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Posts posted by Hyashisan

  1. Alright gunna name my Mag~ I always wondered where those extraction pods went so here's my take on that. And OMG potato chips.




    Shail stepped out of the pod and unto the docking bay. She was greeted by a Vauban as he looked over his pad to check the Mag's data and systems. The debriefing of most missions weren't much of a hassle, but with capture missions they needed to get the data correctly from the Tenno's systems. Shail looked over at the Saryn as she was tended to since she had captured the target. Looked like a hassle to the Mag. After Shail was given the clear, she shrugged her way out and into the main hall of the ship. 


    The extraction ships weren't the grandest of all of the Tenno's, but it was swift and stealthy. All it needed to get the job done. Shail came up to one of the loading docks on board and connected to the systems. Lotus doesn't contact Tenno unless it's for a mission, so the Mag had to connect to the ship's systems to get the information. With the new data Shail could see her designated room within the ship and the common area. 


    A common area? That sounded nice. Most extraction ships just had the necessities of a med bay, a couple of rooms and the control room. 


    Shail sought out the common area to see what it had in store. Hoping to find food since she was famished from exerting that much energy. Upon reaching the room, Shail noticed a message board scrolling with the latest news and headed over to it to see if there were any new missions floating around. A new mission would help distract her irritation from the Saryn, but wasn't ready to deploy anytime soon. She needed to check her gear and turn in to her Warlord with the information gathered from this mission. 


    Shail pegged a couple of interesting missions in her systems and continued her search for food. She had heard a rumor about some delicious delicacy called potato chips and wondered if the ship contained any. 





    EHehe I love Loki too much

  2. Haha oops XD




    "...Race you."


    The Excalibur dash away with a gleeful step that hadn't been there moments before. 


    "You're on," smirked the lighter Tenno as she sped alongside with her rescued comrade. She tuned into the distinct energy source as it wound its way into the labyrinth of the ship. It stopped moving as it hulled itself away in a discrete location, which unfortunately for him wasn't so much against the Mag. Grinning she glanced at Tenno next to her motioned for her to lead the way.


    "This way his energy stopp-" the Mag slowed down as the source of the energy slowly dissipated from her range. "What the-"


    Good job Tenno. Get to extraction. The target has been acquired and will be interrogated.


    Looking over to the Excalibur, Mag could tell he was confused as she was. When the Lotus said the Mag wasn't alone, she meant that there more than just Excalibur and herself. Intrigued with another mystery comrade, the Mag tuned into the coordinates for the extraction point led to. 


    "Let's move."


    She led the route to the extraction with a swift pace, only stopping to eliminate stray grineer in their way. Her glaive came back from finishing three grineer as the Mag rounded the corner into the extraction room to see a waiting Saryn playing catch with her Zoren axe. She relaxed a bit from seeing the extraction point, but she bristled at the aloof manner this other Tenno held herself. 


    If there were anything that the Mag despised more than grineer, it's Tenno who only care for themselves and completing the mission. Even if it led to their cell deteriorating because they left them to deal with the brunt of the mob just to complete the mission. She knew way too many close comrades fall from Tenno such as this Saryn.


    That is, if she is as she seems. The Mag rarely ignores her gut, but will give this Saryn the benefit of the doubt for now. It is best to gain more allies among the Tenno then enemies. As long as her cell lives and the mission is complete, the Mag will not complain.


    At the moment though, this Saryn is in the list of annoying B*tches on the Mag's list. Head held high she merely walked past the Saryn to get into the escape pod. She needs to be over with this mission now. 

  3. The only problem with this idea is, my Loki died. I'll forever be known as the "Loki-who-was-really-cool-but-died."


    Perhaps I can make another story featuring another Warframe?



    Go for it. Or ..... He could be found later on, Desuited, in a Rescue mission ;)


    The rescue mission sounds cool, but either way is great. If you're invested into your Loki then see if anyone is willing to write about them rescuing you, or do another warframe ^^

  4. Yay, glad you guys liked the group thing. It'd be cool if we could somehow tie everyone together XD.




    The corridor blinked red as the ship went into alert. The Mag was startled for the alarm did not come from her doing. It only could be the other Tenno on board. Indecision struck for a brief moment as she contemplated on completing the mission first, but immediately crossed that out from her mind. She was taught to assist her comrades-in-arms no matter what. 


    Decision made, she quickly sought out the whereabouts of the other Tenno. Pressing herself next to the entrance of the room, the Mag listened earnestly outside for any tell of where the grineer were heading off to. Luckily for her she felt a pulse of energy pass by her and silently finished him off with a quick burst of her Hikous. The Mag pulled the slack body into the room and tapped the comms-system in the armour. 


    The comms were abuzz with the grineer's frantic commands. Nothing was understandable through the gibberish, but the Mag was able to notice that Frost was being thrown around a lot. This was no good. Frost is a very durable warframe and if he's surrounded then he must be outnumbered and/or out-gunned. Since the grineer had no sympathy towards the Tenno, it left the Mag a short amount of time to locate and aid the Frost.


    Dropping the comms system, the Mag rushed out into the ship. She ran blindly as she sought out the Frost. Her energy cracked as adreneline pushed her forward. She could only rely on the sheer amount of electro-magnetic energy surging into one room. It was the best bet that they had cornered the Frost in there. Without another second thought she blitzed into the room and began to concentrate grasping as many magnetic energies around her. Within seconds there were only crushing sounds of armour. Through the falling bits of grineer, the Mag saw a glimpse of the kneeling Frost through a group of alerted grineer.


    Grasping at the energy again, the Mag manipulated their energies to pull the lot towards her. The glaive blossomed swiftly as it sought out the throats of the fallen grineer. Making quick work of the group on her feet. The Mag relaxed her arm with the last breath stabbed from the grineer. A pink crackle of energy lingered around the arm that the glaive sank into. Surveying the area, the Mag slowly straightened up. The room was still bathed in red but a lack of grineer in it was apparent. Just how she liked things. It didn't pass her that a low energy field had escaped her wrath. That was probably the target the Lotus had instructed to be captured. She knew its distinct energy so the Mag wasn't worried in finding it again, confident in her ability. 


    The Mag laid her eyes on the Frost and sighed with her hand on her hip, she beckoned her fellow Tenno with a mocking voice. 


    "Stop chilling over there. Get up. We got a target to capture."

  5. You guys are all awesome, so I decided to try my hand on this. Anyone wanna write along with this story line?




    Tenno, you are not alone in this mission. There is another aboard this ship, however I cannot locate their position. Find them and finish your mission.


    The Mag simply nodded her acknowledgement as she peered around the corner. A Grineer trooper strolled along the corridor, mumbling into his comm about the status of this section. Any novice Tenno would've charged at the lone trooper immediately for the fast kill, but the Mag wasn't a novice. She could feel a faint push of more electromagnetic forces close by. Killing this enemy would've alerted the whole ship and the Mag didn't want that in her plate. Especially since she had to go rescue another Tenno on board. 


    Her plan was simple. Knock them out before they can do anything. 


    Her Glaive slowly spiraled out as the Mag took aim. With a quick breath, the Mag dashed into the corridor as she threw the glaive out to the trooper. She knew that her aim was true and that her glaive would hit two others, buying enough time to get into position admist the group and focused on the surrounding magnetic energy around her. She relished in the touch of steady energy from the grineers' armours. Within a second the pockets of energy floated in the air and in the next, the Mag began to condense the energy. A satisfying siphony of crushing armour rang in the corridor. 


    The debrisfell to the floor as the fading magnetic energy left the armour. Luckily for the Mag no lights bathed the ship in red, but she couldn't take any chances with Grineer ships. They always liked to huddle in groups and never stayed in one room. Her only option was to keep moving and be quick. 


    There wasn't enough time to figure out where the other Tenno was aboard this ship, so the Mag could only hope that they would cross paths towards the objective. She also hoped that it wasn't another happy triggered Tenno that she was partnered with. It'd only make their job that much harder. 


    Then again, it has been awhile since the Mag's been able to taste so much magnetic energy crushing in her grasp. 


    The energy around the Mag snapped as she sped her way to her objective. This mission, of capture, could only get more interesting and the Mag couldn't wait with what lies ahead. 

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