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Posts posted by (XBOX)P1nstripe

  1. So, despite being such low MR currently, I am in fact aware of exactly what an Operator is. (I had a high level account on PC.)
    As such, I find myself wondering why we don't have any Operator Tennogen. I know DE won't allow us to make armor because of just how difficult it is to size the armor to each and every Warframe, including all Prime variants.
    The way I see it, if Tennogen creators had access to the basic models of the Operator, and were then allowed to work on the outfit from there, we would not be seeing any issues like we do with Armor, and the creations would likely be made in the same way that Helmets and Synadanas are created, working from scratch with the basic template availble.

    On this same thought process, it would also be super cool if any player could design their own "scar" that their Operator has. The ones we have now are nice, but I personally feel they lack some spirals.
    Having more items to go on the face would be cool as well, and I feel Tennogen could fill that hole pretty well.

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  2. 36 minutes ago, SILVERF4NG said:

    3.) im nearly 40 hours in and i still have no idea what radiation, blast, magnetic statuses does and who they are good against

    You make a good point here. I didn't know what Corrosive was until I faced Inaros, and had to ask Region Chat how to kill him.

    Radiation makes Enemies unable to distinguish from friend and foe.
    Blast is what it sounds like. Really good for CC. Knocks enemies down, opens them to finishers.
    Magnetic is completely useless against enemies. I hope it gets a rework next year during the Damage check on elementals. Magnetic, when proc-ed on you, will sap all of your energy, and will blur your entire HUD. You won't be able to see your health, minimap, squadmates, everything.

  3. 14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)READYSETBOOM said:

    DE needs to improve market information. I had no idea I could buy so many blueprints in the market.  I origianlly thought the market was platnium only.  They should have a filter for credit only purchases.  

    They do. That is a thing that exists. (At least, it was on PC. I have yet to find it on Xbox)

  4. Having just started a new account on Xbox One, I have a few thoughts.

    - The modding system could use a tutorial. Nothing difficult, but just explaining how it generally works.
    - A quest that provides Forma, Prime stuff, and ends with building a cheap Prime weapon, (Such as the Lex Prime) and adding Forma to it once. Once that is completed, the new players understand Fissures and Forma.
    - In Vor's Prize, make it required that new players go through the advanced movement tutorial. (Also, it would help to have a tutorial on basics as well. It took me forever to figure out which buttons did what. The intro to Vor's Prize does not cover everything.)
    - I know this is reiterating, but tie in the Plains and the rest of the world. I find myself getting bored traveling through the rest of the star map, (Not having my Nyx Prime makes that feel all the worse...) I find myself on the Plains more and more often. But then it feels like I can't survive out there because of my low Mastery and horrible weapons.
    - There should be some immediately obtainable fashion items to introduce players to the endgame that is Fashion Frame.
    - When choosing between Excalibur, Mag, and Volt, new players should get to see the videos on YouTube, displaying their abilities in use. The way, they'd get a better idea of what would be happening when they use their powers.

    (I would seriously do anything to transfer my account from PC over to Xbox One. ANYTHING!!!)

  5. Who Spiked The Eggnog - Straight No Chaser

    It was Tennobaum Eve... My friends were all in Cetus...
    We were singing Tenno carols as the sun was falling down.
    And I don't know for certain, how it happened or who's to blame...
    But someone at party... oughta be ashamed...

    Ordis, who, who spiked the Eggnog? I know the culprit is here!
    Who, who brought the Grooze to Tennobaum this year?!
    (Who spiked the Eggnog?!)

    Ordis, who, who spiked the Eggnog? It smells like Grofit in here!
    Who, who snuck it in? We're gonna feel it tomorrow I fear!
    The first shot went off easy, the second one nice and smooth...
    By the third my Peacemaker was spinnin' around, and that's when I got the clue!
    Ordis, who, who spiked the Eggnog? Come out and show your face!
    Who, who brought the sauce? Look out, I'm on the case!

    (Hey, was it Banshee?!)
    With a flask of Brandy?
    She was by the Bar-a.
    (What about Mag?)
    She was all alone!
    (Hey, I saw Nyx with a bottle in her hand!)

    Ordis, who, who spiked the Eggnog? They've all got guilty sensors!
    Who's, who's got the Grog? It's gotta be one of these guys!

    (More Eggnog!)

    Loki and Ivara were sneakin around, Nekros looked guilty to me...
    Harrow's curled up on the couch...
    (Might've been Volt...)
    (Coulda been Volt...)
    (Probably was Volt...)
    (Must've been Volt...)
    (Volt, Volt, Volt, Volt!)

    Hey, don't look at me! I just got here!

    Ordis, who, who spiked the Eggnog? I know the Culprit is here!
    Who, who's been hiding the hooch at Tennobaum this year?!
    (We love the Eggnog!)

    Ordis, who spiked the Eggnog? Tell me, tell me, who could it be?

    Hmm, this is pretty good stuff..!

    Who knows, it could've been me?!



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