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Posts posted by Dr_Diplodocus

  1. This is still happening. Extremely annoying. I have killed profit taker over 30 times now and still can't reach the rank of Hand because I do not have the required Atmo systems... Please fix this. It's really ridiculous

    It's preventing players that don't have a standing from actually doing something with Vox Solaris. I wish to buy amps, but am stuck.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Igni said:

    I need to ask. What's the point of that? Anything you achieve with that that you can't do now?

    Putting some order into your inventory as well as preventing you from accidentally selling/trading stuff you need for ducats. Both of those happened to me. Also, my foundry is often overcrowded with things that I'm often trying to save for smth. The UI in general is clunky so with all the things you can actually build it's just overwhelming. I'd love to put some things into a storage that I'm saving for later. For an example; I just finished building an Ash Prime Neuroptics. It's a vaulted frame and I don't know if I will and when I will get the other parts. I'd love to be able to put it into a storage where it's safe from my own mislicks as well as it being easy to access later on.

    4 hours ago, Igni said:

    the whole point of argon crystals is that they decay. No reason to implement a storage for that. if they want to get rid of it they'd just make then not decay in normal inventory... They are only void resource and you dont really need to stockpile them either...

    This isn't about the argon crystals unfortunately. The catch is, I love the way argon crystals work and how they dissapear after time.


    3 hours ago, chaotea said:

    I do think that all of what you've just said is basically a more physical version of the current inventory system.

    Yes and no, the current system is 1 inventory crowded with everything. I'd love to see a new storage+inventory system where if you have smth that's actually valuable to you, you wish to keep or still need some parts for, you can put it in the storage and it will stay there until you pick it up. You won't take it with you to relays or to your dojo for trades, so you'd avoid any accidents that can happen (you trading it for ducats, selling it or smth)

  3. The fact that the UI in-game is a bit clunky aside,


    I think it'd be a very nice option, and not a very hard one to implement, a personal storage unit. It would be located in your quarters or somewhere on the ship, just like other ship segments, where you could interact with your own personal storage.

    It would be pretty simple:

    1.) A small mission to retrieve the Storage Upgrade Segment for your ship could be added to the game.

    2.) After completion, the Storage Unit would appear somewhere on the ship and you would be able to interact with it.

    3.) The number of items you can store would depend on your MRank.

    4.) You could organize it as sets or as individual items. For an example: I finish a set for Mirage Prime, but I don't have the time or do not wish to sell it at the moment, maybe even want to save it for later on if I ever wish to make an experimental build; I go to the storage and create a new Set, name it ''Mirage P'' or something like that and save it to the storage.

    5.) Putting items into the storage wouldn't cost anything but pulling something out would cost 1.000 credits per item. 



  4. HyperLuminous or Luminosity is the suggestion for the name of the clan. 

    Quasars are very bright, the brightest objects in the known universe to be precise. Luminosity is their main characteristic

    If this is for your friends, who you presumably love and cherish, if you are a quasar, then you might want to call them your light :)


    P.S. i am also working on a clan logo

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