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Posts posted by JeroenC74

  1. Dear Whoever reading this,


    first of all, thank you for your time and attention, I would like to discuss what bothers me about the different rewards you receive for different missions in the void and especially the amount of effort will be rewarded.



    What I just plainly hate is that a T3 Defense missions with ease takes about half an hour and gets you ONE reward, a capture mission can range from 10 minutes or simply 1 minute by the way you play it for 1 reward and if you play survival you can determine yourself how much time you spend is worth the rewards you get, I've mainly gotten 3 rewards for 20 minutes of survival gameplay. Now the last 2 seem perfectly fine to me but seriously, 1 freaking reward for half an hour of struggling that is also most likely the hardest out of all and you get >>ONE reward for that!? Now to me it seems just really crappy to be only given 1 reward for all the time and not the mention the intense work defense asks of you. for me personally it would be fair to get 1 reward for every 5 waves or maybe 1 reward for every Tier of defense (the bigger hell you go through, the more you reap the rewards). In my opinion defense is never worth it but it gets played because you need it to get that particular part of a weapon or frame, nothing more and this makes the reward for effort completely unbalanced.


    Please let me know what you think and once again I thank you for your time and effort.

  2. Dear person reading this,


    Today I've been going through the mission Tolstoj about 3 times now and everytime he seems to get stuck when he's about to cast his invulnerability-shield when he calls a grineer group to help him while his shield will recharge and he goes to his 'second phase'.

    To be more detailed; he stops at the point where he stands up tall when he's about to bash his hands into the ground (as is how I remember the animation is supposed to go) and he just freezes like that, invulnerable, doing nothing but still playing his sounds and taunts in the meantime.

    It is impossible to finish the mission as he is invulnerable and I had to abort every time to get out of this situation.

    I tried using another warframe and luring him out of his small arena in the middle but it always goes like this, hope this gets fixed.


    Thank you for reading,



  3. Obviously there is a statement about resetting your account only once but I was wondering if there was ever a possibility to be able to do it again after some time or maybe by 'buying' it with plat in order to redeem the plat you had already spend. 

  4. Sounds good but restoring the shield sounds like trinity again, I was thinking of having either an extra shield buff or some sort of dmg reduction for nearby friendlies (it being the first/ spammable skill it shouldn't AoE the whole team across the map), maybe if allies have lost their shields they regain like 50% as an addition to dmg reduction, could work.


    But yeah exactly! shield as a weapon and it being warframe bound sounds good but I'm not sure if they would allow that to be put in, other warframes getting jeally and what not.

    The shield could be the primary that has melee capabilities that mainly knock enemies down if you bash them with it but removing the primary is also just, ouch..... Warframe should have a third slot for melee if you ask me, aside from only having the melee button so that you can also just draw your melee when you want to, and MB1 and MB2 maybe different types of attacks, opens up more possibilities....


    Either bacon, glad to hear someone likes my idea :)


    All four skills sound great, apart from the first being more of a shield 'healer' like I stated, I would change the ultimate though, was thinking of making the team invulnerable but immobilize everyone affected aswell, like the team enters the shield 'stance' and sacrifices movement for ultimate protection, and as ultimate it would have a nice AoE effect ofc.

    I would call the skill Wall of Unity, or something :P


    I just think this game could use another tank based warframe, and this one would excell at protecting while defending and would really lack at fast pace combat as a heavy shield makes you heavier than some shiny-thin blades on your back. 

    And I would love the look of having a warframe carrying a shield+sword like a knight, knowing Warframe they could make the coolest skins for shields :) 


    As for the nano-bug user, what do you guys think? does it sound too far fetched to use such powers or would it kind of fit in warframe since you'll be using tiny >robots< anyway?

  5. Hello and thank you for reading.


    I was thinking of what warframes could be next, useful and an addition to the game we all love to play nowadays.

    The first I came up with is a more supportive variant of Rhino, Rhino is great and buffy tank but seems like; "I'm buffed up and ready to slash everything to bits around me.", a tank is useful to a team if he aggros everything no doubt about that, I was thinking of an even more team-based tank.

    A 'guardian' that uses a shield for a weapon (!possibly introducing shields as a new weapon available to warframes!) and uses powers that emit from his shield that will shield his allies to in contrary to Trinity that supports by healing, this 'guardian' is all about protecting by shielding his allies.


    Second I thought of nano bots as a legit way of introducing the use of insects as a power within warframe.

    Insects you see in nature have shells made of...whatever but nano bot-bugs are the same but just tiny robots that act like insects.

    A warframe like that could really have a new way of damaging opponents, sending a swarm to chew away at enemies to kill them or maybe sap away an enemy's shield while the owner gains that amount of shield, interesting stuff like that.

    A massive swarm of bugs that devour an entire mob of enemies sounds like a great power to me.

  6. I'd like to join the clan (IGN also JeroenC74), was looking for a way to actively meet/talk with people playing Warframe so this clan sounds perfect :)
    Also I personally like to use teamspeak while gaming to quickly communicate as a team while doing missions or just make talking about random stuff much easier but I'll blend in the clan and see how everything rolls, as long as I can enjoy myself and help others ^ ^

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