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Posts posted by india_but

  1. I've been meaning to post this after seeing everyone's opinion on addiction and Warframe. There's alot of misconception that it is compulsion or bad habits. Addiction, real clinical addiction is partly these things, but comes with a whole different layer that people never talk about because it's very private or unknown to them. As an addict and a person that has gotten to know many personally, there is a pattern between addiction and Warframe. 1: Like many, many things in life, it provides an escape from reality. However, where it differs from say reading a book is that Warframe like many FTP games offer a continuous cycle of rewards and the ability to abuse the reward system in our brain. The addict or the person that is strictly looking for that constant escape will get that because they will be stuck on a cycle of continuous reward hunting without end (RNG) or (Obsurd challenges that are out of their scope of skill). "Doesn't that mean the addict is flawed and not the game or DE"? Not necessarly. This constant, never ending hunt also takes alot of time, effort, research, sometimes financial use and addition to your daily habits to be a functional player. I have 3.5k hours on this game and the sheer time sink early on to even get to good content was ludicious. Than when I got to the good content, I was met with lots and lots of RNG that would keep me farming T1-4 keys in hopes of something dropping. I will say, back when it was the towers, before relics were around it was easier to keyshare and get what you needed, but now, collecting prime equipment is part of your life. 2: Addicts look for any reason to use their drug and I mean any. Talk to a player that has top gear from sinking hours upon hours into this game in a short period of time or paid for all the primed access packs. I'm strictly excluding streamers here because they are doing it as a job and get publicity and financial kickback from playing the game. The average addict on the other hand doesn't they do what a streamer does without getting a realistic kickback. What they get is the A:fantasy that they are doing something important and B:escape from their mediocre lives. Yes I said mediocre because if it wasn't, we wouldn't be here and this wouldn't even be a discussion because addicts would be doing things like painting, drawing, building computer programs, *insert constructive hobby here, or hell, taking care of your family or putting in extra hours at work to have savings. I've read many post about people spending every waking hour on this game and many others. This game is addicting to EVERYONE because it gives us all something, never ending pleasure, a never ending ego stroke, never ending supply of "friends", never ending "wealth", all at the cost of our lives. You know what, i'm writing this because i'm right there in the mix. I'm escaping like everyone else from the stresses of my life to what I thought was an innocent gaming experience, that turned out to be a gambling casino in disguise.

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  2. Hey everyone. I'm pretty much just going out on a limb here and doing a shout out for players in the Pennsylvania Area. It seems like everyone here is a partier or some other kind of crazy and i'm sitting here just wanting to play Warframe on a Saturday night. Looking for like minded people in my area that aren't raging alcoholics or pot heads looking for the next hit, thank you and I hope I get some hits (If you touch my face, I will have to pull out my inner Kratos and kill my wife and child, if I had one, god i'm lonely, Daddy love me).

  3. I alt+tabbed and when I came back to the game, the screen kept flickering. The mouse kept going to the top left corner of the screen when I went into mouse mode using the foundry or browsed the options.

    This seems to be a new issue after POE. I never had it previous to the update.

  4. I talk to Konzu and the bounties start, but the timer to go to the plains doesn't. The mission type is random. Sometimes it's the easiest one, sometimes it's the hardest one.

    Other times the mission goes like normal, but after finishing 1 or 2 of the missions on the plains, it doesn't go to the third one.

    Also, didn't get a reward for bounty 2 because the reward screen never showed up.

    The drones sometimes go to a random spot on the map that is the furthest from the complete point. Once they make it to the random destination, it stops until it dies. I say at a mission for 5mins before I noticed what happened (jokes on me :D )

    Hope these issues make it to a bug fix. I'd like some consistency with the bounties.

  5. I only get the UI Error when I finish The Sergent on Phobos. No issues on any other missions as I know of. I'm pigment hunting, so i'm not quite sure if that has anything to do with it.

    EDIT: I just did the same mission without getting the pigment reward and had no issues with the UI. This is a mere assumptions, but I think it's the pigment that is throwing off the UI. I can't test it, but for the supports sake, just something to push things a bit. Also, If others have this issue, I found a temporary fix. When you finish the mission, and the timer is at 5, tab out to the desktop than let the timer run down when your not in game. It got me my other 3 pigments without the need to use the task manager.

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