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Posts posted by Guizhelhert

  1. 2 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    Your argument is weak. We dont have enough credits to buy what we want...with alerts was much more democratic! Now we are STUCK in this crap !

    If you knew about democracy u would knew that only now you have a choice to do or not to do the missions to get the rewards u seek.

    Also u can skip 40% of the Nightwave and STILL get all the rewards.

    Before u would have to stay logged or looking for a specific alert all day to get what u wanted.

    There is nothing democratic about that (old system of alerts).

    15 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    Yes! Why? This system is poor, boring, force us to play boring missions and broken things like hunting animals in orb valis....

    Also, the animal hunt is not broken, people just don't know how to interpret the mission and blame the game for it.

    You need to get 6 DIFFERENT perfect captures, that means that u cannot do the same animal more than once or it will not count.

    More info look at this video from Gas TTV about it:


  2. Remember that u need to get 6 DIFFERENT perfect captures, that means that u cannot do the same animal more than once or it will not count.

    At least is what it seems when u read it.

    More info look at this video from Gas TTV about it :

    If u guys think is to hard, just skip it.

    U can get to the end while skipping 40% of the missions (Steve said it).

    So dont force yourselves doing things u dont like.



  3. I'm sorry but this seems a overreaction for me.

    Sabotage caches are not hard to find, just go on Earth and do the ones there, its pretty fast with the tile-sets where it spawn being easy to find.

    Yeah, i agree that Nightwave is not the perfect system but at least it give goals for people focus on in-game instead of "finding your own fun" like it used to be.

    Plus u have a hole week to work on them.

    Even a casual like me can get it done in the weekend.

    And the most important part, please dont talk like u know what everyone thinks like u did in the comments.

    You are just one dude and u do not speak for the hole community when u are expressing your opinion.

    For example, i find fun looking for caches in sabotage missions, and just like Spy Missions, it getting easier when u have more experience on where to look for them while playing.

    The way u complained about all the missions being boring and tedious just led me to think u dont even like the gameplay loop in the first place so, why are u even forcing yourself to play the game if u dont feel like it?

    You can still get the rewards while skipping 40% of the Nightwave for Christ sake *___* ) /

    Just try to chill and have fun while playing games, because that's what they are made for in the first place, to have fun.

    If u are not having fun try to take a break or play other games, maybe u will feel better and find what made u like to play Warframe again.

  4. Hello there.

    Since the release of Fortuna (Update 24.0) back in November 8th my Vectis Tekelu Skin (the one they gave for free back when POE release) is completely pixelated/bugged.


    I've tried to reach out for some Youtubers Discords to see if they know about the bug or care to share this with DE but no luck.

    So i decided to post it here to see if this comes to DE knowledge.

    I also posted this on Reddit but again, not much attention.

    Also, in the reddit response a player said that all his Tekelu skins are this way so probably all the Tekelu Skins are affected.

    I'll leave the link for a album i made on Imgur with the weapon visual and some comparison.


    I appreciate if you guys can raise some awareness with DE about this since alot of people like those skins (like me! fashion-frame ftw! hehe).

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Added a picture to illustrate the BUG.

  5. I dont get the "bad vibes" about the new mod.

    Vacuum for beast pets is awesome!

    And for those wondering about how it will work, i suggest looking again at the video of the stream at the 35 minutes mark.

    They shown us that the new Fetch mod is EXACTLY THE SAME THAT THE VACUUM.

    So no running around collecting stuff, its straight up vaccum for pets.

    I just wonder when it will be release, since they said that today's update is the last before fortuna and still no sign of it.

    I guess we're gonna need to wait a litle more.



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