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Posts posted by Shinreil

  1. This happened to multiple times today when I was trying to invite people into my game, when you try close a tab where people have whispered to you or vice versa, has lead to freezing the game.


    Freezing the game in a way that you can't do anything but you can still see what others do (if you are in a game), its just very annoying bug and I hope this gets fixed because its way too easy to do.

  2. Well in the last devstream we found out that we are getting an infested trap enemy.

    Its going to be similar to floor masters in TLoZ (except wall) that is going to grab you, then when caught it will drop you randomly somewhere in the map, separating you from the group.

  3. So after the update 13.8 i've noticed that valkyrs kara helmet is bugged from the back side, its how should I say ''cables'' have been moved about 10cm down from its location where they're suppouse to be. 


    Really would like to see this fixed soon...


    Sorry about not having a pic yet.

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