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Posts posted by (PSN)EV0LUTi0N403

  1. We have so many colors to choose from which is amazing for customization but its hard to keep track of which colors I really love since we have only 20 spots for favorite colors =(

    I resort to using them just for general colors that work on every warframe & on different accessorie/attachment colors..

    I got 4 blacks from darkest down, 1 white, 5 shades of gold for attachments and then 1 favoritr of purple..red..blue..ect ect which is tough to choose which one gets the slot.

    Since theres soo many specific shades of one colors, im sure alot of people would want to seperate out the ones they really enjoy. An idea i thought of was...

    either we can save more favorites..100 or even unlimited if possible? or if you wanna go a bit more extreme

    another idea is.. as you purchase different palettes, you could have another section in the R1/L1 which is currently just filled with palettes & favorites..we could add colors, under that section, where currently in the palette section you have the names of each palette, you could have instead each group of colors..red,blue ect and each time you bought a new palette a certain amount of reds would open up under each sections depending what colors came in that palette. It would make it a ton easier to choose from to find all the greens/blue ect in their own section so you dont have to go through each palette searching for them.

    Im sure favorites would probably alot more simpler to implement but i really think having each color seperated in their own group works better but really anything at this point would be better than just the 20 we currently get since im sure this system worked well a while ago when there was just a few palettes.

  2. you'll get it, just wait a few days

    D.E wont just promise something to everyone & not deliver 

    they had a problem last time with the twitch drops with certain time frame and delivering them

    & im sure they're a bit busy with Tennocon so come monday im sure they'll get everyone their Ash Prime

  3. Currently with the new update, as well with the old one actually, you would have to actually click the item to check if you have actually already mastered it as the new u.i as well as the old both show if you have something in your inventory but being able to tell at a glance that you have something in your inventory AS WELL as being able to tell if you have already mastered that item(where applicable) would be nice instead of having to actually click the item to check if it's been mastered 


    Because chances are if you see its in your inventory with check mark, you've already mastered it but for items you've bought & deleted there's no way to know you've already gotten & mastered that item and then deleted it without actually clicking into the item. Having a crown symbol or a star symbol beside the check mark (if you have it in your inventory) or just the star alone would let you know that you've mastered it but its not in your inventory 


    food for thought? i always thought it'd make life easier, what do you guys think?

  4. here's 2 off the top of my head...earth settlements & doctor tengus

    i just doubled checked on a video too and the spots on PC line up for the first one & second one but not for the 3rd( earth settlements) so its not just me going crazy not being able to find it 

    but there's ALOT more that aren't working...its the whole hidden frame is shifted downwards so alot of them are way below the screen, alot of them get loudest when my cursor as at the very bottom of my screen.


  5. I've collected alot of the the fragments & i was bored and wanted to listen to them from the beginning but alot of them you cannot "hover" over them, alot of them seem out of the frame 

    i spent a good amount of time trying on a few certain ones but could not get it even the the sound was loudest in that general area & i know i've listened to certain ones before so they used to work just fine. spent a good 15 mins trying to find one just to make sure i wasn't just missing it but that cant be the case.


    sh*tty problem & there are alot more pressing issues but still sucks for lore as i wanted to listen to them on my own..guess i'll have to watch a video instead

  6. Still having this problem, it means i can not farm Atlas at all. figured after the limbo update & stuff i'd give it another try & still the same thing happens it just forces me out of map with a frozen screen, then the extraction animation and im booted because lotus or ordis says i've left the area...anyone having this issue at all?

    any idea's what i should do, i want to get myself an atlas but i effectively cant now.

  7. Yup, having same issue, sometimes i cannot even click on the name to bring the drop down menu

    sometimes the drop down menu appears but then i cannot click on invite or talk 

    its quite frustrating trying to get a group together for something or replying to an ad in trade 

  8. Im trying to get Strun on PS4 & the first mission is a sabotage on Calypso and after you get into the pod and fly into the next part and finish the actual sabotage, there is no where to go...

    sometimes it tells you the blast door is locked and needs to be opened but theres no console in the corner to unlock & so i did it a second time thinking ill whip out all the camera's and stuff so hopefully it wont lock and yes it didn't say that but there was legit no other place to go, the pod stuck in the window is where the marker tells you to go but im pretty sure your not supposed to use the pod twice & there is no doors to go anywhere else.


    this is my 3rd time trying to no avail and i need that receiver its the last piece before i can construct strun wraith!!


    Edit* luckily i was able to get the first mission to switch to a capture instead, but i remember the above mentioned a while ago to me before as well so its not a new problem



  9. I did 1 successful Jordas golem assassinate mission, i went to do a second one and after i defeat the jugg with the group 

    we get put into the archwing mode, except when i load into that part my character is in a weird position, i noticed im also 4000m away from the target, 

    i cannot move at least on my screen im pretty much frozen & same with my partners (except not on their screens, they continue on normally) and i guess 

    as soon as i load in, im automatically moving away from the mission so it just extracts me like 5-7 seconds after i've loaded in because apparentley im moving away from the target

    but im havn't moved on my controller after i've loaded in, its done this 4 times now...anyone else having this issue?

  10. again i hate this system, please change it back 

    bug report i cant even close tabs in the chat menu from chats with other players, i click their name and it brings down the small menu with talk, inv ect ect

    i click close tab or close all and it wont select it, UHG

    look at all the grief people are having, just give us back the old U.I, there was nothing wrong with it to begin with

    • Like 3
  11. 3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    I've had 3 day turn around as the earliest and 3 months as the latest.

    My boyfriend ran into reporting a DE and that same one catching the ticket.

    ya this my first ticket so i guess it may also depend on the issue your reporting...

    I thought i read that wrong after i read it a second time, you meant reporting an actual DE moderator to support...i thought you meant kind of like my case where its just a random user 

    but that is brutal & shouldn't be the case, what happened in that situation?


    i would have tried to make another ticket hoping it goes to another DE support rep.

  12. 15 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    It's not overly effective though. Since it takes so long to get a response from support, most bans or moderation restrictions have been lifted before you hear anything. 

    Plus, if you have an issue with any DE specific moderation, there's a good chance the person you're filing a complaint against will catch the ticket and mark it resolved without actually...resolving....anything.

    they're support staff got to me the same day, so i didn't have that issue, because i filed the ticket at 4am in the morning, later that day i got a response back but if the user i had filed against has access to my ticket...that really even more messed up.

  13. yeah, so the obvs thing to do is appeal it but they dont even do anything about it, i mean clearly saying it towards someone in such a way

    and then crying wolf i could so how they would say no sorry we cant lift this, but im fairly new to warframe, maybe 3 months or so

    i didn't know that people would intentionally trying to get people to say things to get them banned and in your case just telling people to avoid saying a word by accident 


    whats the point of having support if they wont even do anything in these sort of cases. 

  14. 10 hours ago, NovusNova said:

    If you feel that you have been unfairly moderated, either in-game or on the forums, then you can appeal through support.

    Support: http://support.warframe.com/

    that doesn't even work, they tell you they dont get involved in auto bans and you have to just wait it out..here's what they said 

    "Any kick or ban from a chat channel is only temporary. Since these are only temporary actions, please note that we do not get directly involved in resolving them through support and we can only ask for your patience until the suspension is automatically lifted from your account."

    also i was banned as someone wrote in region chat " crossword: 3 letter word for cigarette?"

    i wrote the term which im sure some of you can guess, it wasn't derogatory or said towards someone, its a legit slang term for a cigarette and got banned, but i also found out this guy was in my clan, and in the clan chat he said he was "going to get someone from region chat banned"

    so i obviously wrote in to them, made my case, gave them screenshots, and they told me that they dont get involved in auto bans but that they take this sort of action seriously...

    well i just got unbanned today and i see him in chat so i dont think he was banned or anything either for intentionally trying to get other people banned. what a joke of a system. 

  15. 11 hours ago, (XB1)Shoi the Pirate said:

    This has been going on for a few days for me, and it's starting to get upsetting. I've done everything that people have said to do, except re-downloading. I shouldn't have to re-download. Every GB I use I am charged for. The game is 38GB that is 8 dollars every time I have re-download that could be spent playing in the game.

    Login failed. Check your info.

    How am I suppose to check my info? I can log into the forums and website just fine.


    just a heads up, i didnt have to re-download so if it costs you, this might not even fix it.

    my guess is that it was on warframes side because the next day it just worked fine. i dont think its really a problem on your end but i could be wrong

    edit* whoops just realized this is the xb1 post, i made a similar thread for ps4 but what i said still could be true for xb1

  16. yeah that's what i figured, i mean its fine i got an AFK timer & no reward but it should just fail me & let me re-do the mission with a different group.

    i had to run upstairs as we were flying in so i wasn't AFK pre mission accept, i didnt think it would take that long otherwise i would have waited till we were actually in the mission then leave soon as i was in if i knew it would have taken even close to that long. 

    ok ill try a support ticket but im fairly new so i just wanted to know whats supposed to happen in those cases, if it was a bug or what, so that's why i made the post. 

  17. so i had just finished sortie mission 2 & was just going to begin mission 3 with a team when i had something going on upstairs and i ended up being AFK for the whole mission, my team made it to extraction & was gone by the time i was back so i have no idea what they got but i had no reward in my mission summary but my whole sortie page says completed. 

    i had read some older threads saying yes there is an AFK timer...no there isn't, back n forth.


    Does anyone know exactly the deal with this? i mean its not a huge deal i wasnt looking to just earn of other peoples work i did the first 2 sortie missions with them and the last mission was a rescue so they went through it pretty fast as i was prob gone for 4-5 mins but shouldn't it at least give me another chance to do the the last mission so i can get my reward or give me a reward?

    well next time i wont take my chances and ditch the team just in case but id like to know what actually is the case.   

  18. im not sure im not on much social media but they're in canada Ontario i believe and im in canada but alberta but i believe its still pretty early for them as well, might be a 2 hr difference but its only almost 5am here, id assume twitter would be the best place to check but again since its so early in the morning i doubt anyone would be posting or be active on their side, not at least for maybe 3-4 hours minimum 

  19. Was just finishing a mission when it kicked me out, cant get back in, just says Login Failed, Could not connect to server

    any other ps4 people having this issue, i seen some xb1 players are having the same issue

    happened at 4am Mountain time

    plains of eidolon | 2018.

    any tips? Tried closing the game, checking for update for ps4 or warframe, both up to date, cant really check much else

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