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Posts posted by Drakesword

  1. 8 minutes ago, RetiredEdgeLord said:

    I never mentioned they were to be compared. Also, your writing gives the viewer the assumption that you knew what DE was thinking ["what DE thinks is completly different"]

    I am sorry if my writing misleads you, I am not an native english speaker and I'm doing the best I can to express my thoughts on this topic and, as already said, sorry if that style of mine misleaded you into the assumption that I knew what DE was thinking.

  2. 4 hours ago, RetiredEdgeLord said:

    If you really knew what DE was thinking, you wouldn't have made this thread.

    Nobodys exaclty knows what DE is thinking and because of the fact that so many people (i Heard around 6 opinions in this topic) have an at least slightly different opinion i thougt it would be a Good discussion topic and i have never claimed to know what DE is thinking, i was saying that Hollywood and warframe in their core are 2 completly different things obviously which are Not compareable 

  3. 11 hours ago, RetiredEdgeLord said:

    I remember my Lanka's shot splitting a Crewman in half before... That's about what Hollywood thinks a 50 BMG round would do to somebody.

    That is what Hollywood thinks but what DE thinks is completly different, that Shotguns throw People 10m or so away and that you can aimglide mid air only if you are watching into your iron sight, Hollywood is nothing against Warframe.

  4. 1 minute ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Snipers are Snipers, Shotguns are Shotguns, not even in real life do Snipers throw their targets back as much as you are expecting.

    They shouldn't throw them away like shotguns, sorry if i didn't made that clear, what i meant was that snipers should at least have something that gives you a visual representation of the dmg you do, i mean vaykor hek is doing like 12k dmg and throwing away like 10m and the vectis does 30k and the guy falls to his knees and after that onto his face, at least they should be thrown like 2 meters or so, just to represent the caliber and the force of the bullet, and sure snipers don't have the power in reallife to throw away 10m but neither has a shotgun that power, so yeah.

  5. 15 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    No, they're damn well not. There is no fun in holding the left-click while everything dies in nuclear fire. Nerfs are for weapons that give rewards that outweigh the skill required to use them. That is not good, and it never will be.

    If you think people enjoyed people slide-macroing with the Telos Boltace, or mindlessly spamming orbs with the S-Simulor, or cheesing their way through everything with the Tonkor, then I'm afraid you're dead wrong. Weapons like that only encourage stale, boring gameplay. 

    Nerfs are good when applied properly. And unfortunately for your point, these nerfs were most certainly applied properly. These weapons were brought back into the power range of other, similar weapons, and weaker, gimmicky weapons were buffed to be more viable/fun.

    Please leave 'the rest of us' out of this. I, for one, equally dislike the nerf-is-bad mentality, because it encourages nothing but boredom and cheese, which never ends well for the viability of any game.

    Games Need constant nerfs/buffs to give the Player the Maximum of viable fun weapons to Play in order to stop the "meta-gameplay" of many Players with one weapon like, for example, tonkor, and the "nerf-is-bad" mentality is just some Kind of fear that your favorite weapon gets nerfed, following all nerfs are "bad" because they can potentialy make the stuff bad that you use on a daily Basis, the Goal of DE is not to make your weapons bad, like in the Quote mentioned, to make more weapons viable and to bring weapons back to the power Level of their class in order to give the Player the Maximum of viable choice for the Mission. They are trying to improve, and they do a solid Job in my opinion despite the fact that many weapons are just mastery Point cases, but they at least try.

  6. 1 minute ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Snipers's impact is insufficient to ragdoll a target. Bullets usually just pierce through their targets and those that have some sort of high impact often make holes or tear limbs of.

    The Tigris tears limbs apart and throws them away like 10m, the hek does this too and they don't ragdoll (the shotguns), the ragdolls get kicked away if killed and that is what really Bugs me that the snipers just don't have this satisfying Feeling that shotguns have, they feel like a Lato or some Kind of that weapon....

  7. 5 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

    Snipers need a (second) rework at this point.

    They have bad DPS, average crit chance, no innate punchthrough like bows, terrible hipfire accuracy since their first 'rework', the combo system is useless since snipers have low magazine sizes and/or long reload times (made worse when they added a bandaid mod instead of fixing it), sway while aiming (but we can fire a 2 ton laser cannon without moving an inch) and insane zoom for a game that is mostly has close/medium range combat in rooms and corridors full of obstacles.

    In my opinion sniper should have always been able to redcrit, i mean why are the bows the only Weapons that are able to do this despite the amount of weapons that are based on crit, on top of that an around 45% crit Chance of the Vectis prime, which is... meh..., in my opinion the hipfire should be terrible because this would be the Moment where you should Switch to the secondary, and lets be honest the Opticor should be less precise while moving, at the rest (DPS, Sway, Combo System and Zoom) i totally agree, they aren't as usefull as they could have been...

  8. To be quiet honest there will be many nerfs to come an they just started to nerf/buff Things, i see changes for Tigris or the Soma coming, but that will be a Topic of the future, what i am happy about now is that the constant particle hurricane ended, every Mission online had at least one guy with the particle cannon with them which made enjoying the game just a Little bit harded at around 15 fps, so yeah i think the nerfs are good to Level every weapon into the same Kind of damage class so they won't be as easily "meta-ed" by the Player base like they were now.

  9. One Thing that i noticed that really Bugs me is that snipers in warfame have no Impact to the enemys you kill with it, for example shotguns throw the enemys away like 10m or so and when you kill someone with a sniper-rifle it feels like you shot them with a Lato which doesn't feel like quiet right compared to the Impact that Shotguns have. Would be cool to see there some Change which makes them a Little bit more "impact-ish".

    Edit: Feel free to move it to another section of the forum because i honestly don't know where this should go.

  10. 2 minutes ago, DRoc101 said:

    Dat Rakta Build though :) Nice piece you have there, that would destroy the nully bubbles. The Soma needs some work.

    It looks like you have the dual stat elemental mods on. remove those in favor of the 90% mods, they are a lot more damage and you don't need status chance on the SPrime. The slash damage seems a bit low compared to mine, but it is hard to tell with the mods in German why that is.

    No slash mods, instead punchtrough and firerate

  11. I am honest i don't like that this is going into a "People are trying to help me Player helping Player Thing", otherwise i wouldn't have created a Player helping Player thread. The corpus Need a nerf or an "adjustment" how many People call it in warframe, the wopping Train that hits you in the face like a airplane if a tech hits you, the never ending nullification of all abilities and the "wtf was that?" Moment when you die because of These annoying plates that lay ANYWHERE on the ground where your feet can be. They Need to make an adjustment! And they look like if they were a one day before update Thing that should stop Players from using abilities but ended up Lasting that Long!

  12. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

    I play on PC too, there is  no difference

    Yes, Im always learning that way, the players helping players section is great here too. You have occasional jerk, but most are great. I just found a great Atlas build actually.








    The Mods are in German but i think you should see which mods These are, if not you can ask

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

    Look TC, Im not trying to attack you, Im trying to help. Try posting some builds, loadouts. Im on the design council, play everyday, watch the streams and theres still stuff I dont know. Theres no shame in learning, Im always looking for help. You could using a bad setup who knows?

    Should i post you a Picture of my weapon Builds against corpus? i could do that

  14. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

    Ugh Sorties 3 start at lvl 100+ so yes a lot of ppl play high enemies all the time..


    Yes, the game is about going fast, magnetic weapons should be murdering the 20 additional enemies or some kindve CC keeping them locked down, so the nullies can be dealt with.

    every abilitiy gets nullified and you can't cc them at all, because of the big range of the bubble

  15. 5 minutes ago, DRoc101 said:

    Again, CC is king. If you do a top down attack (slam attack) with something like a fragor, it knocks all of the surrounding enemies down. A lot of the defense against damage at high level is movement. Learn to move throughout the battle to avoid damage. Bullet jump is your friend.

    CC doesn't work at all against the corpus and while you melee you die against corpus and you can't dodge the attacks of the corpus as easy as everybody says!

  16. 7 minutes ago, DRoc101 said:

    Example options for killing Nully bubbles in sortie that I personally use.

    Ivara or Loki: Stealth and shoot

    Frost or Ember: their #1 abilities actually take down the bubbles really fast

    Inaros, Chroma, Rhino: jump in the bubble and kill them in their faces until they die

    Frosts and embers 1# abilities don't do anything to the bubble, and you die instant while stealth from the sapping drones

  17. 3 minutes ago, Freezing-Dragon said:

    Isn't Corpus's "weakness" is Poison?

    But in another way, Radiation is also your friend too. Make'em fight each other.

    Not sure what's your team.

    it is more like magnetic, thats what the Codex and the wiki says and yeah try to make a Status proc on an enemy inside the nullifier bubble or the nullfier itself.

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