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Posts posted by Zarvok

  1. I really think we just need the ability to set a preference for playing the game in the menu screen. So rushers can group with other rushers and what not. Sure you'll get people that choose the wrong group to grief others but that's not anything new.

  2. I understand where you're coming from. When I began playing I loved my Volt and the Braton. After they hit 30 I switched to a different frame and weapon along with my pistols and what not. I have found other weapons I love but again they hit 30 and I felt I had to put them aside again. Maybe with the "prestige mode" they were talking about in the live stream this issue will be less of an issue.

  3. While a kicking system could be useful. I think the ability to blacklist players or better yet, set your playstyle so that you are only grouped with like minded players. (i.e. rushers grouped with rushers while those that like to take their time are grouped with like minded people.)

  4. I have this problem too. Usually when I try to turn down my sound. Unless I mute the sound effects completely I can hear it like they are standing in the room next to me.


    I also get it with some laser weapons.

  5. It would be nice to dial back mods once they are leveled. Too often I have upgraded a mod to find I can no longer fit it in a weapon/warframe. My idea is simply that we could use a slider on the side of the mod with the white dashes showing the level, to lower its power and mod slots required to equip. Of course the mod would be less powerful but then we wouldn't need to keep multiple versions of the same mod in our inventories cluttering it all up. 


    TL;DR let us temporarily lower mod power to better min-max our gear.

  6. I would like to see more kicking in the game but it might help your post to add some details on how you'd like this to happen. Maybe they have blades on their hands and feet. Maybe it's more heavily armored so that they are less likely to hurt themselves when doing these maneuvers (our enemies have shielding and armor that resist bullets quite handily).

  7. He's saying people should be able to exit when they reach the exit, there shouldn't be a timer and nobody should be forced to leave early. +1

    I've already argued for this in another thread, but never proposed it.

    I agree as well. I hate being forced to rush through maps and I don't care to solo bosses. Yes, I will play solo/private when I can but for the most part I enjoy playing with other people as I've met several people that I quite liked.

  8. Just to be sure: You know lasers deactivate if you shoot the camera that sees you?

    Yes I am aware, but often we'll be running through a level and he'll be slightly ahead of me and trigger it before I have time to react.

  9. I think the cost of fusions is more or less fine, but I think they need to increase the xp given from fusions. My fire rate mod for my pistol would currently require all 22 fusion cores I possess as well as a few of my normal mods to upgrade. I find that a bit on the ludicrous side.

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