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Posts posted by ricuse7

  1. The Items you can get a single time in the game and never ever again, are the following
    Primed Fury, Primed Shred, Primed Sure Footed, and Primed Vigor.
    If you sell them, They're gone for good
    If you max them out, You can't downgrade them
    If you were unlucky enough to trade them away prior to Hotfix 19.5.7 They're gone permanently for you.

    A combination of Baro and Simaris have all of the The Daily Tribute system within his store except for these four Select Items, Why are these excluded.
    Every other Item in the whole of the Daily Tribute system is available.
    There are other One time obtain Items after finishing a quest that are similar to these, that you can buy from Simaris as well. The Umbral, And Sacrificial mods...

    Why havn't these come back as re-purchasable in Simaris's shop?
    Is there a technical, or logistical, reason I'm not aware of that is preventing this?

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  2. I disagree fundamentally with Steel path being the most optimal way to play. because Optimization requires inclusion of one's personal circumstances.

    I have a borderline Solo Clan: I have to input 2 of each Curse, I have a week to get a total of 6 curses.
    I'm Still ranking up the Syndicate (or getting all the things from the syndicate shop)

    During Angels, Ranking up that syndicate during the same time, Doing it on steel path didn't really make sense, because you could do both at the same time. And I was able to buy the arcane rather than beat my head against the higher difficulty while you may have been done in half a month, and it took me 2 months. I'd argue I spent significantly less time on it because I was averaging 10 arcane an hour of playtime because I was maxing out rep... and then stopped playing that area.

    During the Voruna update I actually agreed with you doing high level survival, with higher drops and higher chance of getting the rare stuff in a set timeframe just seemed to make the most sense here.

    Citrine? You could rank up weapons while doing it.... So why go steel path when you can progress at twice the pace, So I was able to rank up all of my weapons and max them out with 3-4 forma during this. There was no reason for me to go steel path because I was getting crystals while ranking up weapons.

    The most efficiently way to do whispers for me without even thinking about it, is Do the missions from fish that are assassination missions. You get rep, and you get a single curse. after you have 2 of each... you do whatever mission gets you the best rewards for your time. I have all the other stuff that I already farmed entirely during scarlet spear. so that's not a motivating factor at all... and I was able to get all but one of the Items during the first (half) week. The only thing I'm using my grotesques on now is Arcane energize. to melt down and buy the arbitration arcanes, because I'm not farming that I already have everything I need, and the arcanes there are stupidly low drop chance. I get other arcanes while I'm involved in other pursuits... So there's laterally no reason for me to play steel path unless my goal was to stop playing the game, and it's not.

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  3. 20 hours ago, WarcellPrime said:

    It probably restored quest. If you complete all you get 1 more restored.

    I have completed 100% of all of Night-wave Act 2 Week 1, and Week 2. I have not missed a daily, I have not missed a weekly. It's 100% done. This was above and beyond both of those weeks of 100% completions.

  4. I can't tell if this is a bug or if this is a feature.
    I 100% finished week 1 and week 2.
    I pressed escape while in a mission, and Lo and behold I needed to complete "Jailer" Complete 0/3 capture missions.
    So I did it even though it didn't show up on my daily/weekly acts and it gave me 4,500 Nightwave standing.
    I now have 4,500 Nightwave standing more than I should.
    I am currently Rank 8 with 5,500/10,000 standing. I should only have 1,500 into rank 8 at this time.

    I just thought you should know.

  5. Honestly... it probably depends on what you're play-style is like.
    The Dex Akfuris was my Go to as Frost to burn down nullifier bubbles to keep the defence subject safe. but that was replaced with the Rattleguts.
    The Aklex Prime was my go to for just wanting that one shot kill in midium difficulty but that was replaced with the tombfinger.
    Catchmoon is good for Multiple clumped targets, and has become my favorite out of all, but I've been playing a lot with the Arca plasmore so that's probably why.
    I've been messing around with the gaze and I can't get it to do what i want it to... 

  6. Let's put some more context around this.
    I have literally everything else (including pigments barring 1 which I just haven't bothered with yet.) In the dojo unlocked myself alone, Because I did it for the challenge. I'm in an alliance with other clans. Some of them solo and some of them significant. I have friends that I play with. 

    I haven't asked for anything that isn't out of the realm of possibility, I'm willing to work within the programming constraints and polocy decisions. I'm not going to stop playing if I don't get this. I'm not asking for a change of the sticker price. I'm asking for a change that is in line with the real things that DE has already changed. I'm not asking for a lowering of the cost. I'm asking to adjust, using the same method that has already been used to adjust other things. I'm even calling out that it's possible that it's not going to happen. I'm not asking for special treatment.

    However... This 1 weapon is already working on a completely different resource scaling system by a factor of more than 10.
    For comparison the over 100 Tellurium that was required to build all of the Fortuna operator clothes from the vent kids and Vox Solaris was done on public with pug groups in less than a month of play time. There are no pug groups on derelicts. All the pieces including the fishing and mining and torroid farming combined took less overall time than it took for me to get my first 500 mutagen samples. Let me say that again in annother way. I was able to build every single operator outfit from fortuna in less in game time than it took to get less than 1/10 of the single resource needed to research (not even build) a single weapon from a single dojo lab. That's irrational and unreasonable.

    Don't get me wrong... I'm still going to farm it but it's going to be a long time, but the way it's working right now is that I will have purchased all of the syndicates entire inventory before I actually get the 5000 mutagen samples. I'm saying that it's been at least 2 years since this weapon was released. and I'm merely pointing out other aspects of the game have become less grindy through normal balancing changes. I'm just asking for them to do here, what they've already done other places because what DE has done here doesn't line up with any other aspect of the whole game in it's current form.

    The only holdout reason here is that people in Clans have already done it... and I respect that DE doesn't want to disrespect the people that worked hard to put this together for their clan-mates. And that works if you have an active clan. But not if you're Rōnin. DE has also recognized and admitted the new user experience is somewhat lacking in certain areas. Which is why there's a rework of the starting quest coming. Consider how long it would take a group of enthusiastic upstarts to do this? Is that the new player experience DE wants? @Brozime is doing his Free to Play-through right now. I'll invite him to post how many Mutagen samples he has from doing his Derelict farming for corrupted mods at the end for reference if he wants.

  7. When requested, The Cetus wisp purchase price from Onkko has been adjusted.
    Oxium Drones started showing up earlier in missions.
    When requested, Drop rates for torroids were adjusted for specific locations (possibly as a bug fix)
    When requested, Other drop rates have been adjusted as well as the need arises.
    The Ignis wraith was released to Barro's inventory recently which was a thing that you only got if you were in a clan or had a friend in a clan that had that unlocked.
    You've allowed multiple dragon keys on a single frame lowering the need for people to group up on derelicts.

    I'm going to recognize here that the Drop rate for mutagen samples for derelicts were indeed increased shortly after the release.
    So let's see what that looks like after the increase.
    With a Nekros, Alone, for a solo clan. The drop rate is 18 mutagen samples average per mission for 20 minutes in a survival staying at about 100% oxygen without even trying.
    The Hema research for a shadow clan is 5000 mutagen samples.
    5000/18 = 277.7(repeating) runs that must be done alone by an individual solo with a "farm" frame specifically designed to maximize the drops.
    5540 minutes or 92 hours + start, + Key build, and Extraction time = farming materials for the key. With all of that all together we're talking over 100 hours for a single weapon.
    Please let me know of any other weapon in the entire game that has even close to that required number of hours of time (and don't tell me about arch guns because you can trade parts with your friends in other syndicates.)

    This may change with Chesacrate, but since it's not intended to reroll, I don't think that's how it's going to work.

    There are other solo players who have done this farm and actually want you to change it. Exibit A:

    In reality I know You have no obligation to change this.
    I recognize that you've made a line in the sand, and I'm probably just wearing down my finger pads for nothing but to pound out my frustration. I have 1202 mutagen samples already and have watched a couple of seasons of various TV shows while farming so I have something like 210 more runs to do, less if I get boosters.

    I have 2 suggestions here, which would all help the pain in different ways. You could implement both if you wanted.
    1: Increase both the research requirements of the other weapons up to par and increase the Drop rate of Mutagen samples for both Eris and the Derelict even more to compensate.
    2: Make the research of the Hema be based on members of the clan rather than the level of the clan. yes, I recognize that the clan can game the system by kicking all it's members and inviting them back. But you stated in 2016 that the reason for it was to create coordination and collaboration. So as a possible solution for the hema specifically, every time you add someone to the clan You must put in another 500 Mutagen samples to access the Hema blueprint again. This may cause some confusion as to what I mean, So let me be clear. When the number of members of the clan is at 16 you would need 8000 Mutagen samples. If your clan looses a few people and goes down to 14 you still need 8000 Mutagen samples. But when it goes to 17 you need 8500 mutagen samples even if you've previously researched it, it becomes locked again until you've put in the 500 from the 8000 that you've already put in for the additional member. You can play around with the formula.

    The idea as it was presented was it was to be 500 as an individual contribution in a normal clan in order to research it. Keeping this at what it is, is punishing solo clans, and seeing as this is a multiplayer game. It's possible that's the point.

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