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Posts posted by (PSN)Parrydigm

  1. 12 hours ago, Agnaaiu said:

    The main trick that did it for me was really radiation + cold damage.

    My problem so far is a lack of heat mods for weapons. I've yet to have one drop, which is bizarre but making radiation damage hard :) I spent some time with a group last night and we didn't manage to do it - but close. We were killed by the final boss of the internet: lag, which made us migrate hosts, drop a player, and the fight reset the boss when we were low on ammo.

    I feel close! Just not quite there yet :)

    12 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    Trying to get through everything solo??  Do you not how to flip ur game to public so you can roll with other people??

    No, I play public by default, I like the PUGs. There aren't too many people on this node for me though, I'm in Oceania and possibly everyone else is enjoying time with family over the break, the fools :)

  2. 38 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    You just have to be careful when you do it. Enter the codes slowly, give about 10-30 seconds between codes. Then you won’t trigger the ban.

    Ok to confirm, you can get 'em wrong, it's just the speed of a failed entry that triggers? That's easy enough, I can try one every say minute just to be safe. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Thanks to all for the tips. This is super-useful. I think what I will try next is remodding the weapon (making sure it's got some e.g. rad) and perhaps trying a different weapon (sniper for king kits). I'm really enjoying the experimentation side of this game, it's a lot of fun to see just how different it plays with a couple different options.

    Once I get it down, then I can start farming Nova etc. Thanks again for the tips :)

  4. Just now, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

    Mag makes that mission so easy, being able to just put a bullet attracter  in the raptor takes away most of it's difficulty 

    I don't have a Mag :( That sounds like a neat trick tho :) Checking the Wiki, she seems easy enough to farm? Just The Sergeant, run many times, if I'm reading it right.


    4 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    If your only problem is ammo bring secondary along and melee and kill surrounding ais with the melee to (hopefully) get the ammo for soma. 

    Allso ammo mutation for sentinels and primary exists.

    Hm. Okay I don't think I've found that ammo mutation mod yet. I am trying the melee with the surrounding mobs, but in phase 2 the little bots that eat shields make this difficult. I tend to burn through my secondary weapon ammo too. I wonder if I should switch weapons to maybe a sniper rifle? Thoughts?

  5. On 25/11/2017 at 12:40 AM, krc473 said:

    Too many failed codes in a short duration triggers DE's firewall and flags you as a bot/attacker and bans your IP to protect the servers. (DDoS protections and all that)

    I've had this. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to tell which codes still work without using them (triggering the ban). There also doesn't seem to be a method to see which ones have been applied to your account. 

    This second would be useful so that when you go back in and forget which ones you've applied, you don't trigger a second ban by redeeming already used codes on your account (which also happened to me). It's very annoying :)

  6. This guy is kind of annoying and hard for me :)

    I've tried going in with Frost Prime (tyvm Twitch, snow globe FTW), Soma Prime, and a Vapor Specter made of ... me.

    I can get him down no problem (first phase he doesn't seem to drop an explosive which is annoying...) and even get the second phase down without too much stress, and then? Out of ammo. And being chased around by 7,000 annoying robots that wipe shields while you're trying to farm the Corpus for whatever they're carrying.

    It feels like it's not meant to be done solo with the ammo you've got, but having said that my mods are a bit scrub (still new to this game). My Mastery is 5, and I've got Serration up to +75% damage, and my 'Frame is packing health, shields, armor, and shield regen mods (but none of them maxed, mostly middle-tier).

    Would appreciate some tips. Optimal weapons? Optimal mods for them? Bearing in mind my low Mastery level and minimal mods.

    All I really want this for is so I can unlock Saturn, to thus farm for nano spores, to thus get my kubrow, which has been an active quest for about a year :D

  7. Hey all :)

    Is there a way on PS4 to configure a Bluetooth keyboard so that pressing enter brings up chat?

    I find it a little cumbersome to left-trigger (or pause, left-trigger in missions), then square, and then chat. I'm used to the MMO style where you hit Enter on your keyboard and chat pops up and you're good to go straight away.

    I've got a Bluetooth keyboard connected to the PS4, so typing isn't a big issue, just getting to the chat window seems to have a few extra steps in it. Any thoughts or suggestions on making this easier to access?

  8. On 13/12/2017 at 5:25 PM, ParryForte said:

    I've played a lot of games with flight in them. This mission, hands down, is the worst of any I've encountered, including Wing Commander escort missions. I guess I'll never complete Phobos, as this is not even remotely fun and the difficult exceeds my skill. Because the archwing isn't actually fun to fly, and the map is difficult to navigate, this has NEGATIVE FUN associated with it. Did someone in the design team think, "Hey, what we need is a mission to get rid of our new customers! I've got just the ticket."

    The archwing isn't great fun to fly in tight / cramped channels. Adding a time-based anxiety meter (seriously, Lotus needs to cut out the "YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME" I mean I know, you're not helping) deletes this from anything I want to ever experience. Ever. Ever. Again. Well done designer, you've made the worst mission in the game.

    Having now completed this and having an opportunity to reflect on my precious comments, I'm sorry for my negativity towards the design team. That was just mean of me, and not professional and constructive. Sorry devs, I suspect you work pretty darn hard and seeing comments from clowns like me doesn't help team morale.

    I think the problem for me is that I *do* suffer from anxiety. When there are compounding events that trigger anxiety, it's very hard! I play games to escape that, and got anxiety triggered from the artificial scarcity of time + unfamiliarity with controls. It doesn't excuse my tone, but it's why I seemed so upset.

    If I could offer a suggestion on this, it could be useful to have some kind of "archwing training mode" (and there may be one that I haven't found! Still feel so noob at this game). If there was a Death Star trench run simulator (like this rush mission is) that you could learn controls in a pure training theater, it would really help people like me come to grips with the mode without triggering anxiety.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a good holiday season! Merry Christmas.

  9. 2 minutes ago, ParryForte said:

    So funny story, I was logged in with my PC account when I posted that above, but I'm playing on PS4. I will change my login and see if this makes more sense and continue :)

    And we're back. Ok so I was trying to do this on PS4, not PC, and it's very hard!

    I finally managed to do it. I got two of the ships (one had already gone). My strategy (for new PS4 people stumbling on this thread who have the scrub archwing), was:

    1. Learn to love the boost, but feather it / tap it. Point at a hole in the sky and go. Just trying to boost everywhere is not a good solve. I needed to "get good" at pointing at things and boosting towards them.
    2. Boosting past the mines is better than shooting them except in specific situations. Again with pointing-and-boosting, your inertia will often carry you past and if you line up a tunnel with a couple mines, boosting from the start, you will probably skate right by both mines. If you hit the wall, try not to cry.
    3. If you get snared by a mine switch from boost mode to normal and struggle out. Try not to break your controller in frustration.
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