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Posts posted by (PSN)EpICFreeDoMZz

  1. 2 hours ago, Zeoran said:

      I'd be willing to bet that every single one of you is NOT a new player and has all the time they need to dedicate to the (sometimes) severe amount of grinding required in this game.  

    You're right a lot of us aren't new players now, but surprise surprise we all were once. Maybe we started 5 years ago or maybe we started a week ago, doesn't matter. We all have to play by the same rules. We all have to grind. If you don't have the time then do it when you have the time. Its not going anywhere. That boltor you wanted well it'll still be build able. That excal helmet your son wanted well it will come back, they're pretty common. 

  2. So essentially you want to punish people who can't or don't want to play arbitrations? Yeah no... If you wanna get rid of endo from sorties yeah I could get behind that, having 2 endo sources is pretty dumb. But removing an exclusive item that's was not only there earlier but is better than what you get from arbitrations is just a bad idea. You're essentially punishing people just because you aren't happy with your reward.

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)RhinoCharging00 said:

    Yeah, I saw it was p.c only...it usually is that way with any patch, update etc...isn't it?

    Something to do with the time it takes the console manufactures to pass the patch/update fit for release, I think?

    I have Venus unlocked, so hopefully I can visit Fortuna as soon as it arrives on ps4.


    Its the same way with every update. Consoles will usually get it anywhere between a few weeks to a few months. Its this way because they want PC to essentially beta test the update. Any bugs they'll patch out and fix. That's why we'll tend to get 2 or 3 updates as one. Then we'll go into cert which is just ms and Sony checking its up to standards which takes a few days. We'll likely get it around December.

  4. On 2018-11-10 at 8:52 PM, LiliKyu said:

    As a fellow trans woman, I feel that Ticker is the icon we all needed

    NGL I love this. I haven't even seen her yet and I love her. So glad she wasn't like rey from starwars (ya know forced in for social/political reasons) 

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)RhinoCharging00 said:

    I've been out of the loop for a while, haven't logged in either, so can someone just let me know if Fortuna is immediately accessible, regardless of MR or your star chart completion, and if it not what is required to access it?

    Thanks, guys.

    Pretty sure its as long as you've unlocked Venus. But its not on ps4 yet

  6. 1 hour ago, Azlen said:

    Get out.

    I could see that. You and your squad go to the plains (idk what its called for fortuna xD) and then speak to one of the race curators and people can join in. Then they just race like normal, do tricks to score points then at the end they get combined and people get a certain amount of standing at the end for conclave. Would be cool especially as there's some really good stuff in that syndicate and no way to earn it

  7. 4 hours ago, Nesodos said:

    The oxium pickups still use the old resource model

    The color got nothing to do with the resource itself, it determines the rarity.

    Oxium is rare? How. Its common AF. Especially if you're comparing it to things like tellurium. As for other actually rare items they just have their item skin such as orokin cells. 

    I'm with OP. Bring back the true oxium. 

  8. The way I do it is start the mission, quickly cancel before it can match then start it again. As long as its not a really popular node like hydron or something then I usually get in first and people will join while I'm in the mission.

    Also the game doesn't decide who's the host in invite only. Its whoever invites the first player.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

    its ok to commit mass genocide of space nazis

    I mean committing a war crime on people who committed war crimes doesn't mean that we're in the right. WE'RE COMMITTING A WAR CRIME!!!!! 😂 besides you're assuming that all of the grineer we murder are bad. Most of them are just soldiers following orders, raised since birth...creation?...to just follow order and kill, if they don't want to kill they are deemed defective and are executed (or try to flee to steel meridian). 

    ...I think I just had a midlife crisis/revelation... I don't think I can play this game anymore 😂

  10. 10 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

    Yeah, but we mass murder literal space master race Nazis who want to kill everyone that isn't of their own race, Space religious nuts who would enslave everyone for their god (money) and space zombies who would eat everyone...

    Silver linings you know...

    So we're the lesser of two evils? 😂 ya know mass genocide vs space nazis

  11. Just now, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    That's what I was expecting too, but this tweet seems to indicate otherwise, if they are "hoping to get it into cert right away".

    We will see 🙂


    Well they say that with every single update so I don't see any reason to be any different. PC will get it today or tomorrow (doubt it will be the weekend). They still have bug fixes to do, optimization, ect. That will take a few weeks. Then there's the bugs and problems they find on PC, they'll also do work and fixes for PC that theyll then put into the console version which is at least another weeks work. Then the cert process which takes a few days assuming it passes. So id say December is probably the best bet

  12. For full disclosure this is mostly me just ranting about my feelings, I don't expect DE to see this nor do I expect people to agree with me. With that out the way let's get into this.

    I have 2 main problems. 1) no revives and 2) having to wait twice the time before rewards.

    My problem with no revives is there's so much stupid stuff that happens in warframe that can instantly knock you down. Yes it makes it a lot harder and even more risky but I've heard too many stories of going in surviving for 5 or 10 minutes then getting one shot. Before I was one shot in an empty area while I was following my team to the first drill. I'm not asking for it to be made easier I'm asking for at least a few revives. My solution would be to give each player 3 revives and half the time they have to be revived. Still difficult but it negates the problem of being knocked out from dumb encounters.

    As for my problem with waiting twice as long is it doesn't equate to making you better. It was the same thing with when people would compare their times on Mot Survival. There are plenty of people who could go for hours in these missions but most people don't want to. I for one get bored after 5 or so minutes because the missions are so samey. Obviously I don't want the best rewards at 5 minutes but I do want something. Why not give us scaling rewards like 1 Vitus for 5 and 10, then 2 for 15-20 and ect. If I'm honest I don't like feeling like I'm being penalised because I get bored. I especially don't want to have to wait the extra time for my team to leave just so I can get my reward. 

    Anyway rant over thanks for reading, sorry for the wall of text.

  13. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

    para- what? excuse me, but there are more important things than a random sword.


    like the argyle displays that he brought!

    never wasted so many ducats on a single item.

    You clearly never saw his noggle then. 😂 I'm planning on filling my transference room when I get the chance...and ducats 

  14. People need to stop complaining. Its a good game if you actually play it. The gunplay is really satisfying, the loot is pretty cool and fun to earn. Yeah its biggest problem is its DLC and how it locks certain content away but there's a  solution to that. Buy it or don't. All 3 dlcs come as a pack now which is like £40. Or don't and just enjoy the game casually. Its free who cares.

  15. 1 minute ago, TheDante500 said:

    forgot to mention its unrolled

    Point still stands. Popularity defines the price. The stats aren't bad definitely worth keeping but finding a buyer may be difficult. I myself would prob pay about 50p for that if I wanted one but like I said can't see it going above 100p

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