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Posts posted by (PSN)Xasket

  1. This was a while ago that I sold the weapon. the "as of right now im MR23" was meant to state that its been a while since I had it. I sold the weapon back when I was low MR. I had no idea about any of that problem as I don't really use western websites as I live in China. In the end, it is what it is. The main point i was trying to make was the final line.

  2. So, a while back, I got a Broken Scepter Riven. As of right now, I'm MR23. so Broken Scepter isn't a weapon I've used in a long long time. Because of this, the weapon was sold. At the time of it being sold, I was under the impression that I could do the quest again and get a blueprint. The quest is re-playable after all. Why would they lock a quest drop as a one time only, right? So needless to say, I redid War Within just to get that weapon. I find out at the end of it that i cant receive it again. No problem, I barter. Lets check out the market. Oh. There's no blueprint or purchasable Broken Scepter in market. So, at this time, I decide to go to the wiki/forums/Reddit. All of my points brought me to the helpdesk. I tell helpdesk my dilemma and they say that its too late to recover it as its been more than 30 days. Well, of course it has, its probably been pushing a year. So, I rebuttal to helpdesk asking them what are people supposed to do then in this situation? I receive no response for a very long time. Finally, a couple  of weeks later, I get a followup response from helpdesk. Nothing. I can do nothing.


    Well that's just peachy. I get a riven for a weapon I can never get again.


    Don't sell your weapons.

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