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Posts posted by ALDO

  1. I am very happy you guys are doing this awesome fixes, however this last one broke my launcher. I can't even get the game to come out. Here is what happens:


    Click the game .exe

    Launcher opens

    Launcher hangs on "Checking for Updates"

    After 1m 27s 92mm launcher turns into the white/pale blue launcher with this message


    Update failed!

    The content servers are temporarily unavailable.


    The update will be restarted shortly..



    Now, I know I have internet, and everything else I have can run just fine, just not warframe. After waiting for this update to restart for about an hour, I closed the window and tried again. Please don't tell me I have to reinstall it...

    If I may, which region are you updating from? SEA or elsewhere? I'm getting this issue too and I'm trying to update from SEA region.

  2. I've been on a hiatus for about 8 days and counting since I got hacked on the 10th ~ 12th of December (I didn't play during those 2 days and logged in on the 12th to find everything gone.)


    There are two events underway and I don't know whether I should complete them or wait for support to reply to my ticket. I'm keeping my hacked account as "clean" as possible to hopefully preserve any evidence that the hacker might have left behind.


    By not doing any new activities or purchasing anything since that day, hopefully I achieve the following:


    - Preserving "Recent Players List" to hopefully be able to track the last few trades the hacker made (1.8k plat and many rare mods)

    - Preserving credit/platinum values exactly the same since the time the hacker logged out of my account

    - Preserving current inventory

    - Preventing any additional data to be saved onto my account


    With this, since I pretty much cannot do anything but to wait for support to acknowledge my ticket, I'm having concerns about whether or not I should continue playing yet.


    1. If I go ahead with using whatever warframes/weapons/equipment the hacker didn't delete/sell and use them to play (Matchmaking : Solo) the event, will I be able to retain the event rewards/badges after support resolves my issue?

    2. Does anyone know what actually happens to your account when you report a hacking incident?

    3. Anyone ever have a similar experience and have had Warframe Support respond to this issue?


    Please let me know, thanks! I'm dying to get back to playing WF and do not want to miss these two events!

  3. I hope they can help me in any way. Restarting WF from the start is not an option for me seeing that I've played most of the content for almost 2 years now.


    Never been hacked in my life. WF is the first time it has ever happened.


    Thanks for your advice guys! I'll just have to wait and hope for the best. Before any major event starts rolling by and me missing it :(

  4. Warframe support is open 9AM-6PM Monday to Friday (-5 GMT) 

    Warframe Support is currently under heavy load. Please expect longer than usual processing times while we work through the backlog.


    It's been 5 days since I submitted my ticket. I understand that they mentioned it is "under heavy load", but how could it take THIS long if support is online for ~8 hours daily for 5 days a week. Even going online Council Chat to try to chat with a Chat GM is futile as they are mostly AFK or do not reply to your questions.


    Maybe they posted only ONE person to handle thousands upon thousands of tickets? There's also no other way I can contact them if they don't ackowledge my ticket OR reply to me via the game's Council chat EVEN if they are online. Seems like they will reply to small chit-chat but when it comes to a "hacked account" issue, they go quiet all of a sudden.


    I've been trying for 5 days to contact them but to no avail. I'm just trying to understand how this is taking so long. 


    @WarframeSupport If you see this post, please help me :( My ticket number is 270407 (regarding hacked account - hacker took 1.8k plats, almost all creds spent thru trading plats away, sold away 90% of my Prime/weapons (Skana Prime included), and much more)



  5. I'd love to know who's behind this...


    It would be difficult to pinpoint the main source of the attacker - it could very well be hijacked networks operating through the numerous free VPN-services on a infinite-looping script that floods the servers with connection requests.


    Easy to execute, hard to stop.

  6. We may have lost our loyalty to one another and engaged in petty conflicts over resources, but I still think we should keep our honour. When defeating the Spectres in conflicts, they should kneel down to admit their defeat, then phase out in a blast of energy that reflects the Phased nature of their skins. That would look a lot more dignified than flopping down onto the ground and waiting for another Spectre to revive them.



    Also, could it be made such that when there is a Spectre nearby, drawing your melee weapon would prompt them that you are challenging them to an honourable melee duel and cause them to use their melee weapons only? Then if the Tenno switches back to their guns, they may do likewise.


    This could cause an a AI trolling-cycle where one player faces the Spectre and repeatedly switches weapons to "stun-lock" it in a weapon-cycling loop, leaving the other 3 players to mercilessly mow it down with guns blazing.


    It's what I would do.

  7. Remove everything from the cash-shop except for the vanity items.


    Allow everything to be traded. (Except clan-tech and complete weapons/warframes)


    Now everything people have will have been found by someone else and not spawned from the cash shop, so there will be an actual supply and demand. An economy can form, more social interaction due to trading, the rush option might actually get used, and the hilariously bad platinum prices for weapons/warframes will no longer be mocked. 


    DE may or may not lose money, depending on if they pump out more cosmetic items (which as this point I rather they do than another weapon) but the game becomes healthier as a whole. 


    Your proposed model would look something like what Valve is doing (and are very successful at) with DoTA 2 and TF2, of which I hope they would consider too, as seeing how the game is also on the Steam platform.


    A line is drawn between selling vanity items and selling game-breaking shortcuts.


    Every F2P game markets vanity items and are not frowned upon by the community as they offer no gameplay advantages over another player, rather they are merely a cosmetic add-on. If the game's mechanics are well thought-out and polished based on community feedback, then it will keep existing players as well as bring in more players to support the game through purchase of vanity items.


    What I mean by game-breaking shortcuts are items that are marketed which have a strong potential to unintentionally wreck the buyers' end-game. Warframe is about getting your grind on, acquiring those resources to craft new gear to play with. Initially, it was at a good balance up to the point where they introduced ClanTech into the market and prime part buying/selling. The exclusivity of these gear are no longer recognized by players and as a consequence blur the lines of what is considered starter or end-game content.


    - ClanTech could only be acquired with a Clan Dojo, building the required rooms, lab, researching the gear, buying the blueprint, getting the resources, and finally, crafting the Clan-exclusive content (Can be invited into a clan with finished research, but still need to buy BP+Resource+Creds)


    >>> Now can be bought in the Market, bypassing all the content above


    - Prime gear could only be acquired through purchase of a Prime Access pack or through getting strong enough to run multiple tiers of tower voids (Can be "piggybacked" by a high level friend but still required to do the content and run multiple times)


    >>> Full sets of prime gear can now be traded for a cheap price in Trading Section, requiring at least Mastery rank 3 to trade, bypassing all the content above




    When one focuses too much on trying to market shortcut features to players, the impression this gives to players is shifted towards selling shortcuts to reduce the grind set in place originally rather than selling vanity items that appeal to the player base because players enjoy the gameplay mechanics and want more

  8. With regards to the proposed end-game content that DE are planning, it's going to take quite some time for them to solidify and bring out an early-alpha version for us to play with. Latest to expect them should be no later than Q4 of 2014, or else it's just going to be filled with mini-Tenno Reinforcements and the occasional introduction of "new shortcut mechanics", for example the Legendary Cores and Prime part trading to bypass two supposedly end-game content they "used" to have, which are farming up resources to max mods and grinding towers for prime gear.

  9. While I was attempting to get a friend of mine into playing Warframe, I described Ember as a chicken woman. When he saw the frame, he told me that I ruined the frame for him.


    Last night, he ruined the default helmet of Nekros for me by describing it as "a gaping vagina". I've always used the Raknis helmet, but now I cannot unsee what the default one has turned into. I can't look at any Nekros wearing that helmet now.


    What frame/helmet is ruined for you and how was it? (Is Vauban? Booben looks like he has eight nipples...)


    I've got a psychiatrist I can recommend to you, he can help ease your pain. 

  10. I'm really holding back in this thread, Aldo, so I apologize.


    Warframe really doesn't need an "end boss" or "final boss" or even "end game." Shooters need to be about the small battles, not the large ones.


    If we were rewarded for style instead of grind, you'd see a huge change in the suggestions for end game.


    I agree with you fully on this one, Archistopheles.


    I'm kinda sad to see that Warframe followed a grind-for-loot system rather than that of say a game like Tom Clancy's shooters where it's a TPS focused on team objectives.


    I would much prefer to be rewarded for completing a team-based objective with style points rather than bum-rushing solo any content with Rhino Stomp insta-win.

  11. yep, what this game lacks is some sort of final-boss mode which you can farm for drops and things to sell. otherwise it's exactly as you said, "gotta mod em all!"


    my daily routine involves more "farm dat platinum" for colors and stuff like that however. but i guess that falls into your "check the trading tabs for good deals"


    Ah, thanks for mentioning that, I forgot to add that to the completionists' list ^_^

  12. Disclaimer: This is an accurate representation of my daily routine and does not, in any way, shape, or form, accurately reflect what DE intended for end-game to be. "End-game", for my case, is having all planet nodes unlocked, having most of the mods, having mastered all the prime frames/weapons and most of the other Warframes and weapons. (Optional: Purchasing all the syandanas, colour palettes, Immortal skins, and weapon skins // Extreme case: Purchasing all the Icon Packs)


    Phase 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I. Constantly check Warframe Tracker Apps for alerts or invasions that yield promising rewards

    II. Start out by checking Warframe for any upcoming updates/livestreams/devstreams

    III. Log in daily to roll for a daily reward

    IV. Maintenance on titan extractors on four planets (Orokin Cell/Neurodes/Neural Sensors)

    V. Claim your completed Forma and start construction for another one (if you have the blueprints)

    VI. Toggle the Recruiting and Trading chat tabs to get the feed up and running

    VII. Enter Clan dojo and queue/claim any frame/weapon research



    Phase 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I. Do alerts if yield Orokin Catalyst/Reactor or Forma

    II. Do invasions if yield Orokin Catalyst/Reactor or Forma

    III. Check Trading for any mod sellers of mods I don't currently own or good deals

    IV. Switch to Arsenal and equip gear yet to be mastered

    V. Get onto Recruiting and run keys over and over until said gear are maxed

    VI. With accumulated credits and fusion cores from key grind, pump into X/10 Mods



    Phase 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I. Repeat daily


    That is a quick peek into the current end-game for Warframe.
    Planets: Check
    Warframes: Check
    Weapons: Check
    Prime Gear: Check
    Orokin Derelict Keys: Check
    Tower Void Keys: Check
    End-game boss: Non-existent (unless Lephantis is considered as one)
    Mods: On-going
    Completing planetary nodes and mastering warframes, weapons, and Prime gear contribute to a higher Mastery Rank.
    - Planets, warframes, and weapons can be worked on as soon as the tutorial is completed.
    - Eventually leading up to earning Orokin Derelict Keys and Tower Void Keys, which yield Prime Gear.
    - Having a person piggyback through every said content is also an option
    Mastery Rank improvement opens up more rank-locked Warframes and weapons to further improve rank.
    Nekros, can arguably be an end-game frame from the end-game bossLephantis. Let me explain further.
    Lephantis is the "final" boss found in the Orokin Derelict Assasination Mission, which takes 1 hour to build a key
    Nekros' blueprint costs the highest, valued at 100,000 credits
    Coming back to Mastery Rank, aside from unlocking more content, it allows for deployment of more Titan Extractors and most importantly, MORE TRADES PER DAYThis ties very well with the end-game goal of collecting all the mods available in-game.
    With that said, I come to the conclusion that...
    Mods ARE the true end-game. This is what continues to keep players' interest by going back and hunting for mods either by grinding a particular loot table or by buying them from a seller in the Trading chat. One can have completed everything else but mods are never truly finished. Mods exist in Warframe to allow infinite re-playability of already mastered gear by allowing trial-and-error combinations.
    Should Warframe's end-game be synonymous with mods? Because that's what it is to me now, a Pokedex simulator. I just gotta catch'em all, WARFRAMON!
  13. Problem: The auto-roll mechanic kicks in during undesirable moments causing the player to constantly fall off edges and die, occasionally trapping the player in an endless loop of rolling into the same hole from the respawn point.




    - Adding fall damage to compensate for the event that character does not auto-roll due to certain circumstances


    Currently, players that jump from a certain height will trigger the auto-roll mechanic when they touch the ground and it causes them to roll forward where their reticle was last pointed before touchdown. By implementing a fall damage mechanic, the "movement AI" could calculate whether or not to break-fall depending on where they will be rolling towards. If there is at least X amount of distance for a safe roll to be executed, then fall damage will be absorbed by rolling. However, if the distance X would lead the character to fall, die, and respawn, auto-roll mechanic would not kick in and instead the character would perform a harsh landing, stopping where he/she landed and sustain fall damage as a result. Think about it this way: Would you choose to break fall just to roll off a cliff and die instead or choose not to break fall and just absorb the impact with a harsh landing, sustaining damage BUT avoiding death by not rolling off the cliff?


    This offers more strategic parkouring as compared to the current "hold slide to cancel every parkour move", which still might have you sliding off the edge. Another good implementation could be having momentum built-up from the jump height x distance. For example. if one jumps from a further distance and greater height, after a break-fall roll he would pick up more speed after the roll as compared to one who jumps from a more vertical position and does not cover much horizontal distance to generate momentum. 


    - Adding an edge-grab mechanic if a character auto-rolls off the edge


    In addition to the above solution, if in any case the calculations fail to stop the roll, the character will acknowledge that he/she is about to roll off the edge and die, performing an edge-grab/wall-grab instead. The animations for the wall-slide and/or vault-up grab can be utilized here. This will add more fluidity to the movement structure and also could add a possible gameplay mechanic to lure the AI to chase a player off the edge, but the player instead pretends to fall off and hangs onto the ledge, firing his weapon from a hanging position. 


    - Speeding up animations for parkour and adding more variants as to how one would clear an obstacle or add more fluent varieties


    People slide to avoid parkouring animations simply because they make no sense as to how it breaks all momentum and slows you down to a halt, requiring you to start up the sprinting animation again. This has caused alot of people to die while parkouring as a result of getting shot by enemies while in a parkouring animation. Right now, to most people, parkouring consists of mostly holding shift to maintain momentum, because PARKOUR is all about maintaining MOMENTUM, not breaking it, like what the current parkour mechanics are doing.


    - Allowing players to either tap-space jump or charge their jumps


    Currently, jumping occurs by tapping the jump key. Adding a "hold space to charge jump power" would open up endless possibilities in terms of movement fluidity and more importantly, to be able to gauge the distance and power required to clear a jump. Players more often than not choose NOT to trigger Parkouring moves because they stop momentum and are extremely slow and sluggish to perform. Doing a vault or wall-grab slows players down and are very susceptible to enemy fire. With this mechanic, together with fixes for auto-rolling, it opens up a whole new playground for players to experiment and hone their skills in clearing obstacles and finding the best spot to jump from and where to land to keep the momentum going, or simply, as the core of Parkour states, getting from point A to B in the most efficient way as possible without losing momentum.

  14. It is bad and should be re-assessed.


    It's why games have Soul-bound equipment and bind-on-equip or bind-on-pickup items, level requirements, etc. In here, as long as a player is eligible for trade, he can get prime (legendary) weapons.


    How is that healthy for "end-game"? These players would then NOT need to do end-game content, since they just buy "legendaries". That's bringing F2P to shame. Of course, it's just my opinion.


    "Exclusive"ness is a term that many RPG's strive on, knowing that you have a weapon or frame that requires time, effort, and luck to acquire and therefore puts you in a so-called "glorified" status, if you will. This has all gone down the drain. No point comparing weapons when every other person can easily acquire a Fang Prime or Ember Prime.


    To the arguments stating that it's a PVE, co-op game and that whatever his gear or how he acquires them has no direct impact on your gameplay: How would you feel as a guy who's been through all those towers and orokin voids, all that time and praying that you get the part this time, when a guy just tells you that he got every prime item within a few days of trading? Nobody will recognize the effort you put in anymore, the underline driving force that keeps veterans playing on and on (to be recognized for their efforts and time put into the game and be able to show for it) is now diminished to the point that no one would give a sh!t about your gear anymore.  

  15. Don't know what has happened, but a lot of players that i personally played with, and many others that i knew, are just leaving the game.  I get on warframe and I almost have nothing to do anymore.... I also feel myself playing the game much less often and doing other things and going to other games.  I really can't put my finger on a single thing, but its just a trend i'm seeing.  For some reason I'm not finding the enjoyment i used to in the game anymore, 


    Anyone else have the same experience? would be good if people could share, and the reason to why so many people are leaving (at-least from what i have seen lately)




    There are now two new reasons why people would leave the game now...


    1. Prime parts being ridiculously easy to obtain now, it's just right there in the trading chat log. Once they buy those parts they have been farming, the reason to play towers would be gone. Because survival and defense reward scaling do not scale well with the enemy levels, where even at 60 minutes, e'ffing credits would appear, exactly the same as the 5 minute reward, there would be less reason for people to earn keys and do towers now that every part is just a trade away.


    2. Exploited legendary cores, period. They spent days and weeks farming up the fusion cores and credits for ranking up mods, only to know that people have insta-maxed their rank 10 mods by exploiting the "compensation". People that log in to trade with others, now are disadvantaged due to inflation and all their hard work just seem meaningless now that legendary cores are around.

  16. Problem is, the BP would become the "unobtainable" part with Korea-Tier drop chances.


    I didn't expect prices to fall so quickly btw. I've been grinding thorugh almost 60 T3MD keys without getting my deserved Ember Prime Systems, and now I bought them for 1 Platinum.


    Made me feel good for finally getting what I wanted for almost no Price.

    Also made me feel like S#&$ for wasting all that time and effort before Prime Trading became a thing.


    Make of that what you will. IMO It still needs a little barrier, but Sheldon did me a real favor here.


    Ember Prime System for 1 Platinum or Grinding 60 T3MD keys? Most would choose the 1 Platinum route, taking a hyper-accelerated warp jump to end-game, thus ending the game for them. No more reason to log on to attempt to RNG the part, no more reason to keep doing the dreaded T3MDs, no more reason to play on.


    First and foremost, this game was advertised as a free-to-play third-person shooter, which is what most people entering the game expected they would be playing. Mods TCG-style are just an added bonus and neat feature that would be a surprise to players. Even to me. They would be playing for the RPG-element of collecting loot, in this case would be primarily the legendaries like prime weapons and stalker/harvester weapons. I believe the current end-game content would be the Orokin voids and towers with the goal of collecting all the prime items. 


    I'm afraid within the next few weeks, 90% of the players will reach this point where they have bought everything "end-game" and have 0 reason to continue playing.


    One could argue that the same thing could happen with trading mods until all mods have been obtained. But look at it from this point of view:


    There are 270+ mod cards to collect. Most of the time you would need multiple versions of a mod due to power restrictions and even sentinels can use them. Mods range from 1 - 700 plats, depending on many factors (rank, rarity, new weapons/warframes, new sentinels, demand-supply).


    Now look back again at Prime parts, there aren't a lot. 54 prime parts in total to collect, including BPs. And they are, as NetDefault mentioned, going for as low as 1p each. Eventually, you'd be able to buy the entire prime set for 54 plats, if lucky.

  17. +1 to the OP


    I think what irks a lot of warframe players, the traders in particular, is the inevitable inflation of items and de-valuing of prime items.


    1. As more and more people trade prime parts, their worth will be next to nothing after a few days. (It's happening now across all regions.) A catalyst + slot Frost in the Market costs 375 platinum. A Prime Frost costs 30 platinum for full set, with additional 20 plat for catalyst + 20 plat for slot, for a total of 70 platinum. Even with rushing considered, 35+35+35+50 = 155 + 70 = 225 platinum for Frost Prime full-rush.  It's like paying 5 dollars for a diamond-embedded AK-47 with extra modification slots, compared to someone who bought a regular AK-47 at their local gun store. It can either go two ways, less people would be farming Tower runs as parts can be bought instantly, or more people would be running towers to farm parts, but eventually give up as inflation catches on.


    2. For a RNG-based game, trading parts has really taken out the special feeling one gets from earning the special loot. Of course, it doesn't directly affect you to the point that you can't touch the game anymore, but you'll feel it, when you've spent time to earn this particular weapon set, and someone on your team says, "Oh nice, you bought _____ Prime too? Got my full set yesterday for 30 plats."


    3. What keeps many players logging in day after day are the hopes that TODAY is the day that I get my prime part, TODAY I'm feeling lucky to run some towers. That's all gone to S#&$ now, is it? Many will just subject to buying the parts, and very quickly reach the point where there's nothing else for them to do in the game. It's human nature. When there's an easy way out, they would take it, not knowing that it could potentially wipe out their reason to keep playing the game. The implications of this trade change are more devastating than you know. When one takes an "end-game" content and makes it extremely quick and easy to obtain, they need to counter that with other end-game content that's sufficient enough to keep players from reaching a dead-end. Currently, there is none.


    Possible solution:
    Make prime trading exclusive to trading prime part for prime part and not platinum/mods/keys. This would create better demand-and-supply of parts instead of just paying plats. If this week, reaper prime blade is in high demand, more people would continue to do the corresponding towers to try to obtain the blade to trade for other parts they need. Making them "sellable for plats" totally gimps the idea that Prime parts are special weapons.
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