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Posts posted by Ghorkie

  1. Il y a 12 heures, NullusvultLatine a dit :

    IGN: NullusvultLatine

    Rank: 27

    Region: EU

    Type of player: High Casual - Low Competitive

    Clan I prefer to join: Phoenix Rangers

    I have been a bit less active, because the lack of content. But The Old Blood is here and Emyrean just around the corner so I am searching for a clan to be in.

    Hi! Sorry for the delay! Invitation has been sent! Welcome aboard 😉

  2. Hi,

    So after doing a couple of index runs with Nekros Prime, I actually managed to make all the energy orb disappear for everyone on the team. I am running desecrate to boost those rare mods drops. This bug only appear with this frame.

    Tests that i tried on my end :

    - Running with Nekros Prime without having desecrate doesn't cause that bug.
    - Staying alive throughout the whole round doesn't prevent this bug from happening
    - The bug always occurs after 70+ kills

    - This bug is not related to index points gathered on the ground, with or without, the bug still occurs.

    - It's not related to how many points has been wagered in the game.


    My guess is that Nekros desecrate actually generate too much health orb which cause at some points to break the spawn of energy orbs.


  3. il y a 35 minutes, SamyVI a dit :

    Ye thats what i thought at first because i added the new infested decorations into the bio lab ! after that i did took those decorations off to see if its was the problem and its still the same ! so i dont think its from them but some performance/servers issue 

    Because on my end, the only bug that I know close to what your clan members are experiencing is the "infinite loading" bug, caused by doing a lot of alt-tab, the only fix for this issue is to put your game in "Bordeless Window" in the game settings, if you could ask someone in your clan with that issue to try that.

  4. Hi,

    Since the last update, I started to notice a issue regarding trading, It's seems like for some reasons sometimes when I want to invit someone to my dojo to do a trade, the invitation is either sent immediately, with a delay 10-30 seconds or even in some cases not sending AT ALL. Before the update, you could literally spam someone in invits, it's was fine. Now it's a buggy mess, I also have some issues sometimes joining other people dojo's, sometimes it doesn't load at all (no loading screen, it's feels like accepting a invit does nothing), sometimes when I am in my dojo and I want to join someone in another dojo, it shows me this "Please wait..." message but it's seems like a infinite wait.

    UPDATE : So apparently my issue is also shown when sending clan invitations, I took a quick look at the Task Manager, A LOT of my network connection is used after sending the invitation, and i don't think it was the case before.

  5. Hi, I think there is something missing from your builder.

    Mods who increase abilities duration don't reduce the "Power Cost Per Second" of Ember's "World on Fire".



  6. Salutation ,


    Je suis Ghork19 , joueur plutôt assez bon mais je suis débutant quand je veux lol , j'ai 17 ans bientôt 18 (vivement ^^) j'aime rire , faire des blagues pourries( ça , ça me connais ) ,et ça fait 7 mois que je suis sur le jeu pour un total de 114h pour 5 niveau


    Je possède 


    Warframe :


    Excalibur (Niveau 30) + Ember (niveau 30) + Nyx (Niveau 4) + Rhino (Non classé) 


    Niveau Armes :


    Fusils :


    Stun Wraith (Niveau 30)+Gorgon (Niveau 24)+Paris(Niveau 11)+Ignis(Bientôt :p)


    Pistolets :


    Despair (Niveau 30)+Seer(Niveau 30)+Tysis (Niveau 14)


    Armes de corps à corps :


    Orthos (Niveau 30)+Double Zoren (Niveau 30)


    Pour ce qui est de mon équipement favori je dirais que ça serait Ember + Stun Wraith + Despair + Orthos et je dirais que je joue environ 5h par semaine pendant les vacances et 3h quand c'est la période scolaire.


    En attendant j'espère être accepter , malgrès que je fasse des blagues pourrites (hahahaha x) ) et à bientôt en jeu ^^


    Cordialement ,



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