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Posts posted by Mandyrobin

  1. I remember reading a post somewhere (can't remember where exactly, might have been Reddit) about this. Apparently, this is on a per skin basis and is programmed into the skin itself. It's the creator of the TennoGen skin that has to make the edit to allow the skins to toggle prime details.

    Now, don't take my word as truth. I don't know this for myself as I'm not involved with TennoGen in any way and I could be wrong for all I know. Again, this is based on a post by someone else. If there's someone knowledgeable in the workings of TennoGen, maybe they can give some insight on this.

  2. Khora is the only normal Warframe I bought off the market for platinum, purely because farming her is such a pain in the ass.

    Think about this... I farmed Nidus and Harrow proper. They were a pain, sure, but at least the game modes they came from were far less irritating for me than Sanctuary Onslaught. I would rather play Defection, of all things. I'm okay with grind usually, but... not this.

    I agree with Urlan's suggestion. Make her blueprints available from Simaris for rep. They can still leave them in the drop tables for Sanctuary Onslaught if they want, but at least it gives another option for those who are woefully unlucky.

  3. I'm probably in a minority here, but I was never really interested in frozen projectiles in Stasis. Though I didn't start playing Limbo seriously until after his Prime was released and Stasis was changed, so I didn't get any real experience with it and that might be why.

    That being said, I think it's a neat idea to create a compromise for those who love that sort of thing. Stasis is the only ability he has that doesn't currently have an augment, so I can see it as a possibility. More options is always good. 🙂

  4. While most stuff in the dojo doesn't require an extreme amount of farming, there's a few things that border on the ridiculous. *coughHemacough* I would say that it's probably best to make a clan of your own if you're not doing it for anything other than research. However, this does require a fair bit of effort and dedication. If that's not up your alley, you can always try asking in recruitment chat if anyone is willing to let you join for research. Some clans allow that.

  5. I have the same issue. I started playing Warframe before I downloaded it via Steam, so I had a lot of challenges completed beforehand. After I linked with Steam and redownloaded, some of these achievements popped up while I played and earned new ones, but most are still not registering. I guess they're gonna have to run that script again to resync like they did a while back.

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