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Posts posted by (PSN)BuffaloSTX_FONZY

  1. And yea I'm not someone sitting in front of a computer all day mate I'm using my phone and tbh its the first post I've made. I ain't no vet I never claimed to be. You just had a quick scroll down and wanna to sound cool. Well... You don't.. Got nothing to contribute then keep scrolling

  2. Wow, your cool. Can't understand something so you bad mouth it, well how's about you finish school or even learn to read before just badmouthing someone's opinion, I'm looking for anyone able to prove me wrong or have any valuable insight either side of the coin but you have put less intellect into your comment then something I recently wiped off my arse and flushed, smart ass is only true if you have the smarts, otherwise your just an ass... 

  3. It seems almost like De is just trying for a quick money grab with all these changes, I stopped playing for about a year after gara was released becouse I thought it was unfair the we just spent 1000p or more buying ember prime just so they could nerf it to nothingness, and multiple other examples like buying rivens at a high price for one purpose and then after a few months of platinum movement that new riven becomes worthless, my opinion is that warframe is getting pushed towards all the new players and they are leaving us old school players to suffer, wewho have been with warframe since the get go, and shown our loyalty. I'm new in a sense too Im only a Mr20 right now but I can imagine the pain of others that have spent 50,000+ platinum on rivens just to have them worth nothing coz of a "rework", this melee 3.0 is an absolute joke! If you have negative slash for a slash melee it's a God roll and if it's got +300% dmg it ain't worth s**t... It makes absolutely no sense now and goes against every forum of logic, for example. I built up paying for rivens and rerolling them to build the perfect build, 50,000+ heavy strike dmg with 85% status chance. It was 1 shoting a lot of higher tier enemies. Now it takes 50x strikes to take out a lvl 100 heavy gunner, I've seen a reaper with 2,000 heavy strike dmg 1 shot them, it's only times 5 crit so that's 10,000 dmg at most.... But yet does 50x the dmg of my awesome zaw. No logic and no sense other then to make all these players want to spend money on plat to get the new "craze". It was a great farming game with pay for time adaptivity, but De is blatantly screwing over anyone that has played for long periods and know there stuff. In favour of anyone in a more financially gifted situation, I don't generaly buy plat so I don't expect them to pay much mind to this if any, but there is so many problems and glitches and bugs now coz they are rushing stuff even more then needed, I believe it's a great cash grab, but not a great way to keep your gamers happy, and this game relies on the old school ppl like us. There's ppl that have played for years on Mr3 coz they never knew how to mastery rank up? There's a whole ordinance of ppl that would have left just coz of the confusion. I'd like to hear feed back on that but if you just want to say something stupid like "but I like it now coz everything is cheap" your only saying that coz your new and need to buy or farm Everything, once you have all the basic stuff it starts to get hard (every think except the Mr tests lol there only hard between mr15-19 then it's a five second run for all after that) so if your buying it's good for it to be cheap but if you have to farm and sell stuff to get plat coz your poor like I am, it is stupidity all around, people just make up there own prices now in no way has it any relevance to its difficulty to aqquire, its an absolute joke and these problems should be looked at and dealt with, I remember warframe being great, now the only reason I play it is becouse of all the time and effort I put in. The rail jack is so hard to Max coz they know once you finish it all you stop playing (generally) so they add it to be a whole other game but instead of it being long with a great story they just made it boring and made it take so long to get anywhere that basically you feel like your playing a different game... 

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