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Posts posted by akacorpse

  1. I don't think this is a problem, really... the game isn't designed for you to sit in a room for half an hour killing mobs, unless it's a defense mission. You're supposed to kill things on the way to the objective, kill things on the way to extraction, and leave. If you're tired of killing things, it really doesn't hurt your xp gain to rush to the end of the mission and start a new one.

  2. I love capes, cloaks, and the like as much as anyone. But we're ninjas. Ninjas that "wear" skin-tight nanosuits that resemble a set of tight-fitting footie pajamas, excluding Frost, Vauban, and Rhino.


    Adding some flowy cloth waving in the breeze every time some asshat breaks open a window on a ship is going to look absolutely ridiculous.


    Please visualize an 7' adult wearing footie pajamas with a cape. It's dumb. Stop promoting dumb. -,-

  3. For those that haven't seen:




    Lotus is suggesting that there could either be an alert mission or that Glaive blueprints will be dropped at a set location from a specific mission. Possibly even as broad as a specific world. She's hinting that the Grineer may have intercepted a shipment of blueprints somewhere in our solar system. Where?


    My two cents:


    Saturn. The short bio when hovering over Saturn states that it is "A Grineer stronghold with well protected shipping lanes and training orbiters for their Elite troops."


    As I type this, an Alert shows up for Saturn. o,0 Interesting.


    -Edited out my retard, this post is now theorycraft.

  4.   When I first looked up these weapons my first thought was they are going to get nerfed BUT I still crafted them anyways...Honestly devs you can't release content then nerf it the next day. The fang comes into mind. 

    "You can't release content then nerf it the next day."

    -The Most Oblivious Beta Player Ever


    The game is still in Beta, balancing, tweaking, nerfing, and buffing WILL and SHOULD happen during this time as often as possible. Complaining that you only got to use the overpowered version of Fang for one day til it got nerfed closer to the level that the developers envisioned it at is petty and childish.

  5. Just get the Paris, super charge it, level it to 30 with ranked up damage mods, and enjoy one-shotting Captain Vor.


    Paris is really the only primary I use, besides the boltor when I need a little more fire rate or accuracy isn't a priority. (Defense Missions)

  6. I actually made a mistake by spending some of my founder's platinum on frames and weapons. That basically killed the progression and satisfaction feeling from the game for me. My first weapon i made through foundry was Paris, followed by DHS and Ember and Rhino warframes. I had fun collecting the materials, the feeling was great when i finally could hit the Build button.

    Then i bought the Hunter set as i wanted to support the game, and being little impatient decided to unlock few weapons and warframes.

    Now i'm just kinda waiting for the game to go retail and for the optional reset, just so i could start over and use that platinum on something else (colours, frame/weapon slots, reactors/catalysts etc etc) that does not kill the game for me. But i fear that the wait will be long, and don't feel like playing before that, as everything i achieve now will be gone with the reset.


    I did the same thing... I haven't straight up bought platinum yet, but I have my founder's pack. I still play because I love the game, though I do hope they come out with the reset much faster than when the game launches.

  7. Since the Paris was implemented, I've used it about 99.99% of all missions I've played. Now that it's maxed out, the only time I'm not topping damage is when I'm leveling another weapon or getting kills stolen via Uber Ability wars during defense misisons.

    I refuse to use shotguns simply as a personal choice. (I hate anyone that uses a shotgun in PvP FPS games, CoD, Halo, etc. so I don't use them, even in other games.) [size=4]I'm building the Boltor just to have an automatic should the need ever arise.[/size]

    [size=4]Other than that, I have a few sidearms and nearly all the melee weapons in my arsenal, because that's how I enjoy playing. Players are free to play however they'd like, even more so during beta than when the game actually launches.[/size]

    [size=4]TL;DR - Play with friends if you don't like random groups?[/size]

    [size=4]Also, new players probably aren't on the forums much o,0 Who reads forums anymore... God.[/size]

  8. Redirection is the hard one to get I still don't have it.

    I got four in a single raid mission the day the patch hit. <,< And I'd already had 2 from a couple days after U7 hit.


    I get Serration all the time =/

    Not trying to sound cocky, I'm just usually never the "lucky" one where RNG comes in, but it seems I am rather lucky this time around. It definitely exists.

  9. I do not believe you understood my frustration, I want to take my time, enjoy the game for what it is, help people through systems and such and still make enough credits to progress my Warframe and Weapons.

    But thank you for your thoughtful reply and good hunting.

    Everyone is taking Update 7 the wrong way... you really have to step back and look at the bigger picture. Sure, Update 7 set players back with the new mod system, causing them to farm... what were they doing in U6? Farming Xini for.. mods. Farming bosses for.. blueprints.

    Farming IS what the game is right now, but it's still in beta... they're still trying to calibrate the game into the direction they want to go and there's still tons of content they are planning to add and/or change when they see it necessary. We're all playing the game as if it's already released (Because we frikken love this game, amirite?) but we have to understand that we're technically still in the testing phase up until the point where they announce that the game has officially released. Sit tight and be patient, Tenno, changes are coming.

  10. I get a reddish pink tint going on when I turn it off, I like the darker, more saturated blues and purples I get when I play with it on, so I keep it on.

    I also play with Bloom on, because I happen to like the reflections and glows of the bright colors in contrast with the darker ones, not blinding at all to me.

  11. Depends of what can be traded... If it's just crafting items like Neurodes, BPS and Frame part

    Similar to how Vindictus does tis player market

    I don't think it be that bad.

    If it's trade frames, weapons and OR/OCs then it might lead to a problem.

    Agreed, If mods and blueprints can be traded and you have a clan that happens to be super lucky, there's really no reason to ever try and farm your way to the top, which is really the entire reason of the game as it stands right now. (Which I feel will change, beta being beta and all)

  12. +1!

    I get this alot when zooming in (aiming) and it is impossible to be certain of if the enemies will be hit or not if you open fire.

    I read somewhere that yes...you could use the switch camera possition (H-button?)

    Just got one thing to say about that:


    Re-bind the key to a key you can react to faster? o,0 "~","Tab","Alt", etc. Plenty of keys that go unused in default settings just begging to be changed. =D

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