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Posts posted by Helioture

  1. I gotta have to agree with Solipsist.

    Also, I gotta comment on diji about Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. I really enjoyed that, and I saw a lot of the potential in Warframe to somewhat build upon the concept and overall "feeling" of ME3's multiplayer.

    But in ME3, it felt way more cooperative. Different. Pretty good, actually.

    Bigger enemies were very dangerous and could easily one-hit kill you if you were too careless, and you had to take them on very tactically. The classes in ME3 were also diverse, and served many different and important roles.

    In Warframe on the other hand, as Solipsist pointed out, you don't have to apply any tact to bringing a big enemy down, and your abilities are essentially for show. Your weapons are more than powerful enough to make your abilities a gimmicky alternative, a flashy power to one-hit kill your enemies all the same. (Except Trinity, which actually serves a purpose - Just not a necessary one.) In ME3, your weapons weren't always the best choice, and you essentially had to resort to your powers and tools to get those enemies. Hell, even the smaller enemies had very diverse mechanics in ME3, with which you had to take care and approach differently.

    What I'd also kinda like to see in Warframe is a cover system just like ME3 to build upon the gunplay part, and an articulation/improvement on the melee combat system. More or less, you should be punished if you were to charge in and attack them head on, either with sword or gun. If you do want to go all-out melee, sure. You should just have to think critically - Slash the enemy, dodge his attacks, be quick. If you're reckless, he's gonna wreck your face.

    (That's just on the topic of gameplay, though. ME3 had kind of the same reward system as Warframe has, play games in which you kill enemies to be able to kill enemies more with your new upgrades. Which is why it quickly got old for me, and many others.)

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