keep up with everyone and help out with buffs.

  4. Amazing frame but I would like to see some improvements if its possible. 

    After taking him to MOT for several runs I noticed some improvements would be appreciated.

    1.       His animations needs to be sped up especially his 2 and 4, during casting and switch to weapons sometimes gets you killed because its too long and your locked in animation.

    2.       I really think if his 1 is duration based would be really nice because his 2/3 are spammy skills and the overall energy cost is too much.

    3.        His 2 can do with a little bit more range even using stretch + Augur reach range seems little and mobs just shoot you from outside the range.

    4.       His 3 concept is good but the charges don’t last long leading to spamming that skill, somehow they need to stay for longer.

    5.       Personally I found him a bit squishy so the above points need to be addressed for his survivability and to make him a bit more fluid.

    These are my experience, other people might think differently so please leave your feedback and hopefully Baruuk will be awesome.

    Really fun frame thanks for somehting a little different DE good work. 

    • Like 5
  5. They do talk about this kind of things time to time as a joke tho. If enough people wanted it and there tons of amzing frame artist for DE to use now, I am sure they can come up with somehting that meets in the middle. Look at nidus/nezha delux, it could happen.

  6. Lets make Mesa prime look like an anime cow girl - we need this (I mean I need this) ;)

    Ok maybe not full on anime but you know what I mean xD



  7. Had a look at Garuda and I have to say again I am super disappointed with some of her skills just like Revenant.

    Her 1 - only skill that feels like some thought process and effort into it.

    Her 2 - feels like copy/paste Nidus’s link.

    Her 3 - concept is ok

    Her 4 - feels like copy/paste Revenant/Nyx.

    Come on guys please put some effort into her, I know its early days and more can be done. I am tired of new frames just feeling meh.

    Some quick suggestions from me.

    For her 2nd she can take off her bone claws and fire at multiple enemies like a boomerang. Pierced/killed/slashed enemies drop health/energy orbs, which will heal her and team mates.  

    3rd ability option could be she can detonate the dead corps dealing damage to herself and to live enemies. (2nd can mark 3rd can detonate after they are dead - counter at top of screen)

    For 4th ability she can summon a spectral blood demon that comes out from the ground (with different weapon coming out of its body), the blood demon can perform different things at random, for example fire waves of blades, slam the ground and send a huge shock wave at enemies, so on so forth, you can add cc here too.

    There are so many things you can do with her that fits a gore theme and make it fun for everyone to use her, took me a min to think about some options, I am sure the community can think of other amazing ones.

    Please stop this lazy and boring warframe design trends, thanks.

  8. I feel that this augment needs a little bit of a change. Right now Nezha is in a good place and very team friendly, little adjustment to this augment would make it more user friendly and more people would probably use it to help out the team. 

    My biggest problem with this augment is you have to aim at a team mate to cast it (Hope I havnt got that wrong). With so much going on around you and team mates moving all over the place its kind of hard to keep track of this. Sometimes feel like have to chase people around to use it so its a hustle for me personally. 

    Simple change would be to make it so that you just hold down his 3 to apply to people in range. 

  9. Hi 

    Can you adjust this syandana to match rest of Nezha's skin please. 

    1. top area doesn't fully match his skin if you copy over the colours. 

    2. the left and right dangly bits should match the texture of the small dangly bits on delux skin (excuse my french toast)

    3. Please no floppy textures.

  10. Hi 

    Can you adjust this syandana to match rest of Nezha's skin please. 

    1. top area doesn't fully match his skin if you copy over the colours. 

    2. the left and right dangly bits should match the texture of the small dangly bits on delux skin (excuse my french toast)

    3. Please no floppy textures.

  11. Personally think they do not know what they want, lately it just feels like they are putting things out there just for the sake of it maybe to make it seem like they are adding content. Everything feels rushed without a good thought process/development behind it. It just a flip flop from one thing to another e.g ember nerf --> then saryn rework that can kill/wipe out everything the hell lolz. 

  12. The person who came up with Revenant's skills ever played warframe? 

    The person who came up with Revenant's skills know what an Eidolon is? 

    When can we expect Revenant to get prorper Eidolon skills?


    Besides his 4 (we had to cry about it to get that changed too) need changes to his other skills to fit this theme. Personally dc about fake nyx cc/fake iron skin/fake hydroid rip off 


    JUST GIVE US EIDOLON SKILLS WE CAN HAVE FUN WITH (if you need ideas we are here to provide you with many) :facepalm:


  13. Vauban such a cool warframe but I feel that his abilities need lots of work. 

    My suggestion is give him the ability to summon/place different type of turrets that work with time mods and power strength mods. Think this will go with this frame really well and will be fun to play him. 

    Add your suggestions, I want to hear some interesting ones maybe DE can get some ideas too :)

  14. 20-30min for an epic boss event 1s a week or 1s a day is not a big deal. I would personally really enjoy these kinds of things alot. 

    Btw Kela is not a big deal.. she gets 2 shotted by mesa even Kela sorties takes 5min tops..I actually really enjoy doing that as well. 

    Eidon hunt is really great but its not epic enough need somehting with 10ish people, Eidolons need a buff maybe they just get one shotted these days hence 3x3 in one night. 

    Also for gods sake let the Acolytes assist Stalker or buff Stalker his meh now.. need somehting that really messes you up good. (again dont care about drops) 

  15. Was just doing the Lephantis sorties and that just got me thinking I always love this so much, really enjoy the challenge.

    Also it kind of brings the people you’re in squad with together and makes people work as a cohesive unit. At the end of the fight you really feel as though you have accomplished something rather than killing brain dead mobs with 1 button all day long.

    It would be so nice if DE could introduce more things like this where a squad of 10+ players go into a huge boss battle for like 20-30min, or have like an event in poe that lets you do this. For example the plague star event (skip all the rubbish) just the boss battle but more epic.  

    I don’t even care about any rewards (yes I understand people need some kind of incentive to do hard things like this) personally I don’t care. I want the epic fight which makes me moist from focusing so hard lol.    

    I feel as though we have these amazing warframes and weapons and there is no actual challenge. You could say then go do a long MOT run, I would probably have to sit there for 1h+ for the challenge to arrive by then I am bored out of my mind and want to log off, I am sure you guys know what I mean.

    Maybe this is not the format for the epic boss battles with lots of players but I am sure DE can easily implement this and this is something a lot of players will enjoy with their beefed up frames and weapons.

    Maybe big spider bots in venus are the answer to this? hmmm

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