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Posts posted by Pure

  1. Dude read weapon descriptions. The Bows have a "magnetic field to launch arrows capable of impaling enemies to walls." In other words, not only is it future string, with a compound bow of super allows being drawn by someone with super strength, but it also has super science to help launch the arrows.


    if that is true then why does the arrow drop when you spam.  if it were amplified you would barely have to pull it.

  2. ....

    I feel like no one said this and I feel bad that this suggestion got buried under stupid, but I like your idea. Blessing should do what it does now... for everyone else. I play Trinity as I assume DE intended(no blessing spam, using all abilities, etc) and I rarely cast blessing for myself. Mostly I notice a person dropping and quickly cast it on them to catch them before they fall, and hope the invinc is enough to get them out of whatever bad situation they were in. I'd be willing to accept a lesser version of the ability on myself for that. Heck, I'd be willing to be vulnerable for that. I want to support and I do it for others, not for myself. I'd feel totally awesome if I cast blessing as a team was extracting with no air in survival and I died so they could get out. It'd make me think tactically too. Instead of just casting the ult to save people whenever, I'd have to think if I could afford to cast it. That would be interesting to me. I dunno. I doubt most people are as willing to be a martyr as I am, so maybe just make it effect her less then her team :P


    the thing is this game doesn't have tank, dps, healer.  it has group play but it isn't build for the standard tank healer.


    DE intended no blessing spam?  if that's the case it would have a long cooldown.  not only that all warframes have spam abilities.  blessing isn't really needed for t1-t2 or 80% of the game.  it's needed for when enemies start to one-two shot players.  of course you can say i never use blessing if you fight easy enemies.


    if you cast blessing to save your team in survival then your team is bad and didn't understand that you have to be near extraction when low air.  you're not really a martyr if you die for not being good though.  trinity should be last to die with link and blessing.


    nerfing blessing isn't really balance.  frost still has snow globe and there's perma invis.  they would have to nerf alot of powers for balance.

  3. Actually dethcube doesn't do good damage but if you can make carrier it's much better than detcube except the short range.

    Just put some dmg mods on it there you go.


    split chamber

    Heavy caliber

    Bane of etc

    Impact/puncture/Slash mods

    and elementel mods too.


    huh?  the deathcube has longer range so it would have more dps because it hits more targets.  the carrier vacuum isn't even that good since most missions are farm and u barely move.  the djinn has the longest range so it hits the most targets.

  4. I highly suggest you get rid of this "in my head" and the "50% accuracy" stuff and take it to hard numbers.  Write your data down so that we have real numbers and take the following steps if you want to have consistent and trustworthy data.  


    1. Take a Rhino or some other frame that cannot die such as Loki.

    2. Take an entirely unmodded weapon or a weapon only modded for status chance.  Basically something that deals very little damage.

    3. Take both things to an area with high level mobs that won't die from you shooting entire clips into it.  Do it point blank you have 100% accuracy.  

    4. Record yourself footage so that you can go back and actually count the procs rather than on the go.  You will absolutely not notice every single proc if your attention is not completely focused on counting.

    5. Do 3 and 4 numerous times so you have a large enough sample size rather than whatever it is you have in this thread.


    Basically the problem I have with threads like these is that they're generally inconclusive with zero data to back it up.  When I say data, I do mean data.  What you have are anecdotes unless you got everything on a spreadsheet with proper methodology.  


    There are also a few passages that imply a misunderstanding of some facets of chance as well as a forgetfulness of your own methodology.




    Firstly, you say this math about the theoretical elemental procs per magazine.  One thing you must note is that a single magazine is not a large enough sample size to make any conclusive statement regarding whether or not proc chances are working or not.  That you speak of a certain select times where you feel as if it does not work is anecdote, not data.  


    Secondly, you talk about your accuracy being 50% when you are shooting your weapons.  Number 1: You have to be consistent with this knowledge.  Number 2: You never talk about your accuracy again nor even seem to account for it.  





    For example here.  This is entirely reasonable considering your accuracy statement.  If you're supposed to get 12 procs per magazine if you're 100% accurate, you're going to get around 6 procs per magazine if you're 50% accurate.  This is perfectly in line with what you're witnessing of 5-10 procs.  And again, get rid of this feeling nonsense and give specific data.




    Another example.  With 50% accuracy, you have roughly 1 proc per magazine.  That you can sometimes go through an entire magazine without a single proc is entirely possible.  It is actually downright expected.  If you never ever had a single instance of an entire magazine without a proc, then you'd have grounds for concern.


    Also, Tysis may very well be bugged since it's a new weapon.  I'd focus on another weapon instead


    its not rocket science to know what 50% chance is.  there doesn't even need to be research for it when gamers have been dealing with it for years.  may it be 50% crit chance etc.  gratz on first post though.

  5. The only reason people cry nerf is because they finally saw trinity can do higher level than other classes.


    Loki and ash are perma invis.  Rhinos can perma cc.  The problem is no one cared until they got to lvl 200's and found out they can't survive with iron skin and take aoe hits.  Thats where a trinity comes in and helps them.  I find it funny to nerf trinity power that actually helps teammates survive end game.


    Trinity teamwork op.

  6. Everyone hates oor Tysis they shout 

    damage too low / speed too low/

    status not working correctly etc.

    Thus i took it and 5 forma that

    small monster enjoy 

    (weapon not good?you have not put 

    enough forma expect spectra . 

    Spectra always bad D:)


    i would hate to run missions with you, extremely slow. reloading on 1 shot with enemies still up.  i think the player lowers the dps on the weapon here.

  7. I warned Acrid users.... but they didn't listen.


    I'm warning Soma users now... and they aren't listening.



    PoooOooOoooWerrrrrrrr CrEeeeEEeeeePpppp


    and?  saying a weapon can be buffed or nerfed is skills?  i don't know why people think they are smart for guessing a nerf/buff.  it's a 50/50 chance.  

  8. My Acrid works fine, dunno why it gets so much hate.


    If you think Acrid is bad I'll gladly livestream it doing anything that's not endless. T3 Void Defense, Lv35+ maps for any faction you like.







    I think non-hitscan projectiles need a balance pass overall. If DE_Scott came down and declared the Acrid is supposed to be the slowest and hardest to hit with weapon, then sure, I'd say buff it. Right now though we have Supra throwing lasers at half the speed I throw tennis balls for dogs to fetch and Seer which is nearly hitscan. I couldn't tell you what the devs are thinking about any non-hitscan weapon or how it should be balanced. I just have no earthly idea. All I can say is that Acrid "Works" as it is, so I'd just assume leave it alone.


    Maybe give it +1 damage and just put up a patch note saying it was "Buffed" so people can say it was buffed and stop whining about it lol...


    good luck with using ammo kits.  it is bad for a clan weapon.  my akboltos do more dps.


    t3 void def is a joke anyway.  i level up rank 0 weapons there.

  9. Vauban is actually one of the best warframes you can get. He's a monster in infested mission, and performs quite well in other missions. I don't think he needs a buff.


    infested are easy since you can kite anyway.  thats why they moved them to their own zone, they were too easy to level on.

  10. I don't get it... People say melee isn't viable, but I can deal with anything the game throws at me with my Orthos Prime all the same as if I were using guns. And I'm talking about 5 to 6 forma guns with maxed mods. Any time enemies get close to me or surround me, a swing and they all vanish.


    That said, I tried to make Galatine work... never reached numbers with it that my Orthos Prime couldn't reach in three regular swings (which take just as long as one charged attack from Gal). I keep thinking I'm doing it wrong, but my tests have been extensive.


    In a general sense, melee may not be as good as using guns, but Orthos Prime grossly outdoes any other melee weapon I've seen to date, and is quiet viable as a weapon in general.


    i don't think weapon dps is based on what you have seen to date.

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