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Posts posted by Bl4ck46

  1. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    In this particular instance they are not ignoring the community. They've said multiple times they are reworking the entire Focus school system from the ground up. "Take a sledgehammer to it" is what they said at one point.

    If by that they mean giving ignored stuff like anti toxin a place in the game then Im all in for it. Just afraid of further updates only add new stuff to keep the grinding alive.

  2. When announced I thought focus was a fancy name for a Passive system that further embodies the different play style that each warframe falls into. But after maxed energy flow and void pulse mastery from zenurik school I can't be bothered with leveling up other schools. 

    After alot of updates now we don't have enough slots for mods like maglev, Aviator, Warmcoat or lightning rod so why not just rework them into the focus system in one of the tenno schools ? the operator already have many skills after the war within update, shouldn't the focus system be enhancing those new abilities as well ? And to make each Warframe truly unique some perks in a school have greater effect or even bestow unique ability to some specific frames ? (like Frost & Ice Chroma gets bonus armor under ice harzard? Loki, Ash, Ivara, can hack security console very fast n easy or turn the whole security system on the mission off or against the enemies?)

    I started playing since update 8 so many things have changed and so many things simply lost it's existence value because there are new things added in a new update. I understand that the game needs new things to keep it fresh, to not die like Ubisoft's For Honor title but shouldn't some Big update be looking back at things that got left behind instead of looking forward to new ideas ?

  3. A poorly informed decision, the very first description of the focus schools is very vague, and it doesnt let you see the skill tree. Also once you've chosen your school the mechanics behind how to gain focus are not fully explained, making you intall a lens in an unsuitable item.



    Im aware its endgame, and having the option to remove a lens doesnt mean you will craft a greater lens faster, you still need to get the other 3 lenses from sorties (and that is if you selected the path you wanted), yeah sure you can buy them from other players, but 1) they are not cheap and 2) DE could remove the option of trading lenses giving each player a maximum of 4 lenses of each type so they can craft a greater lens.

    And like i said before, the path you are going to chose should be clear from the start (whether remove is implemented or not), like you said "move along with the enemy and counter" does not imply healing, if i read that my first guess would be its melee.


    EDIT: Besides its not like people are not already maxing out everthing, why do you think we only get so little experience from weapon/warframe converted into focus points? so people dont go on draco, problem is they still i do. By the end of the week there will be a lot of people that have at least completed one school. All im saying is that it would be cool to remove my lens from my "draco dps frame" and go do something else, and still get focus points.


    EDIT2: Also endgame has a very lose definition in this game, one year ago it was syndicates, a year from now most players (even those that start today) will have unlocked most if not all of Focus, and then what i wonder?

    couldn't agree more

  4. First, sorry for the click bait title, the correct one should be "sniper rifles have no place in the TILESETs. I personally feel that sniper rifles do not fit very well into the common play style of run & gun, especially with the new parkour. I always wonder why we don't have any thing like a vantage point to snip all the enemy bellow. It feels kind of a waste to be able to bullet jump into the celling and have no vantage point to reach. What do you think ?

  5. It's a good gun but that's the end of it. I felt like the alternate fire is not even rewarding to use. Wouldn't it be a lot better if the alternate fire shoots out a bigass spear and that spear drills into the enemy, bleeding them down ? 2 argon is a bit too expensive for a remodelled paracyst.


  6. you forgot:


    -increase energy color saturation of each power by 1210%

    -reduce casting time by 203%

    -increase futility of actually playing the game by 735%

    Thats going to be too OP and i have no idea how to balance it :D

  7. Did u guys ever think that the current fighting system is too focus on gun play ? I have always wanted that warframe like ember or volt can be purely skill spaming frames meaning that they dont have to rely on guns to pass wave 15 in a tier 3 defense mission. My idea of a fighting system is that hotkey like 1 2 3 will use to choose the style u fight and mouse is used to execute. The styles are :

    -Casting : this style is use your mouse to cast ability by pressing mouse button or hold the mouse button (this make it easier to spam abilities)

    -Gunner : not much to say about this style this is exactly the normal run and gun we play in warframe

    -Melee : left mouse button to do light attack, right mouse for heavy attack hold right mouse to block (this should be more convient to do combos)

    the styles alone will not make much of a difference to the current game so i think of mods associated with a specific style  only acquire throught transmutaion and the formula for the mod is avalable after taking certain mastery test. For me think there is little point in passing mastery rank 6 because its where most of the cool guns is available ( the phage, the flux rifle, u name it)

    For casting style the mod will :
    - increase power damage, duration and range up to 300%

    - reduce energy cost up to 95%
    - give energy regeneration up to 20% of max energy per kill


    For gunner style mod it will be :
    - increase affinity gain for the gun up to 25%
    - increase reload speed up to 30%
    - increase weapon swap speed up to 75%
    - increase the amount of ammunition from pick-ups up to 50%

    For melee style the mod will be :

    -increase reduce staminia cost up to 80%
    -increase melee damage up to 100%
    -increase combo damage up to 400%
    -restore 30 health for every successful combo

    -restore 40 staminia per kill

    because the style mods are ridiculously OP so there can be only 1 style mod installed at a time. With this style mods and switching mechanic the supposed ability-spaming frames like ember or volt (i put volt here because DE give the description for volt is that the frame is for people who wants some alternative to gunplay) can rely purely on their ability in high level missions  and melee weapon will not be so useless for frames without invisibility at higher level. Also players can experience more specified gameplay rather than the run&gun rambo style.
     So far the only problem with i see is that it is inconvenient in cases like when Rhino' iron skin wears off and the player have to switch style to turn it back on the switch back to gunner style.
     This is my ideal gameplay, its not perfect because the idea pop up in my head when im about to go to bed so suggestions and improvements are always welcome.


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