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Posts posted by (PSN)CyphaSignals

  1. Just give me a survival that starts at lvl 80 or 100 that drops every insane resource like mut samples, titanium, arcane energize, Vitus essense, Kuva, etc...hell, even plat is you reach 3 hrs in it.

  2. Bruh, did anyone acknowledge that her 3rd can be used for CC?  That's all I (personally) need for her to be usable again.  1st augment, Adaptation, 150 strength, a couple arcanes and a map CC that allows me to return to my attack animations during the stun unlike her 4th.  Everything else is fine

    If ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING else, make her 4th a little stronger to account for stronger lvl's or increase the range and cut the animation in half or something.  Just give her CC and an armor strip is all I'm saying.


    EDIT : She is fine solo, giving her a CC stun is enough to bring her up to speed.  Not every frame need to be a fully loaded toolbox for solo.  That's what good modding and skills are for.

  3. I'm just kinda over the dice / lootbox feel of the kuva -> riven rolling system.  This idea simply adds to what is already there.


    Name : Tentative (really up to DE)
    Location : Iron Wake

    It's really pretty simple. Lets use a riven like:

    93% Critical Damage
    2 Range
    8 Seconds Combo Duration
    -148% Critical Chance


    In the case of this riven you could visit Iron Wake and effectively pay Kuva to change the riven stats to your liking.  Here is how it would work:

    1. Unlock a stat-line for 10k-25k Kuva

    2. Change a stat-line to a different stat for 10k-25k Kuva

    3. Add a Negative for 25k-50k Kuva

    4.  Remove a line for 25k-50k Kuva

    ***(Amounts would be up to DE to determine should this be considered)

    What this would basically allow you do is to convert that riven to something like this:


    224% Melee Damage
    2.6 Range
    -83% Status Duration


    It would be:

    20k (Unlock 2 Stat-Lines, Crit Dmg = 10k and -Crit Chance = 10k)
    ---50k High (25k+25k)

    25k (Removing Combo Duration Stat-Line)
    ---50k High

    10k (Changing Crit Dmg to Melee Dmg)
    ---25k High

    Total : 55k Kuva
    ---125k Kuva High

    NOTE : You will still have the ability to roll the riven for random stats as usual for 3.5k Kuva BUT in doing this it will relock the riven requiring the unlocking process to happen all over again.


    In this state, the riven is considered "unlocked".  To relook the riven, simply roll the riven for 3.5k (the way it is now) and you'r back to normal.  As far as trading, they can be traded but only after relocking.  This is totally up to how hard something like putting a "lock/unlocked" flag on a riven would be but if it's really gonna be a pain, just make them traceable.

    The amount of Kuva spent isn't really the issue though, as long as my kuva farming has an end goal.  I'm not saying 100k kuva for a stat or nothing, but something high yet at least reasonable and realistically satisfying to aim for (work vs reward).


    A few things I believe would happen.

    1. Overall weapon exploration would go up.  People would be MUCH more enticed to work with different weapons being they can ensure their efforts will not go to waste when developing a build for it.

    2. People I 100% believe will pay plat in the trade chat just for someone else to farm the kuva and make the riven (aka, what is happening right now), ultimately not disturbing the state of the current trade chat in a bad way and if any, restoring more of a balance to the trade chat pricing practices being you are now technically trading kuva AND a riven and not just the riven itself.
       ---Be honest to guys, you sold or bought that bootleg riven roll for 400p and it did not feel good did it?  This would change that for both the buyer and the seller.

    3. People will actually be more enticed to farm kuva moreso being it's not a true dice roll.
       ---The most common complaint I hear is that you get 2.5 random rolls for 1 hour of work which is frankly dissatisfying. (Forget boosters for now)

    4.  More creativity and exploration amongst the build community (less "meta" = less need for revisiting weapons).  This should actually really help is adjusting weapons as needed if needed as well being the absolute NEED for riven in most EVERY case for most the weapons now, you can simply adjust the rivens disposition similar to how it's been recently.

    5.  Overall better player experience regarding the riven system.  IDK if it is actually a thing or not, but the terms "Riven 2.0" for Liches and "Riven 3.0" for wreckage doesn't carry a positive association.  This should help change that phrase a bit for the better, resulting in a better overall image of the game, the grind, the business, and the community (maybe I'm dreaming but I feel it in my bones lol)

    In all seriousness, I've been asking players across the PS4 community (in-game), and I've been getting a TON of positive feedback.  I did explain that paying plat for Kuva, though it would be nice, would A. be extremely expensive and B. more than likely would not happen anyways.  Even with that, they love the idea and I would like to know if this is something not only others players would like to have a discussion about, but if DE would be interested in playing with the idea of "creating" or "customizing" a riven, removing not just gambling with Kuva from the game, but helping improve the bad reputation in-game trading has brought on itself as well (not fully, but should help nonetheless).


    The idea is out there now.  This is pretty thought out but I would love for people to play devil's advocate to come up with loop-hole resolutions as they arise.  Hope to hear everyone's feedback :)

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