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Posts posted by kakai0

  1. Hello Everyone.


    Hear me out, Pageflight's increased effect should have not been removed. It should have been adjusted or nerfed but not removed. We only have 3 birds at a time and that is not enough if the purpose is to CC enemies (unless DE decides to add more birds scaling through power strength or augment). I dont really think that its not really "not really intended". DE coded and written its description. 

  2. I though it was FINALLY the time that BOWS and SNIPERS would actually cope with the GODLY rifles in terms of DPS... they just made this mod not good for bows and just boost those close ranged rifle but those who purely really on accuracy...this mod will hurt. They could have atleast put a knock back for Ogris - just a bit... For those continuous weapon (is it dera?) they could have atleast put a of recoil on it - just a bit... and just leave it as is on the mod - just recoil not accuracy... Let the bows and snipers renown their names DE...

    Is it me thinking like this? Or im just naive about this mod?

    Just saying DE... the game mechanics is 60% unhappy... rather disappointing.

    Not really a good impression... This game is always talking about balance... Oh I see the balance now... super guns will be boosted while few weapons will be trashed... Now thats balance I see..

    Disappointed, not just me...


  3. I though it was FINALLY the time that BOWS and SNIPERS would actually cope with the GODLY rifles in terms of DPS... they just made this mod not good for bows and just boost those close ranged rifle but those who purely really on accuracy...this mod will hurt. They could have atleast put a knock back for Ogris - just a bit... For those continuous weapon (is it dera?) they could have atleast put a of recoil on it - just a bit... and just leave it as is on the mod - just recoil not accuracy... Let the bows and snipers renown their names DE...

    Is it me thinking like this? Or im just naive about this mod?

    Just saying DE... the game mechanics is 60% unhappy... rather disappointing.


    Not really a good impression... This game is always talking about balance... Oh I see the balance now... super guns will be boosted while few weapons will be trashed... Now thats balance I see..


    Disappointed, not just me... 



  4. no dual kestrel is stupid idea. kestrel have small range as it is.

    also how do you think to launch them? one by one or two in the same direction? both variants are bad and have little sense because of power throw.

    If only some of Glaive's mods can be made use to kestrel too...

  5. no ts.


    directions of bounce too much randon to rely heavy on it. you can have glaive mod to add bounces. which is a waste of mod points.


    for ragdoll effect it is easier to use puncture mod, which is more effective given what range kestrel have.


    dual kestrels, no.


    what kestrel need is a fix of animation.

    hehe Dual Kestrels really is OP but its not a waste suggesting it...

  6. DUAL Kestrel is more a new weapon than mod.

    No basic melee, less damage short range, quick return rapid juggling.

    Or charge double toss long range.


    Perhaps a shockwave mod. Change on hit to send out shockwave pulse.

    Thats what it should be if dual kestrel is used in the game... but longer range would be too op.

  7. Good Everyone!
    Hi DEVs!!

    I have few suggestion about kestrel. Kestrel, as we all know, is not really meant for lethal damage but for utility tool (which is very useful for a NYX players).

    1. Homing mod (exclusive for Kestrel) - this mod will make a thrown kestrel hit more targets within its flight range by putting a beacon on it making it find/seek limited numbers of enemies and hit them and after it reached the maximum number of homing hits the kestrel will then return to its owner.
     - Advantage:
       -Maximizes the use of its ragdoll effects (great for tower 3 defense when Fusion MOA run towards the POD)
        -Hhmmm I don't know yet...
    (Is this OP?)


    2. Make a DUAL Kestrel
         -Shorter flight range
         -smaller damage
         -Still can ragdoll
         -2 flying projectiles meaning...more possibilities of hitting more enemies and get ragdolled
    (I guess the animation would be throwing one kestrel on the right hand first then the left hand throws the second projectile - same as what throwing knives are done...right-left throws)
          -Glaive users will ask for a dual wield too... hehe Seriously now. (I think) It will overthrown the original Kestrel if this one gets on the game.

    What do you think?


    Please leave a comment


  8. You misunderstand me.

    I wish to enjoy playing Nyx, but I know that it will be a bad idea to use her the fullest because it will have not gotten me much anywhere.

    Hmmmm now I get you. hehe I really would like to use absorb since its her ULTIMATE skill but the skill itself needs rework. I'm sticking on CC build where she can take me level 50 on defense without scratch.

  9. This and the fact that Phorid is annoying are the only things keeping me away from Nyx.

    That is the reason why we have many warframes to choose from. Playstyles are to be fit to what individuals DO and LIKE.

  10. That is why many of NYX users, like me, dont equip absorb on her and as well as Psychic Bolts... Just go for pure CC build for her and your team mates will love your play. Still, DE needs to have a look at it.

  11. No there's no real need for pointless emphasis.

    Basically your asking for an easy-mode addition to the system where you don't have to gather mods via RNG, whether one time or not.

    There have been games who do this...World,of Warcraft, Rift, and the other casual friendly titles. And then people subsequently $#*(@ about being bored due to lack of content, tokens are just a pointless addition for people who want brownie points for playing, like achievements or cosmetics.

    If you just want to start another thread about casual friendly additions try the suggestions subsections instead.

    Acquisition would still be hard and will go through RNG but has a few increase percentage to the drop rate.

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