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Posts posted by JnaDK

  1. These are my own suggestions:

    I think, Mesa needs tweaking, which might cause a rework. Here is why:

    Mesa feels like a cowboy-girl frame. This concept goes through each of her abilities. All her abilities has sign of this and this is cool and well performed. I do not have much to change on her, but as mentioned, this is improvements I could see would fit her without much change to any of them.

    Mesa Abilities;

    1st - Ballistic Battery
    This ability name says it all. It is a heavy shot which require to be charged up.
    But to me, this ability does not have much flow which course (from my personal experience when discussing the "issue") others to skip the ability unless equipping specific weapons. This is sad to hear from fellow players.

    So, here is my suggestion:
    Instead of an "Activation with cost + Deactivate, to gain on next hit" function,
    lets turn it into a "Passive Charge up + Activate, with cost on use" to fire a independent bullet from her Regulator(s).

    She is a Gunslinger, who is acrobatic, agile, and the fastest holster drawer in Warframe.
    Simply play one of her "Regulator dance moves" on activation - Hit nearest target - Quick draw ftw.

    2nd - Shooting Gallery
    Here, I will leave it short. I think it works pleasantly enjoyable and useful as is. No change suggestions.

    3rd - Shatter Shield
    Personally, I think this ability does not sound too fitting her concept.
    If she was actually disarming her enemies by shooting the next target(s) hand, leaving them staggered, it would fit her concept better. As this would prevent her from taking damage. Counter attack and evasiveness, this is key for a gunslinger, not wearing shield or armor (Western style).

    4th - Peacemaker
    This ability has gone through some harsh times / changes.
    Personally, I loved when she was dancing while shooting anyone randomly around her, this gave her the feel of an agile-shooter-heroine who have mastered her Gunslinger skills. But the way it worked, was boring.

    The Current state of her Peacemaker, is not bad but leaves us more in a "Gun-turret" mode. Not that the previous was any better.

    How would I make, a beneficial change to this?
    Ivara, has the fix - In a unique twisted way.
    Her first ability - Quiver - gives us the function of changes arrow, but is also one of the first abilities, to introduce "Hold to fire" mechanic, on frame abilities.
    So here is the fix:
    Make her enter a dance-of-bullets, while holding down the 4th key (This changes little, as her current forms require us to hold down Mouse button / main fire key) to keep it active. Drains fast, but regains the "Area wide" and "Agile" enjoyment, without holding still on the ground.
    Of course compensated with high energy Drain (as it is also a bit currently) and stationary, While held.
    And a Ramp up, not making it a "Hold for 1 second" ability, so people want to use it for longer, but wont make her a "Turret mode".

    Thanks for reading.

  2. Hi all,

    I read a lot of other Topics, regarding Mesa - and what most people complain about is broken / need a fix.

    So, here we are, and I started this Topic, Compiling all our ideas into a single thread, instead of a OP vs Others.

    What you need to know of this posts purpose:
    - First off, try to stay positive and remain calm. We are here to talk, NOT Throw Mud.
    - Second off, if you seek to Throw Mud, doing it on the web seems physical impossible. Keep it at home.
    - Okay, that out of the way, lets start with writing your stand point - Does MESA need rework, yes or no?
    - Depending on answer above, tell why so people know.
    - If you have suggestions, Write them in comments now. Please stay true to facts > emotions, if possible.
    - If someone writes something you like, @their#name' to answer them with positive feedback or further suggestions to their opinion.
    - If someone writes something you DO NOT like, @their#name' to answer them with feedback. No Mud throwing, only reasonable responses.
    - If someone Answers your opinion, @their#name' to answer back, but still do not involve any Mud. Remember to read others answers as positive as possible to avoid Mud throwing party. It will get Greasy fast.
    - AT ALL TIMES, Relate to the post and its purpose. DO NOT side track or involve emotions pointed against others.

    So, feel free to write your opinions, links to your own posts (If relevant to the subject.), and leave a like to anyone who deserves it.

    Thanks if you read this far, and I wish all (even those who skipped my text) a good day!

    Edit: 1.0
    I thank you all, for keeping it so positive! So far, 15th reply, and no Mud thrown! A lot of creative thinking has been put into your answers, and I just wanna applaud it. Keep it up folks!

  3. While i can see the benefits, i also think it's good not to be able to tell who the host is. Stops being singled out for not having a great connection, a lot less of a problem now the game finds the best person (and now i have fibre optic internet), but i do remember a while ago certain people would just continually gripe about the host, ranging from people who kept it unpleasant but not harassing to those who got sweary.

    There are good fellow tenno out there

    There are also bad tenno out there

    We are being given a tool, which can help a lot of people.

    What is wrong, is not the tool. But the people who abuse it.

    Those will not disappear, even if the tool is removed/not applied.

    Those will just find other ways to annoy or hurt us.

    We can improve the games qualities.

    Cannot improve the people playing.

  4. This thread.

    I love the bows, like many of you do. And I agree, they need care.

    Having fun, is the aspect of the game, and the bow does a good job at that. Its a Unique system of a melee charge feature in a Primary weapon. The flavor is delicious!

    But I have a personal meaning on something: aka Thunderbolt

    - Thunderbolt

    Its gives you a random chance of firing an explosive arrow. Love the concept! But the way it currently work? No.

    How should it work, then?

    Well, I Considered it myself, and thought; Maybe if it was not based of a random chance. Why not build it, one of the very few Bow-specific-mods, into its key-feature? The charge up.

    This is but one of many possibilities, but say - When charging up bow, you can further charge it, to deliver a percent of your main shots dmg into an Area damage. (Charge bow to 100%, keep charging, and it can deliver (depending on time spend) from 1-100% of main damage in a few meters area (same range as other explosions)). Or Simply have its own damage scale, changed to an element mod you have currently equiped (Random element, if multiple equiped).

    This would mean you would have to "Double charge" for the effect to kick in. But compared to a lousy, Random chance of 7.5-30% ? I would personaly pick this flavor over randomness. What do you guys think?

    I dont expect this to be added in the future at all. But It is worth mentioning.

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