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Posts posted by --Q--Asteror

  1. I've got the same problem.  (Update failure)


    I also verified my warframe on steam ... sadly after downloading 14,2gb of files the issue stays as it is with only 1 difference - i can see Octavia for a split second instead of Chroma.

  2. Ability idea:

    Gravital enhancement 

    [Press the ability key]  50 energy

    effect :

    Your arrows do not suffer from arc. effect for the ability's duration and have increased travel speed. Projectile weapons use more speed increase than bows with this effect. For hit scan weapons... hmmm maybe enemies get slowed down when shot for X sec depending on power duration , slow value = 30% unaffected by power str. Beam weapons have increased range when ability is active.


    That's my idea of an ability for you :)

  3. Hello 

    Recently i found this wierd looking thing related to Saryn Prime and her Toxic Lash skill on. Everything is ok ( the visual stuff ) untill i cast the skill which is "repainting" my Saryn with some green strips/stains [my energy colour is "gold-ish" ] . I did not notice anything on my basic Saryn.

    I hope this is not intentional or something because it does not look very nice so i hope this will be fixed soon.

    Here's a link to some photos :  http://imgur.com/a/dgZB4

  4. The one problem is that the target is spawning inside the walls (sorry no pic ) . I was running Cosis on Eris. But the main,  biggest issue is that the target has no "dots" on him to scan  in a first place. Sometimes 2 dots appear to me and after i scan them ... nothing the target is just standing as normal.  I was running with a friend and he had those dots normally but after 3 runs he got the same bug. We restarted the game and the first run went as it should be. I don't know if it's useful info but i wanted to post it too.



    I found it that way.



    It's still running here.No dots from the begining.


    I found it really depressing and i hope for quick fix.

  5. Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

    You are a piece of S.H.I.T

    Please stop convincing me

    Killing mecha army

    Is fun and do know why 



  6. Hej !

    Imię: Aster0r - Patryk

    Wiek:  jeszcze 17 ( ur. w listopadzie )

    A. Tak jestem w stanie "wykonywać" nowe ewenty wraz z klanem gdyż robilem to sam dotychczas bez większych problemów

    B. Na Warframe wchodze by się odstresować i miło spędzić czas ( coś koło zapaleńca ) 1 rundka dziennie to podstawa :P

    C. Weekendy ( środy wymiennie z czwartkami )

    D.   13-sta 16-sta lub 20-sta 

    E.  Gamingowy młodzieniec lubiący wiele rodzajów gier i rozrywek . Przyzwyczajony głownie do gry "solo" bądź "duo" ale współpracą w wiekszym teamie nie pogadzi :) , stale pielęgnujący swój styl gry . I troche nieśmiały i cichy . 

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