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Posts posted by Phobose

  1. So you like being a leech and use the Nova as a scapegoat/excuse to continue doing so? That's pretty pathetic.


    If you want to go on a smokebreak, do it while you're not in a mission; leech


    Instead of being lazy and just reading that  one message go read the one above that i wrote. I absolutely refuse to sit down in front of my computer for 5 minutes straight watching Nova 1 shot everything when i can enjoy a nice and relaxing smoke, Thank you.

  2. Perhaps maybe a few ideas for a training room as people have stated above,



    You can have a panel that will allow you to choose what time of training you get (each training option must be built into the room via the same panel and so forth. My entire idea on this would be something of this sort.


    You enter this circular room, theres a panel to the side of this room with all of these ornamental weapons spread accross the room, You press an option on the panel and those sitting circles appear in the middle.

    you sit down and the room suddenly phases into the room similar to the mastery Rank up room with the specific training type commencing.


    [Edit]: with training options there can also be challenge options for some competition outside of real missions

    [Edit]: an option to display Clan leaderboard of Possible challenges in the training room? like top 100 and than a tab to your own personal best.


    Perhaps as default setups you can replay the mastery rank up challenges with no cost and preset training modes that require building in the form of Rare blueprints/ Material (such as mini data masses or Chips) that drop off of enemies to upload into the hologram data once the building for that specific information commences.


    [Edit]: at the end of each training session a little board can pop up displaying damage dealt, crit percentage out of total hits landed, accuracy etc etc


    Running with this Training room idea^ Ill add more edits as the ideas slowly form into my head

  3. There are many in this community incapable of seeing beyond the end of the day, or applying a modicum of common sense.


    To spell it out, the game has recently undergone changes to level scaling; those changes would have been in testing internally for several weeks if not months. Further, Nova was released in the midst of those changes so any internal testing would have occurred facing harder enemies, and the scaling of her skills would have been directly affected. We also know, assuming you have bothered to watch past live streams, that they are aware older frames do not scale correctly with newer content and have said they would be revisited.

    I'm anticipating the list on Update 10 and to see how everything will play out till than I might as well keep on taking those smoke breaks on defense missions^

  4. I'll be honest here, I really don't care for any abilities considered broken in this game because i know If it really is broken it will get tweaked and placed accordingly.


    BUT One thing I really cannot stand though Is me not being able to do something (aka me playing as Ash or Loki grinding for mods on a high level defense mission) because there are no enemies to shoot at when theres Nova M-Priming everything.I really really do not care for the quick xp gain because I usually like to take in the aspect of the game and do things the more time consuming way leveling wise.


    I've literally been on Xini before and afk'd to go out and smoke a cigarette because I wasn't able to shoot something, I signed up to play Warframe and help DE with viable feedback. not sit pretty and do nothing. If i wanted to do that I'd might as well go back in time to when I was a little kid Botting for Exp on Runescape or just go Play Vauban or Frost. But am I going to wail and cry all over the forums about it? No.


    Than again, Untill the game comes to full bloom no one should even be Crying over anything same goes for myself. for christs sakes THIS GAME IS STILL IN BETA we should be giving them suggestions not start throwing napalms on the forums, than again this is the internet.

  5. Repurposed technocyte infestation to temporarily revive and control dead enemies?


    Makes way more sense than rhino's roar that somehow makes bullets stronger, or a dead obvious glowing man with a fake pistol causing people to ignore their enemies or all of nyx's abilities.


    Shlt, it'd basically be a nyx on steroids.




    This is an interview with DE_Steve that shows Warframe was always intended as Mystisism and Sci-fi together. If people thought this was anything other than a soft sci-fi, rule of cool setting it's their problem. Nyx already has psychic powers. That's just magic by another name.


    Pain theres ur answer. Theres your sense in the other abilities.

  6. As others have posted earlier the developers did not mention the word Necromancer, Necro was the only term they used. I would like to see some intense things with this Warframe. Because Necro is a term too commonly associated with Necromancers and Necromancy, people would obviously jump the gun and cry WoW Mmorpg Rawr No -flame flame flame- . Let's not jump the gun and shoop da whoop and let's understand that this is not a new thing but it's still a vastly popular idea. Let's go with Zombie like Biological weapons We have most commonly seen in futuristic games including this one. We got:


    Halo's the Flood

    Dead Space's Necromorphs (Look! Necro!)

    Warframe's the Infested.


    There are obviously more but i just simply can't name the rest off the top off my head.


    These are all catagorized as Necrological bioweapons(Yes Necrological is a word go google it.) I'm all for the idea of a Warframe that can either manipulate the technocyte plague or use his own brand of nano-mites to raise the dead and wreak havoc.


    No this is not Necromancy, we don't use Magic here though Technology can be considered magic by some but let us not shun and raise arms against an interesting concept.



    As for Nova,


    Who cares for the massive Press one button and boom everythings dead, if it works it works let people use whatever they want lol. DE mentioned the word Diversity in their last Livestream. Yes Op One shot everything is part of that diversity spectrum, yeah its not pretty sure it might be cool in the beginning but it greys out very fast but its still there.

  7. So I've been playing Warframe for a good amount of time and I noticed that the mod selection system has no filters or presets! This seems to be a bit of a drag when you have different mod setups for the same warframe depending on the difficulty,faction, mission type etc etc especially at late game. I think it would be nice to have presets, you have certain mods applied to your weapon/warframe/melee and you just want that quick one button switch from your corny named setups (Infested Bested lelelelel) to your other corny setup (Corpus? hah). Also I feel that the little tiny space dedicated for your mod selection needs to be turned into a window that pops up like the fusion core selection list with the filters being the mod types for that specific item type (primary, secondary, Melee)

  8. I personally liked the old Nightmare mode, It wasn't too hard but you had to make an effort to complete it. I'm not enjoying these new additions one bit since I play Loki. basically think of it like this. Loki with no Shields is just lol hp? whats that? Loki with No Energy I might as well just stand there and do nothing and let them kill me. It basically just kills off any of the more squishy and Ability reliant Warframes like Loki from my perspective. I just feel the no Shields and Energy drain are a bit too much.


    Ill give my own opinion on a good definition Nightmare Mode for Warframe



    -Vampire drain

    -No Mini Map

    -Lower ammunition drops

    -Lower Health drops from containers.

    -Enemies are tankier

    -Guarenteed Stalker that wont drop any items (to farmproof of his items)

    -Guarenteed Assassination mission of that factions boss list. (excluding defense missions that would be too op to defend the objective, unless their damage doesn't affect the objective.)

    -More Heavier units (ex. Grineer heavy machine guns, Corpus techs, Ancients etc etc.)

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